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Anyone home school in this situation?

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The main home school planning/teaching parent is a 4 hour drive away from home 5 days a week (except holidays). Online and phone communication is available in the evenings and during that parent's lunch break at work.


The other parent can be physically available more because works/schools from home, but is very busy and can't focus on student all day.


Student is in middle school and capable of independent work for some things, but needs serious remediation in math. Student had a rough time with the physical demands of brick and mortar school and is not doing well with online school's output demands and pace.


A part time enrichment program for 2 days/week is available. Primary/core subject instruction would be at home. Student is resistant to doing school work on the weekend because that is when friends are available to play.

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I had pre-schoolers in that situation.


Would it be possible in that situation to hire a tutor to remediate for math and help grade? Grader / math tutor? That would take some of the load off the parent who could help set goals and work as a team with the tutor.

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I had pre-schoolers in that situation.


Would it be possible in that situation to hire a tutor to remediate for math and help grade? Grader / math tutor? That would take some of the load off the parent who could help set goals and work as a team with the tutor.

A math tutor is a possibility.

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I am long-distance homeschooling ds in high school now.  He is doing a complete online high school which obviously makes a big difference, but I still talk to him every day on Skype and sometimes spend up to an hour helping him.  Usually that's with writing assignments where he's required to collaborate with adults as part of the assignment, but also with anything he might be having trouble with.  Having a set time to Skype with him is important for us.


With your situation, I think I would hire a math tutor if at all possible.  

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I would do it because the student is older and the brick and mortar school didn't work. I would hire a math tutor or put her in an online math class where the teacher is available for her and work on math a little on the weekends. 

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I haven't done anything like that, but knowing that b&m school didn't work I'd say it could be a good thing. I'd insist on a half day on weekends (in exchange for other time off instead, obviously). I'd hire that math tutor for sure and do the enrichment school. Seems worth a shot at least.

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