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Anyone read House of Leaves by Danielewsky


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My ds(15) is a very good reader, having just finished Brothers Karamazov. He really liked Catch 22 and Saughterhouse 5 and is interested in reading another post-modern book.  House of Leaves looks interesting as my ds enjoys gothic/horror.  Has anyone read it?


DS does not like depressing books (he hated Metamorphosis); does not like books *revolving* around sex (Brave New World); and also doesn't want to be super scared (He has read all of Lovecraft and Poe and Victorian ghost stories but no modern horror).  


I understand that House of Leaves has some sexual content, but is more of an aside to the story referenced in the numerous footnotes.  Is it graphic? or just a side note? Is it skippable in general? Is the horror aspect gruesome or just creepy?  Is the book depressing?


I understand that the book is very challenging to read, kind of like a puzzle.  I think this will be ok as ds has read the mixed up plots of both Cats Cradle by Vonnegut and Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy and loved them both.  But is it challenging to the point of really annoying?


Thanks for any insights,


Ruth in NZ 


ETA: I'm running a thread on the high school board on post modern literature if anyone wants to stop by. (-:


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I started reading it and stopped just because I got busy. I was really enjoying it but it takes a lot of focus as much of the text is in the form of notes written on scraps and you have to track fonts and ideas from different points of view. I'm planning to fully read it in October as a "spooky" read for Book a Week. It's made the top of many "scariest book ever" lists.


I can't say how gruesome it gets throughout but there was at least one disconcerting scene involving blood in the part I did read. The footnotes are essential and long, like 3 pages for one footnote. They tell part of the story and cannot be skipped. The book is written from the POV of different people, one of which is a "diary" (in quotes because it's a ton of loose and cryptic notes).


I also think it's somewhat depressing because much of the focus of the book is on disenfranchised people who live on the edges of society.


If you decide to go for it, it's better to splurge for the full color book as it's helpful to have the fonts in different colors.

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I read it a couple of years ago, Lewelma.


Honestly, I don't remember much sexual about it. I'm sure there was sex, but nothing graphic, probably more of a "this happened".


I didn't find it depressing, but I found it odd--well, maybe a tiny bit depressing. Though there's one depressing twist--doesn't involve children, though. I liked it more than Metamorphosis. 


I liked the strangeness and the interlocking stories. I don't think they're that complicated to keep apart.

I enjoyed the eeriness of it.


I found the ending too ambiguous and I came away oddly unsatisfied.


I wouldn't have any problem with my 14-year-old daughter reading it.


ETA: I agree about making sure you get the book with colored fonts, etc. Adds to the read.  I borrowed one from the library.





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I read it years ago and I don't remember a ton about it except one major twist. I don't think there's anything that should stop a 15 year old boy from trying it.  It's a novelty novel, but it's not a bad one.  It's creepy in a "is this house messed up, or is the guy just losing him mind.... or BOTH?" kind of way.

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I tried reading it twice & quit it twice because I found it too creepy. That said, I'm thinking a 15yo guy might not be creeped out by it like I was.


I have never read Catch 22, but I did read (& love) a book that was compared to it: A Case of Exploding Mangoes by Mohamed Hanif. Mentioning it because it may be one your ds would enjoy.


A modern book that's a mix of horror & humor (yes, that is weird enough in & of itself, lol) is John Dies at the End. I found it very funny & the horror was fine (as in I could still sleep at night). Very fun book that I highly recommend.


And, one more 'spooky' book to recommend: The Supernatural Enhancements by Edgar Cantero.


(FYI, I am giving these recommendations based on the fact that, like your ds, I'm a huge fan of Vonnegut & Poe.)

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I read it --it's Weird. And creepy. It's actually one of my favorite novelty novels, as poppy calls it.

One of the story lines had a lot sex. Adult, not porn, but pretty descriptive. You just have to know your kid. I wouldn't let mine read it quite yet, but I don't think she'd want to.

Some of the images still haunt me, in a good creepy way.


Did you know about the lines on the cover and how they came about?



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I read it --it's Weird. And creepy. It's actually one of my favorite novelty novels, as poppy calls it.

One of the story lines had a lot sex. Adult, not porn, but pretty descriptive. You just have to know your kid. I wouldn't let mine read it quite yet, but I don't think she'd want to.

Some of the images still haunt me, in a good creepy way.


Did you know about the lines on the cover and how they came about?


I don't!

Enlighten me. :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks everyone! Sounds like it is a go.   :thumbup1:


I also don't know about the lines on the cover.


Ruth in NZ


Part of the pattern is supposed to be the lines that would form in sand if you put it on the top of a speaker playing the frequency that is heard in the house.


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