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Memorial Press Memory technique- "Disappearing Lines"

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The intro to 'Living Memory' references a memory technique called "disappearing lines" and links to a Memoria Press article describing the technique. However, the article seems to be missing and I can't track it down anywhere.


Can anyone describe this memory technique or point me to an online resource?


Many thanks!


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I'm not sure if this is exactly what the article was referencing, but it sounds like the technique we use:

Write the passage on a whiteboard,

Read it aloud,

Erase the last line,

Read the whole thing aloud again, with the erased line recited from memory,

Erase the next bottom line,

Read the whole thing aloud again, now reciting the last two lines from memory,

Repeat until the whole thing is erased.

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I'm not sure if this is exactly what the article was referencing, but it sounds like the technique we use:

Write the passage on a whiteboard,

Read it aloud,

Erase the last line,

Read the whole thing aloud again, with the erased line recited from memory,

Erase the next bottom line,

Read the whole thing aloud again, now reciting the last two lines from memory,

Repeat until the whole thing is erased.


I can't find the article either, but the previous poster basically describes the process except that MP erases the first line instead of the last.

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