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FALL allergies???

Janie Grace

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Oh, for real? In my mid-30's, I started suffering from spring allergies for the first time ever. It's 3-4 weeks of pollen-induced misery during some of the loveliest days of the year. Now here I am thinking I have a cold or strep throat or something (sore throat, sneezing, itchy eyes) and it just dawned on me that maybe something is "blooming" this time of year, too. I looked and found out that grass and weed pollen are "very high." I really think that's what is going on with me.


Is anyone else suffering right now? If so, what are you taking for it? Claritin and Zyrtec give me anxiety symptoms (I had never experienced that before, but it is VERY much tied to using those drugs). I discovered Flonase this spring and it worked great... guess I'll give that a shot unless someone here has a different suggestion. The world of fall allergies is new to me, so I would love to hear any BTDT advice.


I'm so sad because I have been loving having my windows open and AC off. So long, fresh air... :(


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I wish my allergies had waited until my 30's! I take Flonase (steroid Nose spray), Astepro (antihistamine nose spray, rx) and Zrytec.


Also Afrin at night for up to 4 nights in a row. Then at least a week off because it is addictive to your nasal passages.


Benedryl is generally the most effective antihistamine but it causes drowsiness for most people. If you are really suffering you can take it at night.


Other helps: You may want to upgrade the filter in your hvac and run the house fan 24x7 for a while to remove the pollen currently in the house. Wash your hair before bed every night to remove pollen. Change your pillow cases often to put pollen free fabric next to your face at night. Maybe have everyone change into clean clothes at the front door to limit pollen being tracked around the house. Neti pot or similar can really make a difference, too.


Unfortunately, allergy management is a lifestyle here.


I hope you feel better soon! Winter is coming! :)

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An ounce of prevention, as they say, is better (and cheaper!) than a pound of cure.


Wear a hat or a headscarf when outside. When you come in, change your clothes, wash your hands and face. Rinse your eyes frequently (and I find it's both cheaper and more effective to use anti-histimine eyedrops than a pill such as zyrtec). Consider investing in a neti pot. Shower at least once daily. Get an air purifier for the most problematic rooms - bedroom for sure, and any other room where you spend a great deal of time.

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The only allergies I have are the fall allergies.  I take Zyrtec when they strike, but it takes me a few days to acclimate.  I feel sluggish and tired for two days once I start taking it, then I even out and feel fine.


Allegra works for me for my cat allergy, but it's more expensive so I haven't tried it for the fall allergies.  Since it could be months until we get that hard frost/freeze to take care of the allergens, I go with the Zyrtec.

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I have horrible fall allergies.  DD and I take Alavert, which contains the same drug as Claritin.  Zyrtec worked much better for my allergies, but left me too sleepy to function, so I stick with Alavert.  We also try to eat local honey (gathered in the fall) since it helps with allergies.  


 A few years ago, my dust allergies and fall allergies were horrible and leading to asthma attacks.  We were in the middle of a move, so I was constantly exposed to dust while packing up the basement and closets.  I got a kenalog shot from the doctor and it helped.  It does take a few weeks to kick in, so it may be too late for you this year, but it would be worth looking into.  There are some possible side effects, but I didn't have any.

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Yep. I'm new to spring, summer and fall allergies--they've all just hit in the past couple of years. I take Flonase and find its really helpful. It doesn't make me drowsy like Claritin sometimes can (although sometimes I take that, too). I hate relying on medication to get me through, but I'm miserable without and prone to sinus infections.

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You might look up some old threads about allergen-proofing your home. These are great tips so far though.


If you don't have as many options with meds for control, you might want to look into shots if your allergies get bad enough, or you develop asthma.


Also, i found that good quality fish oil, probiotic, and a multi vitamin all helped over time. If I don't take this stuff, I have far worse symptoms. Extra C and zinc when it's the worst also helps quite a bit.

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I have mold allergies and a LTFA to cinnamon. Fall and I don't get along. I take Zyrtec daily at this time of year, Benedryl every night, and I HATE the pumpkin spice fad-a ton of innocent looking foods now have cinnamon in them, and cross contamination is an even bigger problem than usual. If I can get through Christmas without the EpiPen/ER run, I'll be really, really happy!

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Ragweed is worse for me than the spring or summer pollen.  And September is bad because it's still warm enough that the ragweed is happy blooming away. Thankfully as it gets colder, it begins to drop. I've noticed a difference this week.


Around here, the first hard frost ends it. Usually mid-October or so.

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