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I'm an idiot.


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You mean a faux pas where you addressed it to the both of them, right?  I would contact her and apologize profusely for it and assure her that he was not contacted and would not be appearing.  And I would write her husband's name in your phone book right next to hers so that you don't forget in the future.  (I have a few entries like that with spouse or kid's names that I tend to forget).  

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I assume you said "Hey, would you and (insert ex's name) like to come over?"


I have moments where I say someone's name (that I've known for years) and it might or might not be the right one.... Gives me a racing heart, I tell you! There are just some people whose names don't suit them!


Anyway, other than apologizing, there's not a lot you can do! Pull your foot out of your mouth and carry on!

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