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My mom got punched in the face!!


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What is wrong with people?!


My mom has a lot of health problems. She can't really hold regular work, but she and her husband have worked at a university events place during games and concerts because they love it. They enjoy it and get to see all the games and concerts too.

Last night at the first game a fan tried to give her the money for entry. She and a colleague both told him that he would need to purchase a ticket at the box office, which he didn't like. Apparently he said it shouldn't matter, he was the customer. Customer is always right, correct?!

He turned away and then sucker punched my 60 year old mother in the face. She has head and neck problems and had to be taken via ambulance to the hospital in a neck brace.

Really. What is wrong with people?

Then I recieved this gem of a video in my news feed today:




Maybe, yes, I am feeling a bit emotional about it, but it just seems as though the idea that 'the customer is always right' makes some people feel as though they are entitled to treat service people like crud when things go wrong.

Do you think it is just a few bad apples? Or is it more pervasive?

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Oh my stars!


That is waaaaaay beyond "the customer is always right" and I hope that fool was arrested for assault.




The customer is always right is for demanding a new drink with more ice, or returning a top that shrunk after the first washing, not justifying punching people, sheesh.



ETA: even still, you can firmly assert what you expect as a customer without being an ass. I didn't mean to imply otherwise.

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That's horrible. I hope he was arrested and that your mother will be okay can press charges. There is something wrong with that guy.


As for the customer is always right, yes and no. If there is a question about a billing error then one should err on the side of the side of the customer. If the customer is trying to order pork in a kosher restaurant then the customer is wrong. In the case of what happened with your mother there is no doubt that the customer was not correct.


And I do think it is a pervasive problem that people think it is okay to treat service people like crud. Rules don't apply to me mentality spreads across every economic strata. Basic common courtesy should not be the exception and people act like it is.

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I am so sorry!! That is shocking......and yet in some ways it is not. Our society seems to have no respect for each other.




Please, please have your mother hire an attorney and sue this person in civil court. Until our society stands up to this type of conduct it will continue! I would go after this man for everything he owns.


I pray your mom is ok physically, and emotionally. This could casue a form of PTSD. I mean, how could you not be terrified as a result and anxious when you have to return to work?

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I'm so sorry! Your poor mom!


I do think society is losing sense of courtesy, politeness, appropriate ways to handle things. I think people are just a lot less nice and a lot more self-serving these days. I don't see it as much around here, but I know my parents have commented that the nice, small town where I grew up really isn't such a nice place anymore, that people are just ruder and more unkind. I could speculate as to why, but I think there are a lot of reasons that are all contributing.

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She is finally resting. She already has issues with anxiety and I am really worried that this is going to end up with her inability to leave the house. It is a horrible thing to have happen to anyone...but is one of the very worst things that could have happened to her.


The guy is young. We don't have very many details right now other than he has a previous history of assault.

She did press charges. The security that was working fine the event are off-duty police, and saw it happen.

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You know, I am sorely tempted...

I wasn't joking. His mugshot is public record, right? That next to a photo of your mom would do the trick. Call your local media. Or just put it on your FB. This guy is a boil on the butt of society!!

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This happened to my brother-in-law working out in his lawn. 2 older kids from the middle school were walking by and then sucker punched him. Apparently it's part of a "game" now that they play. He chased them down the street.


The world is sick.

You know, it was so random that I did wonder about something like the idea of the Knock Out game. It just seems so crazy!

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Do you think it is just a few bad apples? Or is it more pervasive?


I honestly believe it is a few bad apples.


What a jerk.  I am so sorry your mom experienced that.  I hope he was arrested.  That's assault.


The customer is NOT always right, particularly when you have to go to a specific place to buy a ticket because that's where they have the ability to handle money.


Seriously.  What a jerk.

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She is finally resting. She already has issues with anxiety and I am really worried that this is going to end up with her inability to leave the house. It is a horrible thing to have happen to anyone...but is one of the very worst things that could have happened to her.


The guy is young. We don't have very many details right now other than he has a previous history of assault.

She did press charges. The security that was working fine the event are off-duty police, and saw it happen.


I think it's a few bad apples, but some of them out there seem even more rotten than before.


Do you know if he was on drugs or drunk?


I'm glad she's pressing charges, and like others, I'd find the best civil attorney I could.  I think that's the only way to get some of those bad apples (and their friends) to pay attention to real life and realize they aren't the only human on this planet.


:grouphug: to her.  REALLY glad there were witnesses!

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Oh, my! I would definitely go after the guy in civil court and get him where it hurts. Your mom will most likely benefit from therapy sessions to deal with this. When you are assaulted you are left feeling very vulnerable. If your mom already has anxiety issues, it will take a while. I am so sorry you are dealing with this. How horrible!

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Where was your mother when this happened?  If she was not at the box office (where tickets are sold),  I don't understand why this thug asked her to sell him a ticket.  :confused1:


I am horrified by your account.  Your poor, dear mother!  Praying for her to recover without long-term physical harm.  The emotional harm is going to be harder to heal. 

:grouphug:  to her, please, from me, an Internet person.

:grouphug:  to you, also.

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Whoa, I am so sorry.  Some people are just crazy.  I spent a lot of time in retail, and I once had a customer literally threaten to KILL me ("slice me in two") because I gave him a golden dollar as change instead of a paper dollar.  I feared for my life for MONTHS after that, because he actually worked around the corner and was allowed to keep doing so even though I pressed charges.

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Please, please have your mother hire an attorney and sue this person in civil court. Until our society stands up to this type of conduct it will continue! I would go after this man for everything he owns.


I pray your mom is ok physically, and emotionally. This could casue a form of PTSD. I mean, how could you not be terrified as a result and anxious when you have to return to work?

unless the guy has capital (ie. savings, a house, etc.) lawyers aren't as likely to take a civil case - no matter how likely they'd win.


I agree, press charges - and don't agree to a plea bargain.  counseling for your mom - if she's already struggling with anxiety, this will just make everything worse.


DO take pictures. (the police should have done so as part of a police report. - if she hasn't filed a victim report, she needs to do so.)  have her go to her dr and have injuries documented.  (including worsening of her anxiety.)



Do you know if he was on drugs or drunk?


honestly - that's irrelevant to him assaulting someone. (unless it affects with what he ends up being charged.)  he still assaulted her. even if he was drunk or using - he CHOSE to drink or use.  no one forced him.



was he released without charge?  or on bail?

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honestly - that's irrelevant to him assaulting someone. (unless it affects with what he ends up being charged.)  he still assaulted her. even if he was drunk or using - he CHOSE to drink or use.  no one forced him.


It doesn't change my curiosity about it.  I definitely agree that no one should be assaulting anyone.  Period.  I'm just curious to know if drugs/alcohol were involved.  I suspect one or the other - or perhaps both - were, but who knows?

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 This is the sort of person that needs to be locked up for the safety of everybody. We have all the wrong people in jail, I swear. We have too many people in jail for smoking a little dope and people like this out walking the streets. Not to mention white collar criminals who hurt people just as badly as this clown but get to walk around masquerading as good citizens. If you won't go by societies rules, you should be removed. It is maddening that this jerk was out of jail in two hours. You can bet your bottom dollar this guy hits his wife/ mother/ children, and gets away with it every day.

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