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I don't even like Oreos...


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I stress ate Little Debbie Swiss Cake rolls last month while at my inlaws' house.  Even as I was chewing, I knew they were crap, but it was the only chocolate I could get my hands on at the moment. At least they were straight out of the fridge. I did teach my kids SOMETHING. 

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How, um, did you stop at 5? Did somebody leave a package with just 5 in it, or do you have some kind of stopping ability that I can not conceive of?

Lol! Well, I really do kind of hate them. Black teeth = not chic. That is how I ate only five. As soon as I start envisioning coal miner teeth, I'm over it.

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I know what you mean.


If ds doesn't get rid of the rest of this huge chocolate muffin on the dining room table I don't think it's going to make it into the trash. There is nothing else here that I really want as a sweet.


To make matters worse, I can easily go without pizza but last night the boys went to an event and were given a whole box to take home. I ended up eating two slices, justifying it because I removed most of the cheese.


Wait, I always thought cheese was the redeeming part of the pizza?!  And it was only the bread/crust that was getting me in trouble.  IOW, if I ate just veggies and meat with cheese on them I'd be much better off than with the yummy-ness that is pizza dough.

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There are many products containing chocolate which I don't care to consume, so I am "choco-immune" against those.  Products that I feel are of good quality, though, create their own difficulties for me!  Last night for dessert, I made homemade chocolate milkshakes for us all.  [insert happy sigh. . .]

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I confess I once opened a bag of chocolate chips I had planned to use in a recipe. I ended up needing to buy a new bag. [insert head hanging in shame smiley here]

The chocolate chips in my house slowly and mysteriously disappear without being baked too ;)


Chocolate is good for us, it's the sugar that's not.


Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk

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Not liking oreos does not compute.  I get what you are saying about the black stuff in your teeth but so worth it.

I do not normally keep oreos in the house because I will eat them all.


I do, however, have a secret stash of chocolate chips hidden in the freezer for emergencies.

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The last package of Oreos we had in our house came from my mom as she thought we liked them.  Two of my guys do, but the last few still went stale after a couple (or more) weeks and ended up being chicken food.


I can't fathom Oreos replacing chocolate - even in desperation.  I can eat one or two max - if I have to in order to be polite.


But then again, when I eat chocolate it's only one or two small Halloween sized bars max too.  That's not just to be polite though.  I like those - as long as they are dark chocolate.  I've just had enough after two.


I don't think we've ever had chocolate chips in our house.  My kids have been so mistreated living with a mom who doesn't really bake... Fortunately, they have other comfort foods they like and other moms who give them cookies and brownies.

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Not liking oreos does not compute. I get what you are saying about the black stuff in your teeth but so worth it.

I do not normally keep oreos in the house because I will eat them all.


I do, however, have a secret stash of chocolate chips hidden in the freezer for emergencies.

And this is why I buy them - the boys love them, but I (almost) never eat them, so it is the perfect treat to have around.

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You don't like Oreos? Really?

No, not really. I mean, I am (obviously, since I ate them) not actively averse to them, but they are not tempting to me and I (usually) don't care if there are Oreos in the house. I don't like the black gook in my teeth and I don't think they taste all that good.

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How, um, did you stop at 5? Did somebody leave a package with just 5 in it, or do you have some kind of stopping ability that I can not conceive of?





Is such a thing even possible????


Right? If I am going to binge, I am going to binge big. I won't say how many I eat. But it does make me hide the evidence.


Wait, I always thought cheese was the redeeming part of the pizza?!  And it was only the bread/crust that was getting me in trouble.  IOW, if I ate just veggies and meat with cheese on them I'd be much better off than with the yummy-ness that is pizza dough.




See.... salty foods are usually my nemesis. I usually CRAVE salty foods. Fries (with salt) and ketchup. Hamburger, with bacon, cheddar, BBQ sauce and onion rings. Fries with bacon bits, cheese and ranch. Frozen taquitoes ( I have a special place in my stomach for those). BLT (with extra B). 


Now that I am starting to do a more paleo diet I have been craving some sweets. I am resisting. Barely.


Off to fix dinner. I am getting hungry.

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I really only get excited about Oreos in the ice-cream format (cookies 'n' cream or as a topping). And I can't even get excited about that anymore since I'm lactose-sensitive and these people that make the alternative milk products or the lactose-free ice-cream have dropped the ball only offering limited choices. Like seriously people, it's not Christmas and I'm not excited about the cashew milk snicker doodle ice-cream.



Oh I'm sure it's all bad. But for me personally, the cheese is the worst because I'm lactose-sensitive and nursing a baby that may or may not be over issues with dairy. It was a Domino's pizza and ever since they changed their recipe they have ruined the crust for me which used to be my favorite part. Now it's like one giant mouthful of garlic so I actually tossed some of that in the trash.


I don't like cheese on my meat or veggies, but I do like the occasional grilled cheese sandwich which I eat with much hesitation. Been too nervous to eat one in a while.

I have seen Lactaid ice cream in cookies and cream flavor. I haven't ever eaten it (again, with the Oreos), but I like the Lactaid Butter Pecan and I love their Strawberry.


ETA: Voila! https://www.lactaid.com/products/cookies-and-cream-ice-cream

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Oh yeah I think I did see that once (online)! But the stores around here do not ever have it. I have only successfully found lactose-free Breyer's in chocolate or vanilla. Never even seen Lactaid brand (so far).


Edited: oh wow it's at another Wal-Mart that we go near sometimes. I will have to make it a point to stop there for it sometime! Thanks.


I was going to mention I have seen Lactaid at Walmart. Most of the time, if I get ice cream, I get Breyers LF Vanilla. It is the most readily available. But once in a while, I see the Lactaid and will get one. Honestly, I think their package design needs work because it is easy to fail to notice the Lactaid ice cream.

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Oreos?!!  :ack2: Makes me sick just thinking of it. I don't know what they are made of, but I don't think it's chocolate. 

I had to live on stale Oreo cookies for a week in college, and have never touched one again. I didn't like them then, but it was stale cookies or starve...

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I don't like Oreos. My dad occasionally buys them for ds. If there is no other chocolate in the house, I will eat too many, generally 5-6, then I feel terrible - physically. 


I love the middle though. 


I never buy them because I'm pretty sure they're like the crack of the cookie world, like Pringles are crack of the chip world. 

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I may or may not have purchased a big tub of sea salted, dark chocolate covered caramels at Costco yesterday.


They may, or may not be hidden in the master bedroom closet, out of the sight-line of children.



Holy smokes. I love those abnormally much. Nature's Promise (store-brand organics) sells a little container of those. If I succomb at the store, further resistance is futile. They are open before my key goes in the ignition.

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