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Are you really a Christian? ... interesting article


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I'm going to go out on a limb and say that any article posted by the OP will probably say that I, as a Catholic, am not a Real Christian. Just a guess.

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Am I Christian enough to read a 25 dissertation to see my faith meets someone else's standards? Nope. This does seem like the sort of question I can imagine that Pharisees posing to the Jews, though, followed by many many yardsticks (maybe 25 pages worth) by which to measure themselves until they are deemed acceptable.

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Am I Christian enough to read a 25 dissertation to see my faith meets someone else's standards? Nope. This does seem like the sort of question I can imagine that Pharisees posing to the Jews, though, followed by many many yardsticks (maybe 25 pages worth) by which to measure themselves until they are deemed acceptable.


Why do you not assume it's a sincere attempt at helping people avoid a false faith and find freedom and salvation in Jesus?



ETA:  I hope that doesn't sound snotty. I'm afraid it comes across as a bit, I don't know, aggressive? But I'm truly curious. I'm not a xian, I don't need anything to tell me that. But in the time I've discussed and debated with xians (and muslims, and wiccans and, well, any religious believer), I've never known someone to go out of their way to promote a kind of laundry list of requirements as if that's all that's needed, and certainly not giving the impression they didn't care. Each and every time people seem to offer help and insight from a sincere desire to help another person. This is just my experience, and I don't imagine it's necessarily universal, but it is what I've always thought and so that prompted my question. 

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I reckon it doesn't apply to me, since it does say that it was "written to the modern-day evangelical".

I'm Catholic.

Yes, I'm really a Christian. No, I don't need to read an article, obviously written by someone whose beliefs differ from mine, to tell me that I am (or otherwise).

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I skimmed it.  It actually gave one view that would have fit in well in the discussion on repentance that we had in another thread.  I disagree with this author's conclusions but I don't have the time or inclination to provide a rebuttal to an article.  In a nutshell, the article says that you must be saved by faith but then you must work out your salvation through obedience.  Or at least that is the conclusion I came to on what it says.  My theology agrees with the salvation by faith part but not the working out the salvation part.  I spoke on that in the other thread. 


BTW - the other thread was a great example of how people with differing theologies or no theology can discuss a topic, answering questions and yet not getting upset at each other.  

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I'm going to go out on a limb and say that any article posted by the OP will probably say that I, as a Catholic, am not a Real Christian. Just a guess.


I will also add - that any such article will also say that I, as a Latter-day Saint, will also not meet "their" said 'criteria' for being a "real Christian".

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Luanne, I know it's important for you to work for the cause of Christ, but I think you do much more to harm it than you know.


just like the duggar's have done a lot of harm for the cause of Christ.  I've read so many comments on other sites that lump all religious (*especially* Christians) people in with them.

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Yes, I'm really a Christian.


I'm not sure why that lovely person chose to post his paper on the internet. From what I skimmed, certainly carefully written and meets the standards of a Bible college assignment. It's also got a good dose of judgemental attitude, legalism, and he uses concrete literalism to approach the Bible rather than appropriate exegetical skills: frequently yielding flawed conclusions that fit neatly into boxes.


None the less, not bad for student work. I hope he continues to seek the kind of education that will make him aware of the areas he needs to improve: both academically and personally.

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I'm going to go out on a limb and say that any article posted by the OP will probably say that I, as a Catholic, am not a Real Christian. Just a guess.


Standard MO for OP. It's just another "spew and run."

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I didn't find the article/seminary assignment very compelling.  But, since we're asking...


Are you a good person?  http://www.telegraph.co.uk/lifestyle/10226211/Are-you-a-good-person.html


Are you a jerk?  http://www.inc.com/peter-cohan/9-tests-that-tell-if-you-re-a-jerk.html


Are you selfish?  http://www.lifehack.org/articles/communication/10-signs-youre-actually-very-selfish-though-you-havent-noticed.html


How campassionate are you?  http://www.3smartcubes.com/pages/articles/articles_040505.asp


HTH someone!

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Meh, not feeding the troll. Night all!!


the troll is back under the bridge.


I rather like the fremont troll.  http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=fremont+troll&FORM=HDRSC2  It's even eating a VW bug. (yeah, it's real)


apparently, down the hill, are three billy goats gruff https://wheresmybackpack.files.wordpress.com/2013/08/billy-goats-gruff.jpg . . . . fremont does like its statues . . . . .

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Do we really need a yearly repeat of debating who is and isn't a Christian? No, Evangelical Protestants and Fundamentalists are not the ONLY Christians. No, we aren't going for the "I know a bunch of Catholics and I know some of them became real Christians while in the Catholic Church, unlike most Catholics." No, we don't need a run down list of reasons of why the LDS, the JWs, the Orthodox, the Charismatics, the Catholics, the Episcopalians, etc aren't "real" Christians. This is repeated every, freaking, year. EVERY. FREAKING. YEAR. 

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Luanne, this is how *I* know. It's personal. It's not following someone's point by point paper. Others have their beliefs and views; I refuse to sit on God's Throne and declare some for heaven and others for hell. That is above my paygrade (and honestly, I believe it's above the paygrade of the person writing the paper). 



(put video back up because someone else found it of value...however, it's not a declaration or comparative of anyone else's faith)

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Luanne, I know it's important for you to work for the cause of Christ, but I think you do much more to harm it than you know.

My phone isn't letting me like this, so I quoted it instead :)

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That was beautiful, mommaduck, and really sums up my thoughts on the subject as well.


Despite not being Orthodox, I find myself agreeing with most of the beliefs.


***Sorry the above comments make no sense now. Mommaduck had posted a video explaining what salvation and being saved means to her. I'm leaving my comments in case she puts the video back up.***


As for the OP, I am not trying to win the opinion of others on whether I'm really a follower of Christ. There's only one man's opinion that matters to me, and it's the man who I'm trying to follow. Shouldn't it be Jesus who decides who his followers are? Not humans or random 25 page essays?

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I'm not looking for a reaction.  I am seriously concerned about the people in the world in general who think they are a Christian and yet know nothing about the Bible or what it truly says.  Yes, the Bible is accurate and yes it is going to effect everyone on the earth whether any of us want it to or not.  It isn't like it is optional like some people choose to believe.  I think it is sad that in this day and age we are just supposed to pretend like everything is ok to do and we'll all go to heaven some day as long as we believe whatever we want to believe.  That isn't how it works unfortunately.  It isn't ok to be seriously concerned about the welfare of your fellow man anymore because it is considered offensive and even hateful.  SO sad. I am merely doing what the Bible has commanded us to do.  This article is completely Biblical.

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And quite honestly what isn't doing any good for the cause for Christ are the Christians who choose to live as worldly as everyone else and then wonder why their life isn't being an effective witness for Christ.

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I also don't remember Jesus as He walked this earth being concerned about offending every other person ... of course he made some people angry... no one really wants to hear the truth.  It is more enjoyable to go around in your own little happy world where everything is permissible. 

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That was beautiful, mommaduck, and really sums up my thoughts on the subject as well.


Despite not being Orthodox, I find myself agreeing with most of the beliefs.


***Sorry the above comments make no sense now. Mommaduck had posted a video explaining what salvation and being saved means to her. I'm leaving my comments in case she puts the video back up.***


As for the OP, I am not trying to win the opinion of others on whether I'm really a follower of Christ. There's only one man's opinion that matters to me, and it's the man who I'm trying to follow. Shouldn't it be Jesus who decides who his followers are? Not humans or random 25 page essays?



ding ding ding. . . . and we have a winner.

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I'm not looking for a reaction.  I am seriously concerned about the people in the world in general who think they are a Christian and yet know nothing about the Bible or what it truly says.  Yes, the Bible is accurate and yes it is going to effect everyone on the earth whether any of us want it to or not.  It isn't like it is optional like some people choose to believe.  I think it is sad that in this day and age we are just supposed to pretend like everything is ok to do and we'll all go to heaven some day as long as we believe whatever we want to believe.  That isn't how it works unfortunately.  It isn't ok to be seriously concerned about the welfare of your fellow man anymore because it is considered offensive and even hateful.  SO sad. I am merely doing what the Bible has commanded us to do.  This article is completely Biblical.


That bit is true, at least.


I started listening to the KJV in the car this weekend. I trust that it is Biblical.


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I doubt it is an effective strategy to attempt to scold random internet strangers into the Kingdom of God.

Exactly. Why would I listen to a stranger who seems perpetually put out and angry? This brand of Christianity seems utterly joyless.

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I once knew a guy who was a street corner preacher. Meaning, he stood on the street yelling the Bible to people. That was probably as effective as this.

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I'm not looking for a reaction.  I am seriously concerned about the people in the world in general who think they are a Christian and yet know nothing about the Bible or what it truly says.  Yes, the Bible is accurate and yes it is going to effect everyone on the earth whether any of us want it to or not.  It isn't like it is optional like some people choose to believe.  I think it is sad that in this day and age we are just supposed to pretend like everything is ok to do and we'll all go to heaven some day as long as we believe whatever we want to believe.  That isn't how it works unfortunately.  It isn't ok to be seriously concerned about the welfare of your fellow man anymore because it is considered offensive and even hateful.  SO sad. I am merely doing what the Bible has commanded us to do.  This article is completely Biblical.


yes, it is okay to be seriously concerned about others. Saying this as gently as possible:  But the way you go about it is offensive and doesn't lead to read dialog with anybody you're trying to reach.  You're either 1/ preaching to the choir 2/ offending everyone else. 


That isn't helpful or productive.


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Mommaduck, I also enjoyed that video, so thanks for putting it back up. I did not read the article. I agree with some previous posters who say that it isn't important whether or not some random person who wrote an article thinks I am a Christian. And, like other posters, I am sure the author wouldn't think I am because I am Catholic.

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I once knew a guy who was a street corner preacher. Meaning, he stood on the street yelling the Bible to people. That was probably as effective as this.

This reminded me of one of my first dates with DH. We went grocery shopping so we could make dinner together. And while we were in the produce aisle, a young lady approached and asked if we are saved. She then gave us a sheet of notebook paper covered in Bible verses that she had handwritten. She appeared to have many such pages to hand out.


I don't think her strategy was much more effective than your street corner preacher. 

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I once knew a guy who was a street corner preacher. Meaning, he stood on the street yelling the Bible to people. That was probably as effective as this.

There was a preacher man who stood on the Free Speech Podium and yelled at people at my university. He liked to call all us women whores for getting an education and wearing pants. I don't think he was very effective either.

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I'm going to jump into the fray here and go out on a limb. I agree 100% with this tract. I also want to say that all you commenting on how this sounds like a college paper are wrong. I actually personally know the author of this tract. We lived in close Christian community with him and his family. He has never been to college. In his teens he was a rich, pot smoking, surfer. He repented of this and went to a YWAM. Next he became a Calvary Chapel pastor but then grew convicted about his own lifestyle and started to preach that we ought to strive for righteousness. He now lives in community with several other families in OR. Our family would love to move there and join them but can't because of immigration issues. The tract is found through this site: www.walklikechrist.com . I personally know the man that made this site and some of the tracts and sermons on the site are produced by my own husband (Joel Mawhorter). I can assure you that you won't get a virus from any of the downloads.


Editted to add: Scott Schones (the author) is the most joyful person that I know. I told my dc that some of you thought that Scott that sounded joyless and they laughed and laughed. He is always singing and happy. Moody or joylessness is NOT Scott's weakness.

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