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Does your scool have an official name?

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I wanted to come up with a name for a few different reasons. There are some days when I get the question "Why aren't you in school?" and I just don't have the time or energy to explain. I will say "They attend ________ and they are off today" or whatever. Second, I wanted to have a name for scrapbooking purposes lol.....silly I know. ANYWAY, so if you have a name, tell us! I want to hear!


Our is Grace Covenant Academy

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I do the same thing for the same reason. I don't really always have the time to explain myself to the receptionist at the dentist office and other people my reasons for hsing or to answer all of their objections.


Plus for people really opposed to it, we just don't have to go there. That comes in handy for not offending people in the workplace for DH.


So we have Regina Caeli Academy, that's the name of our school. Its named for one of my favorite titles of the Blessed Virgin, and a favorite hymn that is sung during Eastertide.

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We are Fawkes Academy named after the Phoenix in the Harry Potter novels.


This is our 3rd name as the first 2 were things the kids didn't care for. We now have a logo, motto, and school colors. I also had t-shirts made at zazzle.com and had a few Proud parent and Proud Grandparents of homeschool student bumper stickers made up with the logo and motto. Oh and magnets to hang our artwork on the fridge.


The kids love having a name that way when someone asks "what school do you go to" they can just tell them our name and don't have to deal with any more response needed. I know we don't have to go into details if we just said "we homeschool" but sometimes it's just easier to say "fawkes academy" and got about our merry way

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I just decided on one... it is to get a discount at Kinko's.:tongue_smilie:I was waiting for this topic to come along again.


Four Cedars Classical Academy


We have four family members. My goal is to have us strong and majestic for our Lord like the Cedars on Lebanon. Classical... duh and I like Academy best for the way it sounds too. I had a hard time deciding between that and Atheneum. I also love Trivium in a name... but I am not planning on 4 years of rhetoric, so it would be lying. LOL

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Ours is Magnum Opus Classical Academy. I love the idea that our kids are our best work and we are putting our best energy into educating and training them to love God with all their hearts. Plus, I love the part in Charlotte's Web where she talks about her eggs beging her Magnum Opus. And, I really love the movie Mr. Holland's Opus. I tacked on the Classical Academy as sort of tongue-in-cheek, because it sounded kinda snooty and educational!


The kids suggested we call it Magnum Opus Classical History Academy so that our acronym would be MOCHA. :001_smile:

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I haven't made one, because whenever people ask, my dd proudle proclaims that she homeschools, tells them how far ahead she is and how great it is, and no one has ever said anything but "how wonderful!".


But, if I had to pick one tonight, it might be "Slave to School", or "The Kids Rule School"--can you tell I'm tired? Hmmm, but that could illicit an interesting reaction--maybe I'll try that! ;)

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Ours is Crescent Ridge Academy. I wanted something with nature in it but dh said all my ideas were boring (lol they were). We were in a city nearby that is built on the edge of a canyon, it was dark, and boom the idea was born. Everyone agreed so there it is. We added Academy because it sounded smarter. LOL shallow I know.

My sis is trying to come up with something for hers. Instead of _____ Academy she wants to have it

________ Commons. lol She says it sounds more British to her and she loves that. :)

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We are Wakefield Academy. Wakefield was the name of a plotted but never developed street where we used to live. Academy sounded better, imo. I thought it was kind of British sounding as well.


Ds wanted to change it to Starfleet Academy a couple of years ago. While very cool, I vetoed the idea.

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I don't have any deep philosophical reasons for the name of our school . . . it's The Controlled Chaos Learning Center. . . because that's what I'm trying to do around here . . . control the chaos.


Of course I live in a state with no regulation or paperwork or questions of any kind, I imagine I'd be more serious and diligent in thinking of an appropriate name if I had to write it out a few times a year.


Then again, maybe I wouldn't. :D

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Great question! My husband and I were talking about this last night. At first he didn't understand why I thought that (in a few years, when the girls are older) it would be so much easier to sometimes simply tell people, "They go to ____________ Academy," and be done with it.


My oldest is only 3.5, the twins are 21 months, so they're young. But with twins we get a lot of attention when we're out. All three of them look alike -- like my husband, of course -- and they really are adorable, so all the Grandmas of the World stop to pinch cheeks and make the babies shriek. :glare: The 3.5 yo then has to get her share of attention, and she does this through TALKING. She is very verbal, and tall for her age, so most people ask if she's 5 or 6 and then say, "Little girl, why aren't you in preschool?" This is from complete strangers at Walmart! Gah! A time or two, she has actually come out with, "Oh, I'm not going to school, because God wants Mommy and Daddy to keep me at home and homeschool me."


Where is the crack in the floor? The one big enough to hide in?


I am seriously thinking of buying a couple of "uniform" type outfits -- little navy scooter skorts and white polos -- for her to wear in a year or two when we go out. If she's this tall now, good grief, she will be just huge in two years (official "school age"). It might be worth trying to see if it can deflect some inquiries from people who, while intending to be polite (?), don't really need to know. Does anyone do this, or is that unnecessary and over the top? [i realize Joanne is going to tell me to put a can of [b]bean dip[/b] in my diaper bag and practice passing it out!] :lol:

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I wanted to come up with a name for a few different reasons. There are some days when I get the question "Why aren't you in school?" and I just don't have the time or energy to explain. I will say "They attend ________ and they are off today" or whatever. Second, I wanted to have a name for scrapbooking purposes lol.....silly I know. ANYWAY, so if you have a name, tell us! I want to hear!


Our is Grace Covenant Academy


We're Percival Blakeney Academy, named for the true name of the Scarlet Pimpernel.


If only I can figure out how to buy embroidered shirts from Land's End without spending an arm and a leg on set up fees.

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Our school is Lighthouse Academy.


A lighthouse is:





Withstands the Storms

Leads and Guides to Safety



Built on a Rock


Gives off Light




And, dh and I were married in the Oakland Temple which is the Lighthouse Temple.


PS 43:3 Confirmed that this was the name for our school

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(Last Name) Country Day Academy.


The MIL wanted us to put the DD's into Hoity Toity Private Elementary and offered to foot the bill. So that she could tell her friends that her granddaughters were at Hoity Toity Private Elementary on her dime. And that she could have us dancing on her strings like her other DS and (now ex-) DIL. She can threaten to yank the funding at any moment -- and does! So we took a pass on that. And on having our DD's being the "poor" kids in class who would not be wearing $200 jeans, etc.


So we created our own. I grew up in St. Louis, where the Hoitiest of the Toitiest schools had "Country Day Academy" in the name.


The ultimate in private schools -- max occ: 2!


I know because I am the Director of Admissions. ;)

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Our school is Lighthouse Academy.


A lighthouse is:





Withstands the Storms

Leads and Guides to Safety




Built on a Rock


Gives off Light




And, dh and I were married in the Oakland Temple which is the Lighthouse Temple.


PS 43:3 Confirmed that this was the name for our school


I love this!:)

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Here in NC we have to name our school because we are listed with the Division of Non-Public Education. DH and I came up with the name ourselves because at the time DD would probably have wanted something like "Pretty Little Kitty Cat's School". :)


Our school is Grace Covenant Academy...which I see is the same as MyBlueLobsters'! MyBlue, are you in NC? I know there's at least one other school by the same name in NC because DNPE adds our last name to the school name for clarification.

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