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Can my daughter get in trouble for this....

jak of in

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Can my 23yo dd get in trouble if her roommates friends are caught smoking pot outside their apartment?  Neither my dd or her roommate smoke, but at a bonfire that my dd's roommate had, some of her friends did smoke pot.  I really don't like it and my dd doesn't either.  I'm just concerned that my dd could get in trouble by association.  This is in Indiana, btw.  

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AND....... it's not impossible that the roommate is storing weed or supplies in the apartment.  If that is illegal where your DD lives or is in violation of their lease, then yes she could get in trouble as well.


.... and I'm not a trusting sort and I would have no confidence that they were not storing any gear in the apartment even if the roommate stated otherwise.  Better safe than sorry.

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Around here, landlords sometimes include in the lease that tenants are responsible for their guests' behavior. I think this is to allow them more flexibility to kick someone out of there are reports of disruptive or illegal activity. I don't know how enforceable it is in other areas but it works pretty easy here. 


From the landlord's view: a nearby tenant complains about neighbors smoking pot every weekend. Landlord talks to tenant and they say it's not them, it's their guests. Well...does landlord go tell the other tenant that they can't do anything because it's not their tenant? Then they risk losing renters. 


Might not be enforceable, but if your dd and her roommate don't smoke pot, I would encourage them not to allow their guests to smoke when they visit.  

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Lease trouble seems more likely to be a problem than legal trouble.


Also, what is her roommate keeping in the apartment? If she's sure her roommate isn't storing pot in the apartment, the legal risk is approaching zero.


Pot is legal here and someone in my apartment complex got eviction proceedings started against them because the complex is a no smoking complex. That's pretty common here. Only sketchier rentals allow any kind of smoking. It's no smoking inside, on the balcony or on the grounds and residents are responsible to make sure their guests abide by that.

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