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What kind of spider is this?

plain jane

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It looks brown rather than black. Were you thinking black widow? They're super shiny, like black patent leather. I've seen black widows that had no red on them. (Male v. female? IDK.)

I thought maybe as I know they don't have to have red. But yes. This one was more brown than black. But it was more dull than shiny. *shudder*


Please tell me it's not a widow.

Please tell me it's not a widow.

Please tell me it's not a widow.



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We find black widows at our house frequently. The ones we find have very distinct red markings. At first it really freaked me out, but I researched them and found that they were scarier in my mind than they are in reality. We just dispatch them and go about our business.

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It does look a lot like the black widows we had in AZ, but their red hourglass was on the underside, not the back.  Do you have the carcass?  (I assume there was a carcass?)  Can you look underneath? 


If somebody got bit, I think they need a check-in with a Dr. 



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It does look a lot like the black widows we had in AZ, but their red hourglass was on the underside, not the back. Do you have the carcass? (I assume there was a carcass?) Can you look underneath?


If somebody got bit, I think they need a check-in with a Dr.

Nobody was bit, thank goodness. I did flip it over when it was alive and there were no obvious red markings though spots did seem to shine red, if that makes sense. No carcass left. I ground that thing into the carpet until it was a fine powder before vacuuming it up.

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You know, I read something about black widows which said they tended to be reclusive, not super aggressive.  I'll try to find it so we can verify my understanding! 


That probably wasn't one, though.  I'm glad! 


A friend and I sat on our AZ porch one morning two summers ago and found THREE black widows while we watched the kids play.  The fourth one was found by my DD, 5yo, who said, "Oh, look, another spider!", and immediately kicked it and killed it with her little shoe!!! 


My friend's husband brought his pump sprayer over the very next day and saturated the porch.

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There are quite a few varieties of widow spiders other than just the black widow, and from what I've read, there can be color variations even within the same species. It looks like some kind of female widow spider to me, but beyond that, I couldn't hazard a guess.


I had a black widow crawl out of an air conditioner once and proceeded to lose my damn mind, so I feel your pain.  :grouphug:

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