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BIG UPDATE in Post #86

Pamela H in Texas

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Thanks y'all.  Still no word.  The CASA worker was going to call them yesterday.  I don't know if that happened or what happened with it.  My guess is that 1) she wasn't able to call, 2) she wasn't able to get them, 3) nothing big happened because of it.  Its gonna be a process, I'd guess.  Hopefully a fairly short one.  

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CASA talked to them.  They didn't ask what was next but CASA told them CPS would be in contact with them.  CASA did tell them his issues, specialists, and therapists.  She also said that he is doing so well because of us.  So we wait.  


Thanks for all the support still :)  We send so many kids to where they are supposed to be; but SOME kids are *supposed to be* here!  Squishy most certainly is supposed to be here.  Family is family and blood isn't the only way to make a family.  

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CASA talked to them.  They didn't ask what was next but CASA told them CPS would be in contact with them.  CASA did tell them his issues, specialists, and therapists.  She also said that he is doing so well because of us.  So we wait.  


Thanks for all the support still :)  We send so many kids to where they are supposed to be; but SOME kids are *supposed to be* here!  Squishy most certainly is supposed to be here.  Family is family and blood isn't the only way to make a family.  

The waiting is so hard.  You are right, there are many kids we let go as that is what is best for them, but there are some that really need to stay.

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  • 3 weeks later...

UPDATE: My lawyer contacted the CPS supervisor to ask what is happening regarding the out-of-state relative.  Basically, the CPS supervisor also contacted them after court and they still haven't shown any real interest in pursuing placement (and it has now been 4 additional weeks since court).  My lawyer asked if that means we can proceed with the adoption.  The supervisor was unsure.  She thought maybe they needed to get the judge's permission in order to do so.  


So that was my lawyer's update she left on my voicemail yesterday (I didn't catch the phone).  


I called back and left a voicemail in reply.  I told her I thought two things should happen:


1) The supervisor should just straight up ask the family if they have any intention on pursuing placement of Squishy.  If they say no, then we're in the clear and can just go about life.


2) If she can't get a straight answer, then a hearing should be requested for the judge to make a ruling or give direction.  The next scheduled hearing isn't until FEBRUARY which would be ridiculous to wait for.  


I think the family probably originally called regarding the new baby (biomom is preggo).  They didn't push the issue originally because they were talking about an unborn child.  They accidentally caused this hoopla about Squishy.  Maybe then they had some interest but between his "issues" and the fact that we've had him so long (so can fight for him), they don't really care to pursue placement of him.  But they don't likely realize they are holding up his permanency by not being upfront and clear that they aren't interested in pursuing placement of him.  


Anyway, so we wait. 



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  • 1 month later...



Caseworker came yesterday.  She has been contacting the relatives weekly, unable to get an answer about whether they are going to pursue placement of Squishy or not. I really do feel for them.  Can you really deny a child, the child of your brother?  And yet, they get that he has been here for 15 months, that we can provide well for him, that we can do all the therapies, the surgery, etc.  We have also offered openness (seriously, a child cannot have too many people loving them and what did the extended family do wrong?).  


Anyway, the supervisor has said that they can give the family til the end of the month.  That will make it just over 3 months from their initial call--a good faith try to give them an opportunity to make a decision.  It also gives them an out.  They don't *have* to say no to trying to get him.  They can just let time run out. And they will STILL get the call about the new baby (I will badger the new baby's caseworker like crazy until that call is made because I'm not going to be sitting in THIS position a year from now about yet another child!). 


Nov 2nd, if they haven't said otherwise, the caseworker will send off our subsidy paperwork.  We will have missed the deadline to make it for National Adoption Day.  Our lawyer says to keep her in the loop, that maybe she can pull some strings.  We'll see.  


We actually have another little hiccup to slow things down slightly.  Our agency is closing AND we moved.  So our current agency is doing the update on our homestudy from our move so the caseworker will have a homestudy done within 30 days and that is accurate for the subsidy negotiation.  But our new agency will do the official homestudy for the adoption itself. She said that she can come do it on the 1st or the 7th depending on when she gets the files from our current agency.  If it was done the 1st, we may well be able to push through for National Adoption Day if the subsidy negotiation is done in time.  We'll just have to see :)


Anyway, so that is the update :)


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