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Josh Duggar in the news yet again


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The problem for Anna is, if her family won't take her back, where does she go with all those kids and no money, no real education, and no job skills?


Well...  they have no debt.  They own a house outright, probably have some sort of savings.  She can sell the house and use the money to buy a nice trailer outside of Gainesville near her parents and live on child support that she will inevitably get.  She can go back to school.  She can kick him out & depend on his dad to support him.  She can write a tell all book (with the help of someone educated) and sell it for a million or two...  She's got many more options than most women in her religion in that situation.


I'm struggling a little with this thread. I don't want to sound like I'm defending JD or the likes. In fact I find much of his activism grossly inappropriate for someone claiming to follow Jesus.


What I find distasteful about this thread is all the presumptions being made about his motivations for the statement he made. The fact is that none of you know. Maybe he's just a scummy business man who will try to market on this too or maybe he's genuinely sorry. Maybe he had an "in the flesh" affair or maybe it was just porn but we don't know. We just don't know what's really going on until we see what he does in time with it. The speculation and presumptions are pointless and gossippy. 

No way.  He cheated.  He admitted cheating.  I don't understand the need to continue to defend him.



An honest statement would have been coming clean to his wife and family before it became public. I consider this a carefully worded statement crafted by his publicist.


Anyone else notice his statement is STILL more focused on the consequences to HIM than it is with the people he's hurt?  The man is not repentant in the least and never has been.  A decent publicist would have crafted his statements to make him actually sound sorry.  I suspect a family member wrote the first statement and another family member edited it.

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Everything I know about ATI and Gothard I've learned here. And I don't agree with their teachings either. IMO, it's a sick distortion of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. But I also don't agree that it's the reason for all his problems. Or rather, I don't think that the opposite upbringing would have guaranteed a sparkly clean, morally upright life. JD made choices and he knew better. But his porn addiction and adultery are not the result of his ultra-conservative upbringing. There are plenty of people who grew up in open, liberal households who have developed porn addictions and gone on to do terrible things as well. We're all accountable for our own actions. The distinction between the ATI/Gothard teachings and regular, conservative Christian teachings aren't always clarified in threads like these, so it may be just my own feathers that get ruffled a bit when I see vague references to "conservative" teachings. But as a conservative Christian, I hate to see JD's poor behavior given as "proof" that teaching abstinence before marriage doesn't work.

I haven't seen anyone say ATI = raising a sexual pervert and liberal = raising a healthy, moral person. Obviously the making of a pervert is complex and full of many factors we don't understand.


However we know that there are certain things that make people more likely to have sexual dysfunction, and the kind of upbringing he had covers several of them. That increases, but hardly cements the likelihood of dysfunction. So yes, his upbringing is worthy of scrutiny, but upbringing alone does not make or break everyone.


Different people have different vulnerabilities that different environments will either heal or enhance. Certain environments, like those full of guilt, patriarchy, inappropriate boundaries, and sexual repression seem to enhance sexual dysfunction vulnerabilities more than others. It was his bad luck to be born into a family that enhanced his vulnerabilities.

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I don't care if she decides, after counseling and separation, to stay married. Many women do. But to absorb ANY of this herself is absolutely heinous. Nobody can make someone else sin. Ever. Anyone advising her on how to be a better wife should be ashamed of themselves. She deserves support and help in her own confidence and abilities - the only one who needs serious counsel on sin and failings is her asshole of a husband.


And I say that in Christian love. For shame, if anyone around her even hints that she brought any of this on herself.

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As someone mentioned earlier, he may end up in jail on child poem charges, just from his background. Perhaps he can bunk with Jared and they can share fond memories of sub sandwiches, velveeta casseroles, and feeling up underage girls.


Jared?  Another Duggar?  

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Jared?  Another Duggar?  


The subway sandwich guy who lost more than 100 pounds eating Subway for lunch & dinner, became their spokesperson, and has raked in millions has or is about to plead guilty to a bunch of charges, including sleeping with minors and possessing child porn.

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The subway sandwich guy who lost more than 100 pounds eating Subway for lunch & dinner, became their spokesperson, and has raked in millions has or is about to plead guilty to a bunch of charges, including sleeping with minors and possessing child porn.


He actually paid for sex with minors. 

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I don't care if she decides, after counseling and separation, to stay married. Many women do. But to absorb ANY of this herself is absolutely heinous. Nobody can make someone else sin. Ever. Anyone advising her on how to be a better wife should be ashamed of themselves. She deserves support and help in her own confidence and abilities - the only one who needs serious counsel on sin and failings is her asshole of a husband.


And I say that in Christian love. For shame, if anyone around her even hints that she brought any of this on herself.

It is part and parcel with their faith that the sexual sins of the husband are, to some degree, caused by the wife. Anything from not being available to him sexually after birth to not praying for him enough to not being submissive enough to not being able to read his mind and prevent him to gaining too much weight. There's always someone who will find someway to blame the wife. This is part of why Bill Gothard et al are so misguided, wrong and immoral. It's disgusting and fundamentally, to the core, straight up misogyny.

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What if he is sincere? Then he is a self-admitted hypocrite who advocated for torturing and murdering people for their "sexual sins" (according to him). Has he apologized for that? No.


I think the man is a monster. A creep. And dangerous. 


The Family Research Council lives on to do their nefarious work. This is no "dead horse." Wish it were.





Sincerity really has nothing to do with it. On top of which, if you are versed in Gothard cult-speak, then for men, sincerity of apology is the go ahead to continue on being a scum bag because the wife is required to forgive and forget IMMEDIATELY and is to never speak of it again, nor hold her husband accountable for it. She also has to turn herself inside out to become whatever it is that will make him content so he won't do it again, and if he does do it again, the merry go round of victim blaming starts again.


He lobbied FOR torture and murder of individuals who weren't hurting anyone. He used donated money to do it. He sat in Washington bending the ear of politicians about it. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Mr. perv was up to tricks, making victims, and peddling kool aid. That not everyone sees the danger in this in our public policy makers is rather disheartening.

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Honestly, I cannot put the blame at her feet for the bolded. She was young and had only the background she had, she had no life experience or context to doubt what she was being told about his youthful transgressions and full repentance.


I really don't think that if I had her background I would have known to run away from the situation.

I honestly don't believe she knew the real details. I think more likely she was lead to believe the rumors that had been floating around- that he'd been caught doing something beyond hand holding with the politicians daughter he'd been courting before, and that's what he was repenting for. I don't think she knew about the police report and him molesting his sisters. I think she just said that to try to save face since they all had a lot riding on that show. That and having 4 children and marrying young that poor girl doesn't have a lot of options.

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No. Subway guy. :(



The Subway spokesperson who was caught with child porn and having sex with underage girls. Maybe it's spelled Jarod. He lost over 100 pounds by eating only at Subway; that was his former claim to fame.



The subway sandwich guy who lost more than 100 pounds eating Subway for lunch & dinner, became their spokesperson, and has raked in millions has or is about to plead guilty to a bunch of charges, including sleeping with minors and possessing child porn.


Lord, I'm out of touch.  I haven't thought him in years.


I was telling dh about Josh Duggar last night - had to remind him who the Duggars are.  He asked where I hear all this stuff.  The Well Trained Mind Message board.  He says, "Isn't that for homeschooling?" with a rather appalled look on his face.  Now I get to tell him about Jared.

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well JB is prob pissed he spawned such a stupid son. I mean, what kind of lame brain uses a website like that when they are in Joshua's public position?  Why not use Craig's list like everyone else? I know, I know, a totally entitled one who has been told from birth that because he is a man he always knows best and is entitled to his very own sex slave and gets to be in charge of All The Women.


Patriarchy is as patriarchy does.  And because of that I am sure that Anna is busy apologizing to everyone in her failure as a sex slave and for bringing this down on the family.


You all watch, in a few years those two will be on the lecture circuit giving very high cost workshops on how to build a stronger marriage. And people will pay up to learn their lessons.  They might even get a new show  and come back stronger than ever. Or at least richer than ever.


I wanted to "like" this, but what I really mean is :ack2: :ack2: :ack2: :ack2: :ack2: :ack2: :ack2: :ack2: :ack2:


Why do we not have a barfing smiley-guy?

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Regarding the People story that Anna may stay with Josh: I wouldn't have a problem with them (especially him) undergoing extensive counseling, not to mention getting tested for STDs, and then Anna deciding on her own to stay. However, I'm thinking she's not even getting the option to consider leaving. That is not ok on so many levels.

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The Subway spokesperson who was caught with child porn and having sex with underage girls. Maybe it's spelled Jarod. He lost over 100 pounds by eating only at Subway; that was his former claim to fame.



ahhh now something someone posted yesterday makes sense.. I remember reading it and wondering why stating they were eating subway was so funny! I missed that debacle.

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Lord, I'm out of touch.  I haven't thought him in years.


I was telling dh about Josh Duggar last night - had to remind him who the Duggars are.  He asked where I hear all this stuff.  The Well Trained Mind Message board.  He says, "Isn't that for homeschooling?" with a rather appalled look on his face.  Now I get to tell him about Jared.

 sadly, I have been away from the boards for the summer and thought to myself I needed to catch up on the chat board for the latest current events. I learn so much from this board. Truly!

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Anyone else notice his statement is STILL more focused on the consequences to HIM than it is with the people he's hurt?  The man is not repentant in the least and never has been.  A decent publicist would have crafted his statements to make him actually sound sorry.  I suspect a family member wrote the first statement and another family member edited it.


I disagree. He talks about hurting everyone first and foremost, then he mentions that he can't choose his consequences, but goes right back to talking about the pain he's caused people. I actually think his statement this time around reads as more sincere and appropriate than his statement after the molestation story.


I don't speculate as to whether he's sincere or if he's only sorry he got caught or whatever. I have no reason to think one thing or another. We can't know what's going on in his mind. We can only know his actions. He can apologize all day long, but he can't undo all the hurt he's done. I just don't have any sympathy for him. All of that is used up on his wife and kids. His sisters. And anyone else who thought this insane subsection of Christianity was a good idea because the freaking Duggars made it look so nice.

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Okay, all caught up.


I feel horrible for Anna. As one raised in a very conservative family with a domineering father figure, I am sure she is quite confused and probably feels quite isolated. I hope she reaches out to her siblings that have stepped away from the cultish faith of ATI/Gothard and rely on them. And I hope that the ones that she does reach out to give her grace and true support. It is hard to know what is right to do when you have been taught with the wrong bias.

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I was telling dh about Josh Duggar last night - had to remind him who the Duggars are.  He asked where I hear all this stuff.  The Well Trained Mind Message board.  He says, "Isn't that for homeschooling?" with a rather appalled look on his face.  Now I get to tell him about Jared.

See, Ishki, you're getting quite the education!

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Here's what's killing me. This isn't an "oops, I had a lapse in judgement, too much to drink, whatever" moment. This is him PAYING for this. And actively searching for people to cheat on his wife with. That disgusts me. There's just no excuse. I get that people aren't perfect, they make mistakes but this is NOT an accident.  This wasn't even 'oh, my secretary and I spent so many hours together we fell for each other." This was premeditated and deliberate. Actively searching out and then paying for a way to break your vows just boggles my mind. 

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Honestly, all I have done today besides this thread is drive, take kids to back to back to back appointments (autism study, counseling, dentist and SLP), lay on the grass in the park while the kids run around between appointments, shovel copious amounts of Ethiopian food into my mouth and pay entirely too much for post dental office cupcakes. So for today, yeah, dissing patriarchy on this thread seems downright fascinating. #mylifeisntveryexcitingmkay?! On the upside, my kids remain 100% cavity free.

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Here's what's killing me. This isn't an "oops, I had a lapse in judgement, too much to drink, whatever" moment. This is him PAYING for this. And actively searching for people to cheat on his wife with. That disgusts me. There's just no excuse. I get that people aren't perfect, they make mistakes but this is NOT an accident. This wasn't even 'oh, my secretary and I spent so many hours together we fell for each other." This was premeditated and deliberate. Actively searching out and then paying for a way to break your vows just boggles my mind.

I will admit that I hold a special ire for men who cheat on their pregnant wives. Cheating is bad. But while your wife is growing a baby and is so vulnerable and tired? That is just triply reprehensible.

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Difficult in our language, but vague enough in cult-speak. In fact, the apology was completely appropriate. Nothing he says will redeem him in the eyes of the general public. His apology only needs to appease those who are open to forgiving him. I imagine it works in Gothard-speak. Inconceivable comebacks happen. I wouldn't be surprised if he became all 'reformed' and found work as an ATI preacher. He only has to sell himself to a very niche market to rally.


I think what he describes is actually a pretty believable scenario, cult-weirdness aside.  He obviously has some sort of underlying sexual issue, whether its biological or psychological in origin, or just a way-out-there libido, and he has no tools to deal with it.  The strategies that have been given aren't working for him.  Porn is so accessible now, I'm not surprised that's where he went first, but it wasn't likely that was going to really solve his problem either, and it might well have made it worse. 


THe unfortunate thing about the way they think about porn isn't, I think, that it never happens that way - its convincing I suspect because it does - but that they have boxed that into this very well-defined narrative that won't really help anyone find any kind of insight.

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And if she was brave enough to divorce him? If I was her I would worry about him getting unsupervised visitation with my little girls (girl?) Not that she should stay with him, but I might allow him to be married on paper if he agreed to live separately and never be alone with my children. I know that is not realistic, but my children being alone with him would be my issue in any scenario.

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That is what I would expect.  I would be greatly surprised if Anna did leave him. 


Give her time. Tiger Woods' wife tried to stay with him at first, then she couldn't get past it and left. Maybe Anna will do the same.

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Here's what's killing me. This isn't an "oops, I had a lapse in judgement, too much to drink, whatever" moment. This is him PAYING for this. And actively searching for people to cheat on his wife with. That disgusts me. There's just no excuse. I get that people aren't perfect, they make mistakes but this is NOT an accident.  This wasn't even 'oh, my secretary and I spent so many hours together we fell for each other." This was premeditated and deliberate. Actively searching out and then paying for a way to break your vows just boggles my mind. 


This exactly.  Humans make mistakes; we're weak and give into temptation.  This seems intentional, planned out.


I'm trying to imagine what Anna feels like.  She comes from a extremely conservative, sheltered existence.  She marries into the Duggar family (the rock stars of the religious circuit) and immediately gets thrust into the limelight.  Her wedding, her first kiss, laboring with her first child (??? I think I read that) was all on television.  She's thrust into the public eye.  Now these scandals.  If she were my dd, I would be begging her to get the children and come back home, at least right now.  I'm afraid to imagine what my dh would be saying if she were his dd; Josh would probably be wise to go into hiding.


Anyway, I have managed to get a a canner of green beans done besides reading here.  We're taking the twins to see King Lear tonight so I need to get some food together.  Shakespeare is much better mental food.

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I will admit that I hold a special ire for men who cheat on their pregnant wives. Cheating is bad. But while your wife is growing a baby and is so vulnerable and tired? That is just triply reprehensible.


Oh, is she pregnant right now?  Or did she just have a baby?  I read they have 4 children so far.  What a piece of scum.

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I disagree. He talks about hurting everyone first and foremost, then he mentions that he can't choose his consequences, but goes right back to talking about the pain he's caused people. I actually think his statement this time around reads as more sincere and appropriate than his statement after the molestation story.


I don't speculate as to whether he's sincere or if he's only sorry he got caught or whatever. I have no reason to think one thing or another. We can't know what's going on in his mind. We can only know his actions. He can apologize all day long, but he can't undo all the hurt he's done. I just don't have any sympathy for him. All of that is used up on his wife and kids. His sisters. And anyone else who thought this insane subsection of Christianity was a good idea because the freaking Duggars made it look so nice.


The very fact that he thought to mention consequences shows me that he cares more about what's going to happen to him for getting caught than that he's sorry he actively sought to cheat on her for YEARS.


Here's what's killing me. This isn't an "oops, I had a lapse in judgement, too much to drink, whatever" moment. This is him PAYING for this. And actively searching for people to cheat on his wife with. That disgusts me. There's just no excuse. I get that people aren't perfect, they make mistakes but this is NOT an accident.  This wasn't even 'oh, my secretary and I spent so many hours together we fell for each other." This was premeditated and deliberate. Actively searching out and then paying for a way to break your vows just boggles my mind. 

This.  This, a million times this..  Sometimes I think Ktgrok and I would be close friends if we met in real life.


I will admit that I hold a special ire for men who cheat on their pregnant wives. Cheating is bad. But while your wife is growing a baby and is so vulnerable and tired? That is just triply reprehensible.



And if she was brave enough to divorce him? If I was her I would worry about him getting unsupervised visitation with my little girls (girl?) Not that she should stay with him, but I might allow him to be married on paper if he agreed to live separately and never be alone with my children. I know that is not realistic, but my children being alone with him would be my issue in any scenario.

Meh.  She's in Arkansas.  They're not progressive.  In a small area like that there might even be a chance she'd get the same county judge that dealt with some of his previous child abuse. Chances are she'd get full custody and only she would decide if and when they'd see their dad again.


Give her time. Tiger Woods' wife tried to stay with him at first, then she couldn't get past it and left. Maybe Anna will do the same.

I hope so.

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In addition to his wife and his kids, I'm concerned about the impact on JD's younger siblings.


Option 1: JB & M say, well, we were beginners with that one. It's a shame, but the youngers will turn out better. Pray lots and carry on.

Option 2: They realize that hmmm, the advice we got from the guy without kids actually was not so good for turning out Super Christian Kids. We went by all his teachings, but JD's not even keeping the commandments. Maybe we should rethink.

Option 3: Better Gothardize the rest of them much harder!


I don't have a lot of confidence that Option 2 is realistic. They've sunk decades into this. :(

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This is what I said on my FB reagrding his apology.


Admittedly, nothing short of "I have willingly and knowingly and intentionally created hurt, betrayal, supported and industry that destroys women and families. I have exposed my wife to disease. My behavior epitomizes the opposite of any healthy spiritual walk. I am entering long term inpatient treatment at a secular, research based and vetted facility. I have uttered hate and judgment with my mouth while defiling everything I platformed my pontification upon. I believe twisted theology. After treatment, I will not accept or seek a public life. I encourage the women in ATI to seek outside counseling and build a whole, adult, independent life and that includes my wife." NOTHING short of that would impress me. Especially not an apology that reads like a 3rd grader "I have been the worst hypocrite ever...."

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It is part and parcel with their faith that the sexual sins of the husband are, to some degree, caused by the wife. Anything from not being available to him sexually after birth to not praying for him enough to not being submissive enough to not being able to read his mind and prevent him to gaining too much weight. There's always someone who will find someway to blame the wife. This is part of why Bill Gothard et al are so misguided, wrong and immoral. It's disgusting and fundamentally, to the core, straight up misogyny.



you're kinder than I would be.  I call it straight up EVIL - and an evil that even those bible believing fundamentalists should be able to believe in.

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Hey y'all!!!! :seeya:


I have been crazy busy over the summer and haven't been on much. However, I JUST saw the Josh Duggar news and my first thought was **GASP** What is the HIVE doing with this latest piece of evidence and I came straight here! Someone will need to fill me in on recent forum gossip... now I am off to start at beginning of this thread.. where is my popcorn :lurk5:

I knew this thread would mean a reunion of the immodest yoga pants club! Welcome back. ;)

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Has anyone seen the leak of his secret Facebook page by the same name as the AM leak (Joe Smithson)? He is friends with lots of strippers! He also has an "Okcupid" dating page. He was trying HARD to have an affair. One of his turn-ons on his AM page was "a girl in a t-shirt and jeans." Which, honestly is horrible- his ATI teachings highly discourage jeans. His wife "can't" wear jeans, and he is out looking for someone to sleep with who wears jeans.


It may have been mentioned before, but he also purchased a $250 "affair guarantee" from AM... if no affair in three months, you get your money back. There have also been some of the messages leaked between him and women on the AM site. He is just vile. VILE. 


I don't believe he is sorry. I believe he is sorry he got caught. And I am sorry for his wife, who will feel stuck because she has no education and was raised this way. She was raised doing prison ministry- if God can forgive murderers, then certainly she should stay with her husband. Ugh. It just makes me sick. 

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I'd be wearing yoga pants right now except for the fact I just ordered two pairs that are way too large.


The only thing less modest than yoga pants are yoga pants that fall off your rear end.


I need to exchange them for a couple sizes smaller as I think gaining 50 pounds is an unwise thing to do in order to save on shipping charges. Penny wise and pound foolish.

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