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Josh Duggar in the news yet again


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Yeah but has your husband got up the nerve yet to confess his uncomfortableness of you wearing them in public yet?


Hah.  I am naturally much more inclined to cover myself than he would prefer.  I think he'd prefer a cami with four inches of cleavage, no bra, and a two-sizes too small pencil skirt at all times than the sundresses I normally wear in August.  And he'd be fine with wearing that to church.  He does not care.  Sometimes when I insist on changing out of workout clothes before running errands he looks puzzled.

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I'm in florida. It's never too hot for yoga pants, you just have to get the capri style ones. 


Or take the ones with bleach stains on the ankle from the time the kid yanked on your leg as you were bleaching a toilet and cut them off at the knee.  All weather yoga pants.

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Hah. I am naturally much more inclined to cover myself than he would prefer. I think he'd prefer a cami with four inches of cleavage, no bra, and a two-sizes too small pencil skirt at all times than the sundresses I normally wear in August. And he'd be fine with wearing that to church. He does not care. Sometimes when I insist on changing out of workout clothes before running errands he looks puzzled.

Mine is the same way. Mine tells me often to take off the mom clothes, lol.

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Has anyone seen the leak of his secret Facebook page by the same name as the AM leak (Joe Smithson)? He is friends with lots of strippers! He also has an "Okcupid" dating page. He was trying HARD to have an affair. One of his turn-ons on his AM page was "a girl in a t-shirt and jeans." Which, honestly is horrible- his ATI teachings highly discourage jeans. His wife "can't" wear jeans, and he is out looking for someone to sleep with who wears jeans.


It may have been mentioned before, but he also purchased a $250 "affair guarantee" from AM... if no affair in three months, you get your money back. There have also been some of the messages leaked between him and women on the AM site. He is just vile. VILE.


I don't believe he is sorry. I believe he is sorry he got caught. And I am sorry for his wife, who will feel stuck because she has no education and was raised this way. She was raised doing prison ministry- if God can forgive murderers, then certainly she should stay with her husband. Ugh. It just makes me sick.

If it weren't for his past charges I would feel sorry for him for that. I mean, he was not allowed to hold hands until he was engaged and was told to look away if he saw "immodest" women, mostly was surrounded by women in long skirts, that wore "modest swimsuits" and had to start a family at like 21. They were almost immediately pregnant. I don't feel like this was really a choice for him either.


He has free will and certainly his actions with his sisters was inexcusable. As was the cover up and the hypocracy of standing for "sexual morality". And as is choosing to have affair.


But honestly seeing the things he hoped to get out of having an affair make me sad. It seems like he just wanted to see what it would be like to have had a normal sex life. Which he would have probably had if he'd not been brought up the whole Gothard life style. In fact he could have been unmarried, dating a nice girl in a tee shirt and jeans, and maybe when he was 14 he'd have been able to coop a feel with a willing girl his own age.

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Has anyone seen the leak of his secret Facebook page by the same name as the AM leak (Joe Smithson)? He is friends with lots of strippers! He also has an "Okcupid" dating page. He was trying HARD to have an affair. One of his turn-ons on his AM page was "a girl in a t-shirt and jeans." Which, honestly is horrible- his ATI teachings highly discourage jeans. His wife "can't" wear jeans, and he is out looking for someone to sleep with who wears jeans.


It may have been mentioned before, but he also purchased a $250 "affair guarantee" from AM... if no affair in three months, you get your money back. There have also been some of the messages leaked between him and women on the AM site. He is just vile. VILE.


I don't believe he is sorry. I believe he is sorry he got caught. And I am sorry for his wife, who will feel stuck because she has no education and was raised this way. She was raised doing prison ministry- if God can forgive murderers, then certainly she should stay with her husband. Ugh. It just makes me sick.

I'm out of likes.

I don't think he's sorry.

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Give her time. Tiger Woods' wife tried to stay with him at first, then she couldn't get past it and left. Maybe Anna will do the same.

She didn't come from a community advocating women are property of their husbands. Or being to blame for their husbands weaknesses. Or allowed to work or get an education. . . .

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The more that is discovered about this, the more the stupid piles up.  He used the same name across sites, he used a home computer instead of going to a library or coffee shop with a different IP address, he used an actual credit card instead of a Visa gift card....


I've never even considered having an affair and I know how not to get caught at that part of it. Stupid, stupid, stupid

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The more that is discovered about this, the more the stupid piles up. He used the same name across sites, he used a home computer instead of going to a library or coffee shop with a different IP address, he used an actual credit card instead of a Visa gift card....


I've never even considered having an affair and I know how not to get caught at that part of it. Stupid, stupid, stupid

People are really dumb about online sex stuff.


I had my (creepy) brother leave his "plenty o fish" account open at my house.


My husband was fixing his college dorm mates computer when he found huge amounts of child porn (which is why his computer was messed up I am sure.) worse, the guy was studying to be a...middle school teacher. My husband reported him because eww. But who asks their roommate to help them fix a computer full of illegal porn? Idiot.


There was a guy at my husbands work caught accessing porn on work computers.


My BIL is an IT guy for a major company and he regularly has to turn people over to HR.


People are stupid about sex. They are just plain stupid.

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The more that is discovered about this, the more the stupid piles up. He used the same name across sites, he used a home computer instead of going to a library or coffee shop with a different IP address, he used an actual credit card instead of a Visa gift card....


I've never even considered having an affair and I know how not to get caught at that part of it. Stupid, stupid, stupid

I don't think Josh has ever been accused of being particularly bright.
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My thoughts are probably influenced by my own experiences, but I have a really hard time buying a plea for forgiveness after something's been publicly exposed. If he were really sorry for what he's done, he'd have stopped it before it became public and dealt with it privately and sincerely. I don't believe he's sorry for what he's done; I think he's sorry it became public and he got caught. 


Despite that, I truly hope this exposure leads him to true repentance and true healing of his soul and the relationships he's damaged. I hope Anna CAN forgive him, not for his sake, but for hers and for her children. Not in the sense that what he did is all ok now, but because unforgiveness seeps into bitterness and her children don't deserve a bitter mom. I hope they can find a way out of the abyss of ATI and find peace and have happy lives. I hope for this, but I honestly don't expect it. Unless they break away from the cult, he'll continue to do what he's doing and she'll continue to endure it, blaming herself--if not fully, then most likely partially. 


It makes me angry at him and sad beyond words for his wife and children.

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Honestly, all I have done today besides this thread is drive, take kids to back to back to back appointments (autism study, counseling, dentist and SLP), lay on the grass in the park while the kids run around between appointments, shovel copious amounts of Ethiopian food into my mouth and pay entirely too much for post dental office cupcakes. So for today, yeah, dissing patriarchy on this thread seems downright fascinating. #mylifeisntveryexcitingmkay?! On the upside, my kids remain 100% cavity free.

I was sitting at the Sam's Club snack bar waiting for my tires reading this whole thread. It felt sorta strange to use my "quiet time" without kids reading in a Sam's Club! But it was so nice because nobody said mom for a blissful hour!

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People are stupid about sex. They are just plain stupid.


there are lots of stupid criminals out there.  the bank robber who wrote his demand note on the back of his deposit slip . . . the muggers who have taken a check from their victim . . . etc.  that doesn't even count the bank robbers who've stuck the dye pack in their back pocket.  (real hard to drum up sympathy there. that burns - and I'm serious when I say burns.)  one of my favs was the guy who robbed the teller line  - not noticing the two FBI agents (who are required to be armed at all times) immediately behind him in line.  (I mention bank robberies just 'cause dh has been in so many. including a sawed off shotguns hit the teller lines takeover. - when he had $250K+ in cashiers and travelers checks -re: very negotiable - on the desk in front of him at the time.  (back in the 70's when that really was something) - they didn't come to the room he was in, even though there was a window overlooking the main area. they got away with $17K. a fraction of what they could have had they rounded everyone up in the building.)

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Would it make you feel better if I asked her to stop too?


Texas T, would you please stop too?


Now can we be big girls and carry on with the Duggar bashing? (LOL)

For you, yes. :). And also since I dropped it several hours ago.... :) yours was the first I really saw about the whole thing. I can't keep up with threads like this. It would take hours of my day. I could sum the thread up in a few sentences, read the thing front to back, and find I had only left out a few assumptions and a cuss word or two. Lol

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Lord, I'm out of touch.  I haven't thought him in years.


I was telling dh about Josh Duggar last night - had to remind him who the Duggars are.  He asked where I hear all this stuff.  The Well Trained Mind Message board.  He says, "Isn't that for homeschooling?" with a rather appalled look on his face.  Now I get to tell him about Jared.


Hee! Michael and I had a similar conversation. He seemed a bit concerned that I knew so many details of the AM site, like the terms of the affair guarantee. And when I made him promise that, if he ever wants to sleep with someone else, he won't do it through a website that costs our family $1000 we can ill afford, he looked at me very strangely indeed.

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Hee! Michael and I had a similar conversation. He seemed a bit concerned that I knew so many details of the AM site, like the terms of the affair guarantee. And when I made him promise that, if he ever wants to sleep with someone else, he won't do it through a website that costs our family $1000 we can ill afford, he looked at me very strangely indeed.

I am not the only one! I felt indignant that Josh spent $1,000 on that AM membership while he had Anna in that itty bitty house with three children in a two bedroom.

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Hee! Michael and I had a similar conversation. He seemed a bit concerned that I knew so many details of the AM site, like the terms of the affair guarantee. And when I made him promise that, if he ever wants to sleep with someone else, he won't do it through a website that costs our family $1000 we can ill afford, he looked at me very strangely indeed.

How awful is it that my thought was "well, if my husband was going to cheat, at least he wouldn't need to pay to find someone who would be interested." :P

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For you, yes. :). And also since I dropped it several hours ago.... :) yours was the first I really saw about the whole thing. I can't keep up with threads like this. It would take hours of my day. I could sum the thread up in a few sentences, read the thing front to back, and find I had only left out a few assumptions and a cuss word or two. Lol


Actually, you didn't drop it. You shared an opinion (that I don't agree with) and no one called you out on it until Sadie. Then she was asked to shut up. Now you're back to LOL when I find nothing at all funny about the Duggars or what most had to share here. I find it all horribly sad.

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The more I think about this the angrier I get.  That poor woman.  I can only imagine what a line of BS he is feeding her. 


I think the worse is yet to come with him.  People like that are so arrogant that they'll never get caught that I'm sure he's been up to all sorts of other shady things. 

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there are lots of stupid criminals out there.  the bank robber who wrote his demand note on the back of his deposit slip . . . the muggers who have taken a check from their victim . . . etc.  that doesn't even count the bank robbers who've stuck the dye pack in their back pocket.  (real hard to drum up sympathy there. that burns - and I'm serious when I say burns.)  one of my favs was the guy who robbed the teller line  - not noticing the two FBI agents (who are required to be armed at all times) immediately behind him in line.  (I mention bank robberies just 'cause dh has been in so many. including a sawed off shotguns hit the teller lines takeover. - when he had $250K+ in cashiers and travelers checks -re: very negotiable - on the desk in front of him at the time.  (back in the 70's when that really was something) - they didn't come to the room he was in, even though there was a window overlooking the main area. they got away with $17K. a fraction of what they could have had they rounded everyone up in the building.)

My dad is a retired police officer. His favorite thing to say is, "The good thing about criminals is they are almost all stupid."

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This is what I said on my FB reagrding his apology.


Admittedly, nothing short of "I have willingly and knowingly and intentionally created hurt, betrayal, supported and industry that destroys women and families. I have exposed my wife to disease. My behavior epitomizes the opposite of any healthy spiritual walk. I am entering long term inpatient treatment at a secular, research based and vetted facility. I have uttered hate and judgment with my mouth while defiling everything I platformed my pontification upon. I believe twisted theology. After treatment, I will not accept or seek a public life. I encourage the women in ATI to seek outside counseling and build a whole, adult, independent life and that includes my wife." NOTHING short of that would impress me. Especially not an apology that reads like a 3rd grader "I have been the worst hypocrite ever...."

That would be quite a statement, but even that wouldn't work. Nothing he says will help. Even if he came up with the apology above, it would be dissected and found inadequate. It's completely futile for him to keep releasing public statements.


The only way the Dugger machine is getting another show is if they suddenly see the light, reject Gothard, and have a program where they and their friends break away from that life. It would be like those epic escape from FLDS stories complete with safe houses and spies and whatnot. If they think of it and want to stay on the air THAT badly, I want credit for predicting it first.


Barring that happening, the next Dugger to cash in will be the one writes a the tell-all book. They'll double that money if they're gay.

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Misogyny, evil. Same difference.


there is a difference.  misogyny is narrower, and focused only on women.  the source of evil their cult espouses also engages in misandry.  (if you look below the surface.)  it's an equal opportunity destroyer. it wants to destroy everything.   it also destroys their men, not just women. (boys aren't allowed much education or see the world either.  might be more than girls - but a nickel isn't that much more than a penny when you need a $20.)  the 'leaders' lead in ways that end up destroying even the lives of their men.


JB and M knew years ago josh had some serious problems and had victimized (even by their twisted standards) his sisters and someone else, but they were taught to handle it in what is to just brush it under the rug - that victimizes them all.  (including teen josh who might have been helped.)  josh is now imploding (I really hope he takes ati with him) - so much for this misogynist cult only being damaging to girls.  JB probably wasn't an arrogant prick who engages in inappropriate s3xual behavior IN  FRONT OF his daughter and her boyfriend (*and a camera!*) before they took up with ATI.  (need an eye bleach emotcon)

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there is a difference. misogyny is narrower, and focused only on women. the source of evil their cult espouses also engages in misandry. (if you look below the surface.) it's an equal opportunity destroyer. it wants to destroy everything. it also destroys their men, not just women. (boys aren't allowed much education or see the world either. might be more than girls - but a nickel isn't that much more than a penny when you need a $20.) the 'leaders' lead in ways that end up destroying even the lives of their men.


JB and M knew years ago josh had some serious problems and had victimized (even by their twisted standards) his sisters and someone else, but they were taught to handle it in what is to just brush it under the rug - that victimizes them all. (including teen josh who might have been helped.) josh is now imploding (I really hope he takes ati with him) - so much for this misogynist cult only being damaging to girls. JB probably wasn't an arrogant prick who engages in inappropriate s3xual behavior IN FRONT OF his daughter and her boyfriend (*and a camera!*) before they took up with ATI. (need an eye bleach emotcon)

Um, I said upthread that patriarchy hurts men. Very clearly. I think it hurts men as much as it hurts women.


That this is a patriarchal cult like sect which hurts men and women alike does not make them an example of misandry however. They absolutely don't hate men, they corrupt men with unnatural and unacceptable power and unduly exalt them. They fear education to be sure but that has little specifically to do with a hatred of either gender and instead with maintaining their number of followers. Patriarchy hurts men, but patriarchy =\= misandry.


Truthfully, I tend to think of evil as a cop out. I don't think it is specific enough. Humans, not the force of evil, are responsible for their reprehensible deeds and values. My remark you responded to was a joke.

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Well, I have had a night to sleep on it and reflect. It did not improve, if anything my opinion got worse from contemplating the calculated, premeditated nature of his actions.


And if Anna does not at least have the baby tested for STD's that can be passed on during pregnancy, than my sympathy for her will end. I very much worry that this child will not receive this medical care because she won't want to buck Gothard and mommy daddy Warbucks.

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Well, I have had a night to sleep on it and reflect. It did not improve, if anything my opinion got worse from contemplating the calculated, premeditated nature of his actions.


And if Anna does not at least have the baby tested for STD's that can be passed on during pregnancy, than my sympathy for her will end. I very much worry that this child will not receive this medical care because she won't want to buck Gothard and mommy daddy Warbucks.

My guess is that, unless another woman comes forward, he is going to lie to her and tell her he was only unfaithful in his heart.

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Well, I have had a night to sleep on it and reflect. It did not improve, if anything my opinion got worse from contemplating the calculated, premeditated nature of his actions.


And if Anna does not at least have the baby tested for STD's that can be passed on during pregnancy, than my sympathy for her will end. I very much worry that this child will not receive this medical care because she won't want to buck Gothard and mommy daddy Warbucks.


do they take their children to doctors for check-ups and general care?

I hope she grows the backbone she needs to buck gothard and throws jd to the curb.  but fear it will take continued revelations about what a creep she married.


this is just so sickening.

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Well, I have had a night to sleep on it and reflect. It did not improve, if anything my opinion got worse from contemplating the calculated, premeditated nature of his actions.


And if Anna does not at least have the baby tested for STD's that can be passed on during pregnancy, than my sympathy for her will end. I very much worry that this child will not receive this medical care because she won't want to buck Gothard and mommy daddy Warbucks.

I wonder if Anna even realizes the baby could have STDs?

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What is now driving me nuts is , it's not like he was trying to stop. Like I could see him saying, "I'm a sex addict, i was overhwhelmed, etc but I felt awful and was trying to stop." Because if he was trying to stop, why keep PAYING for a cheating website for TWO YEARS?

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Depending on where she got prenatal care, they may well have already tested her. Here I think it's part of the standard of care--an HIV test, I know, is on the list just like a diabetes test and two ultrasounds.

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Depending on where she got prenatal care, they may well have already tested her. Here I think it's part of the standard of care--an HIV test, I know, is on the list just like a diabetes test and two ultrasounds.


I think she had midwifery care. I didn't have all the same tests, I don't think, as I would have with an OB. I know I declined the HIV test. 

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Anna can't leave.  Her IL's have a ton of money to hire lawyers.


She will have no way to survive.  She will lose custody of her kids.


I know someone who stays with her emotionally abusive husband because his parents have money and when she tried to leave they hired lawyers and showed that they would tell any lie they could think of about her. She was close to losing her kids so she went back to him and stays with him to this day. Unhappily.

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That would be quite a statement, but even that wouldn't work. Nothing he says will help. Even if he came up with the apology above, it would be dissected and found inadequate. It's completely futile for him to keep releasing public statements.


The only way the Dugger machine is getting another show is if they suddenly see the light, reject Gothard, and have a program where they and their friends break away from that life. It would be like those epic escape from FLDS stories complete with safe houses and spies and whatnot. If they think of it and want to stay on the air THAT badly, I want credit for predicting it first.


Barring that happening, the next Dugger to cash in will be the one writes a the tell-all book. They'll double that money if they're gay.


Or they could go old school and get real jobs like the rest of the world rather than try to pimp themselves out more on reality TV. 

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Anna can't leave.  Her IL's have a ton of money to hire lawyers.


She will have no way to survive.  She will lose custody of her kids.


Not in this situation.  She is NOT trapped at all.  She can kick him out and she'll get more than half of assets because he has no hope of future employment.  She can do a paid interview.  She can write a tell all with a ghostwriter.  She can go through an abused women's network.  No family court judge wouldn't award her full custody.  She's in Arkansas where being female still counts.  She's been exclusively raising the kids while he worked, taking them away would do irrevocable harm to them.  Chances are he was using hookers in DC and chances are some of them were underage, and she could drop that in court and given his history there is NO WAY a judge wouldn't take her side.  Especially since in small towns like that there is a good chance the county judge that would make the ruling is the same judge that has dealt with his child abuse issues before.  And just threatening to take it public with the family would remove his parent's leverage over her because the entire country turned on them when they learned the parents didn't protect their daughters better.

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Anna was raised the Gothard way.  She bought in, 100%.  All she wanted was her Prince Charming and a lot of kids.  And now what does she have?


I know.  I feel sooo sad for her right now.  He is a douche bag and now she and her kids have to suffer.

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