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Josh Duggar in the news yet again


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I thought you were saying you met your husband on AM! Yikes!


But doesn't that profile you quoted sound made up?


oh my goodness! NO! I'd never heard of the cheating site until this week. I meant OkCupid. I met my husband on OkCupid, lol. Lots of tech geeks on there. 


As for profiles sounding made up, MOST of them sound made up on there. 

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I don't care much about the Duggars but how accurate is the information that's been released? Couldn't someone use another person's name and email? I found this from Wired magazine:





Yes, but in this case, it is the credit card that has his name on it, that was used to pay. 

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I thought you were saying you met your husband on AM! Yikes!


But doesn't that profile you quoted sound made up?


I think she meant Ok Cupid. :)


ETA: Whoops, not everything loaded when I posted this. :)

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I don't care much about the Duggars but how accurate is the information that's been released? Couldn't someone use another person's name and email? I found this from Wired magazine:




In this case, it's not the email that gives it away. It's a credit card in his name with the billing address first being his grandmother's home (where his first child was born) and then later when he moved to DC, the billing address was changed to his DC home.

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Given the numbers, a not insignificant number of women on this very site likely have spouses who have been busted in that leak. It's a heavily used site and I think we all should have humility in how we approach it. Josh isn't the only scum on the planet when it comes to sexual behavior.


If you haven't checked, ladies, you should.

I have every confidence in DH. I really doubt he'd use a skanky web site to cheat and if he did he'd use a Visa gift card to pay, a burner email and not list his real contact info. Duh! He's not a brilliant techy but that's just a basic level of common sense. I'm sure the reason there haven't been more shocking revelations is because this is a level of basic self preservation that most cheaters would have. I'm not that shocked that Joshie D would cheat, I'm surprised that he used his real cc and identifying data to do it.

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I don't think there's a huge difference, but in general, you have to be fairly committed to your family to run with the idea of homeschooling. Or maybe I'm naive and overly optimistic. :p


Our local homeschooling community has seen its share of divorces, although only in one was there any issue with infidelity, and in that case it also wasn't the cause of the divorce; it was more the infidelity was because the person wanted out of the marriage (and is now married to the 'new' person), and the divorce ended up being quite amicable.  The others have all had completely different reasons, none of which had anything to do with infidelity. In most but not all cases the kids have ended up in school.


I think there are at least a few divorces on this board too...


Whether the rate is lower than average among the hsing population I have no idea (although it's a nice thought), but it's certainly no guarantee... :(


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I don't care much about the Duggars but how accurate is the information that's been released? Couldn't someone use another person's name and email? I found this from Wired magazine:




It is accurate because screen shots of the credit card billing was hacked, and internet access. Someone would have had to steel two different credit cards, know the billing addresses for both (one was his accurate billing address for the Maryland house and one for the Arkansas house), and security code on the back of the card which means they physicaly stole his cards without him ever noticing, access the accounts from his IP addresses, and do it multiple times over a period of 14 months which was the duration of the subscription without him noticing in all that time, and racking up nearly $1000.00 in subscription charges without him noticing. The subscription was cancelled mere days before the molestation scandal broke which would be awful coincidental.


In the Tony Blair case, the user was registered under that user name, but the billing was to someone else's credit card, name, address, security code, and birth date. It appears that the UK Daily Mail has tracked the user down. Since the exact same information was available for Josh's account, they would also be able to determine if it was someone at a different IP address just using his name. Most people do not understand how easily traceable IP addresses are an easy thing to do when internet billing has been used.


Also note that Josh and company have made no statement denying it nor reporting stolen creit card fraud. It suggests that the gig is up" and he knows it.


The user paid $250.00 for a money back guarantee - affair within three months or a full refund of subscription charges. The screen shot showed his entire billing and no refund was issued which suggests he did find someone to hook up with and Anna and baby should be tested. There is a poster at "free jinger" who has been compiling screen shots from dark web...several have been posted, but given that there are 87 pages linked to his account, I doubt anyone but maybe Anna or some "journalist" for the National Enquirer will sift through all of that.

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There IS another possibility, that someone opened a credit card using his name and address. One he never actually saw, that they had online payments set up for so the bills never went to him. That could totally be done, but the question would be why someone would bother to do that. If you're going to pay the bills, why commit fraud to get the card? Unless you don't have the credit score to get a credit card, in which case it would make sense. Not sure how much info you need to open a credit card in someone else's name. 

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I'm enjoying all this public humiliation he and his family are going through.


Most of his family doesn't deserve this. His wife, kids, sisters. I think thats a pretty shitty thing to say. It would be like you doing something wrong, and us being happy that your family had to suffer because of it.

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There IS another possibility, that someone opened a credit card using his name and address. One he never actually saw, that they had online payments set up for so the bills never went to him. That could totally be done, but the question would be why someone would bother to do that. If you're going to pay the bills, why commit fraud to get the card? Unless you don't have the credit score to get a credit card, in which case it would make sense. Not sure how much info you need to open a credit card in someone else's name.

And a thief would be extra stupid to use a celebrity for this because if he denies it and claims identity theft, a bazillion journalists and journalism wannabes will start looking for the perp. An identity thief would know to pick a low key, off the radar personality in the hopes of not being discovered.

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Most of his family doesn't deserve this. His wife, kids, sisters. I think thats a pretty shitty thing to say. It would be like you doing something wrong, and us being happy that your family had to suffer because of it.

I agree. In all my years of living, I still am amazed at the hatred in people's hearts. That comment kind of blew me away as well. Praying for all of those hurt by this. I'd prefer to be one who doesn't "delight in evil" but that is me.


There is a lot of evil going on right now. It seems so much more media coverage of it all. So many people and evil organizations being shown for what they are.

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And a thief would be extra stupid to use a celebrity for this because if he denies it and claims identity theft, a bazillionjournalists and journalism wannabes will start looking for the perp. An identity thief would know to pick a low key, off the radar personality in the hopes of not being discovered.


I was thinking more just someone he knows, maybe even another family member, who wasn't very bright as far as doing it. But, that wouldn't make sense, becasue if the account listed him as being in DC, and the person who originally did it was still in AK, how would they hook up with people?

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There IS another possibility, that someone opened a credit card using his name and address. One he never actually saw, that they had online payments set up for so the bills never went to him. That could totally be done, but the question would be why someone would bother to do that. If you're going to pay the bills, why commit fraud to get the card? Unless you don't have the credit score to get a credit card, in which case it would make sense. Not sure how much info you need to open a credit card in someone else's name.

The criminal would have to steal mail going to his billing address each month the account was billed, and do that at both addresses for a couple of months. The billing records were released, not simply the signup info. The criminal would also have to cancel both accounts right before the molestation story broke (of which not many people had advance knowledge except the Duggars).

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The criminal would have to steal mail going to his billing address each month the account was billed, and do that at both addresses for a couple of months. The billing records were released, not simply the signup info. The criminal would also have to cancel both accounts right before the molestation story broke (of which not many people had advance knowledge except the Duggars).

 Lots of my accounts are billed via email only. I'm pretty much paperless. So that isn't really an issue. 

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I was thinking more just someone he knows, maybe even another family member, who wasn't very bright as far as doing it. But, that wouldn't make sense, becasue if the account listed him as being in DC, and the person who originally did it was still in AK, how would they hook up with people?[/quote


I know, right! Because the whole point is to hook up and so location is everything.


Identity theft would be the ideal protection from these accusations so if that were true, one would think a statement such as, "It wasn't me. Someone is using my information!" would have been made by now. It took no time at all for the UK Daily to discover that Tony Blair was not THE Tony Blair.

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So I'm curious: did everyone else here know about this cheating website before the hack? 


'Cause not only had I never heard of it, it had never occurred to me that such a thing might exist. Where do all these cheating spouses find out about it? Is it advertised on porn sites? Do they google "how to cheat on your spouse" and it pops up?


I don't think I live under a rock, but this had never crossed my radar before.

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So I'm curious: did everyone else here know about this cheating website before the hack?


'Cause not only had I never heard of it, it had never occurred to me that such a thing might exist. Where do all these cheating spouses find out about it? Is it advertised on porn sites? Do they google "how to cheat on your spouse" and it pops up?


I don't think I live under a rock, but this had never crossed my radar before.

I was wondering the same thing.

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Has the family issued a statement yet?  This broke on Tuesday 8/18.  It was in my twitter feed on Tuesday night. There is no way they don't know about it and haven't been contacted by about 1,000 journalists asking for a statement etc.  I haven't seen anything beyond "no available for comment" and their silence is deafening.


Am I happy this is happening? Happy isn't the right word. Mostly I am concerned about his wife and all the girls in that family. However, I sorrow for all the girls and women who live in any conservative religious environment anywhere in the world. I am glad that this particular set of horrible people (the parents, the adult children, the entire cult) won't be held up as aspirational or as people who have ANY standing to judge or dictate to the rest of us how we should live our lives.


This happens again and again with these sorts of people. Those who are the most judgmental are almost always doing so in the light to cover up what they do in the dark.


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I think if people wanted to access the names they would have to go on the dark web using a tor browser to do so. I don't think this info is on the regular internet. Of course I haven't looked so I don't know for sure.


There are a few sites that let you search by email or username or something else, but to me that seems pointless.  Wouldn't anyone use a DIFFERENT email?  LOL  (Maybe not Duggar... :p )  That's a whole lotta names to scour through.


*Edited to add that I see it's by credit card that people are identified.  Did the hackers release people's full credit card info or just the name associated with the card?

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So I'm curious: did everyone else here know about this cheating website before the hack?


'Cause not only had I never heard of it, it had never occurred to me that such a thing might exist. Where do all these cheating spouses find out about it? Is it advertised on porn sites? Do they google "how to cheat on your spouse" and it pops up?


I don't think I live under a rock, but this had never crossed my radar before.

Billboards and ESPN the radio. I also hear many commercials for lawyers advertising their services to preplan divorces to be most financially advantageous for the guy. ("Guys, now is the time! The recession is the perfect time...") There were also a bunch of news stories on Ashley Madison when it first appeared.

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There IS another possibility, that someone opened a credit card using his name and address. One he never actually saw, that they had online payments set up for so the bills never went to him. That could totally be done, but the question would be why someone would bother to do that. If you're going to pay the bills, why commit fraud to get the card? Unless you don't have the credit score to get a credit card, in which case it would make sense. Not sure how much info you need to open a credit card in someone else's name. 


The account was cancelled about when the molestation story broke. I can see someone setting this up after the first scandal, to make things worse for Josh, but someone paid for this for over a year just on the off chance a bunch of hackers decided to leak the information then cancelled it when the molestation story comes out because... they feel like that's enough drama for Josh? It doesn't make sense. I don't blame people for questioning the validity of this, at all. I think that's smart to do with just about anything you see online. But it being a set up doesn't make sense for me right now.

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So I'm curious: did everyone else here know about this cheating website before the hack? 


'Cause not only had I never heard of it, it had never occurred to me that such a thing might exist. Where do all these cheating spouses find out about it? Is it advertised on porn sites? Do they google "how to cheat on your spouse" and it pops up?


I don't think I live under a rock, but this had never crossed my radar before.


A few months ago, I could not sleep and was watching tv.  This website had so many advertisements in two hours it was not funny. Slightly funny, after a few times an ad for a divorce lawyer would come on. Otherwise, I never would have heard of it until now.  

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Has the family issued a statement yet? This broke on Tuesday 8/18. It was in my twitter feed on Tuesday night. There is no way they don't know about it and haven't been contacted by about 1,000 journalists asking for a statement etc. I haven't seen anything beyond "no available for comment" and their silence is deafening.


Am I happy this is happening? Happy isn't the right word. Mostly I am concerned about his wife and all the girls in that family. However, I sorrow for all the girls and women who live in any conservative religious environment anywhere in the world. I am glad that this particular set of horrible people (the parents, the adult children, the entire cult) won't be held up as aspirational or as people who have ANY standing to judge or dictate to the rest of us how we should live our lives.


This happens again and again with these sorts of people. Those who are the most judgmental are almost always doing so in the light to cover up what they do in the dark.

It's now the top story on People.com, which is very Duggar-friendly. They mentioned that the Duggar rep, normally on their speedial, wasn't available for comment.

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So I'm curious: did everyone else here know about this cheating website before the hack? 


'Cause not only had I never heard of it, it had never occurred to me that such a thing might exist. Where do all these cheating spouses find out about it? Is it advertised on porn sites? Do they google "how to cheat on your spouse" and it pops up?


I don't think I live under a rock, but this had never crossed my radar before.


I had heard of it before. I've seen it written about in the media. I went to the site once because i was curious, but I only stayed about 5 mins. It was boring.

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The account was cancelled about when the molestation story broke. I can see someone setting this up after the first scandal, to make things worse for Josh, but someone paid for this for over a year just on the off chance a bunch of hackers decided to leak the information then cancelled it when the molestation story comes out because... they feel like that's enough drama for Josh? It doesn't make sense. I don't blame people for questioning the validity of this, at all. I think that's smart to do with just about anything you see online. But it being a set up doesn't make sense for me right now.


I agree. It seems like if it was a set up it would have been done better. Though I supposed if it was just someone using his identity to meet women they might have canceled it after the scandal broke out of fear of tabloids finding out about it and being busted. 


That said, that the Duggars haven't responded yet is probably the most telling thing. 

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So I'm curious: did everyone else here know about this cheating website before the hack? 


'Cause not only had I never heard of it, it had never occurred to me that such a thing might exist. Where do all these cheating spouses find out about it? Is it advertised on porn sites? Do they google "how to cheat on your spouse" and it pops up?


I don't think I live under a rock, but this had never crossed my radar before.


I actually did know about it. I read about it a few years ago. When I heard it was hacked, I just had to laugh. The thought of all these people who had signed up to cheat, squirming and panicking about the hack... Do we have an evil grin smilie? :)

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There are a few sites that let you search by email or username or something else, but to me that seems pointless.  Wouldn't anyone use a DIFFERENT email?  LOL  (Maybe not Duggar... :p )  That's a whole lotta names to scour through.


*Edited to add that I see it's by credit card that people are identified.  Did the hackers release people's full credit card info or just the name associated with the card?


They totally dox'd them. Everything, credit card numbers, birthdates, addresses, IP addresses, and even their postings to the website

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The account was cancelled about when the molestation story broke. I can see someone setting this up after the first scandal, to make things worse for Josh, but someone paid for this for over a year just on the off chance a bunch of hackers decided to leak the information then cancelled it when the molestation story comes out because... they feel like that's enough drama for Josh? It doesn't make sense. I don't blame people for questioning the validity of this, at all. I think that's smart to do with just about anything you see online. But it being a set up doesn't make sense for me right now.

The IP addresses match locations too.

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I agree that the family's silence seems to confirm the validity of the news.


Sigh. I feel so bad for Anna and the kids. I wish there were some way to reach out to her, I can't imagine she has any helpful support network of any kind for a juncture like this. J has proven himself completely untrustworthy, this is a very bad situation for someone who expected to rely on him for the rest of her life.

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Am I happy this is happening? Happy isn't the right word. Mostly I am concerned about his wife and all the girls in that family. However, I sorrow for all the girls and women who live in any conservative religious environment anywhere in the world. I am glad that this particular set of horrible people (the parents, the adult children, the entire cult) won't be held up as aspirational or as people who have ANY standing to judge or dictate to the rest of us how we should live our lives.


I feel the same way, and I'm a conservative Christian. This family and their extra-Biblical doctrine (and the cultural worship of them by many people I know in conservative religious circles) has done SO MUCH HARM. There are such sinister things going on beneath such a saccharine exterior, and I'm glad that the public is forced to confront the fact that this "picture perfect" family life is anything but. I'm not happy that his wife and children have to go through this, or that his whole family has had to suffer because of his parent's actions. But more than being sorry for them, I am incredibly hopeful that this will prevent anyone else from becoming embroiled in such a twisted, sick version of Christianity.

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I do wonder how pissed Jim Bob is.  :laugh:


And how heartbroken Anna is. :(


well JB is prob pissed he spawned such a stupid son. I mean, what kind of lame brain uses a website like that when they are in Joshua's public position?  Why not use Craig's list like everyone else? I know, I know, a totally entitled one who has been told from birth that because he is a man he always knows best and is entitled to his very own sex slave and gets to be in charge of All The Women.


Patriarchy is as patriarchy does.  And because of that I am sure that Anna is busy apologizing to everyone in her failure as a sex slave and for bringing this down on the family.


You all watch, in a few years those two will be on the lecture circuit giving very high cost workshops on how to build a stronger marriage. And people will pay up to learn their lessons.  They might even get a new show  and come back stronger than ever. Or at least richer than ever.

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I wonder if he actually had flings or just tried to (not that it matters to his wife)?? How long until a reporter locates the women he was involved with??


I do feel bad for Anna, I think. But she knew he touched little girls before she agreed to marry him and birth a bunch of little girls!! Her parents should be ashamed. Here's hoping this brings about the end of that particular cult.

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oh my goodness! NO! I'd never heard of the cheating site until this week. I meant OkCupid. I met my husband on OkCupid, lol. Lots of tech geeks on there. 


As for profiles sounding made up, MOST of them sound made up on there. 


profiles being 'made up' is a cliché.  of course they're made up - these people, male and female, are trying to impress their target.  that doesn't mean the "owner" isn't the one that made it up.

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There are a few sites that let you search by email or username or something else, but to me that seems pointless. Wouldn't anyone use a DIFFERENT email? LOL (Maybe not Duggar... :p ) That's a whole lotta names to scour through.


*Edited to add that I see it's by credit card that people are identified. Did the hackers release people's full credit card info or just the name associated with the card?

Name, billing address, and IP which literally says where the account can be accessed. Only the last four digits of the cc number was released and without the security code on the back of the card though that had to be provided in order to buy the subscription. Also, email address for billing. In this case the IP location where the account was accessed was the same as for the email address which isn't too bright because it makes the trail to the real user easier to trace, however many internet users are not tech savvy. I am not. But we have gals right here that are so good that when we had that troll a few years ago they were able to trace it back to a teen old girl in Michigan posing as a homeschool mom of a large family and once they decided to check, it didn't take long. So really, if Josh were innocent, this could have been established within 24 hours by any investigator or savvy internet sleuth/experienced journalist even and yet he remains silent.
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I wonder if he actually had flings or just tried to (not that it matters to his wife)?? How long until a reporter locates the women he was involved with??


I do feel bad for Anna, I think. But she knew he touched little girls before she agreed to marry him and birth a bunch of little girls!! Her parents should be ashamed. Here's hoping this brings about the end of that particular cult.


Honestly, I cannot put the blame at her feet for the bolded. She was young and had only the background she had, she had no life experience or context to doubt what she was being told about his youthful transgressions and full repentance.


I really don't think that if I had her background I would have known to run away from the situation.

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So I'm curious: did everyone else here know about this cheating website before the hack?

The website was banned in my home country in 2013 by the government so it was big news in my news feed. There were rumors the website will be hacked months before it happened.



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I wonder if he actually had flings or just tried to (not that it matters to his wife)?? How long until a reporter locates the women he was involved with??


I do feel bad for Anna, I think. But she knew he touched little girls before she agreed to marry him and birth a bunch of little girls!! Her parents should be ashamed. Here's hoping this brings about the end of that particular cult.


Apparently he paid for a guaranteed affair, meaning he'd get his money back in three months if he didn't have one. And his account lasted about a year. So there's some evidence just from account information that he did actually do something.


Name, billing address, and IP which literally says where the account can be accessed. Only the last four digits of the cc number was released and without the security code on the back of the card though that had to be provided in order to buy the subscription. Also, email address for billing. In this case the IP location where the account was accessed was the same as for the email address which isn't too bright because it makes the trail to the real user easier to trace, however many internet users are not tech savvy. I am not. But we have gals right here that are so good that when we had that troll a few years ago they were able to trace it back to a teen old girl in Michigan posing as a homeschool mom of a large family and once they decided to check, it didn't take long. So really, if Josh were innocent, this could have been established within 24 hours by any investigator or savvy internet sleuth/experienced journalist even and yet he remains silent.


This always blows my mind how good people are at finding stuff like this out. And it also blows my mind that people think they can get away with stuff just because they don't put their real name on it.

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I wonder if he actually had flings or just tried to (not that it matters to his wife)?? How long until a reporter locates the women he was involved with??


I do feel bad for Anna, I think. But she knew he touched little girls before she agreed to marry him and birth a bunch of little girls!! Her parents should be ashamed. Here's hoping this brings about the end of that particular cult.

He purchased the $250 "warranty" guaranteeing a full refund if a hookup/affair did not take place within three.months of subscribing. The organizers are very savvy about it. They do not refund the credit card/ they send a check to the billing address! However, in 87 screen shots with account information and communication, there is no indication that a refund was requested.

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Honestly, I cannot put the blame at her feet for the bolded. She was young and had only the background she had, she had not life experience or context to doubt what she was being told about his youthful transgressions and repentance.


I really don't think that if I had her background I would have known to run away from the situation.

But how far does that go? Josh was raised in this patriarchal cult too. Are their parents also brainwashed? At some point someone is responsible, right?

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Honestly, I cannot put the blame at her feet for the bolded. She was young and had only the background she had, she had not life experience or context to doubt what she was being told about his youthful transgressions and repentance.


I really don't think that if I had her background I would have known to run away from the situation.


This is true... And it was probably very much minimized when told to her, more in the context of him having a sexual past instead of him victimizing little girls. Probably the same way she would have been told if he had had a girlfriend and kissed her.


I do feel sorry for Anna. And I hope she leaves him. I don't think he can bring anything good to her life or her kids' lives anymore.

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This is true... And it was probably very much minimized when told to her, more in the context of him having a sexual past instead of him victimizing little girls. Probably the same way she would have been told if he had had a girlfriend and kissed her.


I do feel sorry for Anna. And I hope she leaves him. I don't think he can bring anything good to her life or her kids' lives anymore.


I don't think she can leave him.  According to her (and his) indoctrination this is her fault, her failure as a wife and woman. Don't you think he is going to use that to his advantage, at least in the family?


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But how far does that go? Josh was raised in this patriarchal cult too. Are their parents also brainwashed? At some point someone is responsible, right?


Michelle and Jim Bob weren't raised in ATI/Patriarchal Christianity. They chose it and I blame them completely for the messed up childhood they've given their children. However, Josh WAS raised to know that molesting his sisters was wrong (not that they explicitly taught that but that sexual contact/activity was wrong), and that cheating on his wife was wrong. Anna was raised to believe that she must forgive Josh just about anything. I don't let Anna completely off the hook. She's an adult now and she's also a mother and she has a responsibility to protect her kids. She's in a tough spot right now and I hope she makes decisions that are good for her and her kids, however hard it is.

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I'm enjoying all this public humiliation he and his family are going through.

Wow. You're enjoying that a family is falling apart and having serious problems? How sad for you.

What would the world be like if we very excited and enjoyed when someone we disagreed with suffered humiliation.? That's exactly how we should respond. (Sarcasm)

That is a terrible way to look at it. Just because I disagree with someone or don't personally like them, I don't wish sadness and humiliation on them. I wish for a change of heart for them.

Wow. That comment is so harsh and so very wrong.

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