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The Duggars to do a new show counseling sexual abuse victims? Please let this be false or an Onion story. Please?


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In other news, it appears Josh Duggar is attached to the Ashley Madison hack. Someone with a credit card in his name billed to his grandmother's house bought memberships to the cheating website: http://gawker.com/family-values-activist-josh-duggar-had-a-paid-ashley-ma-1725132091


Time to crawl back under my rock.  I had no idea what/who Ashley Madison was.  It's bad enough, and if this is true, it's just getting worse.

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Josh Duggar had a highly paid, actively used Ashley Madison account? I don't believe it! (Except that it makes total sense and I completely believe it and probably should have seen it coming.)


ETA: What really surprises me is that you could pay them $250 for a GUARANTEE that you would get to have an affair. I mean.... I shudder to think how that works in actuality. (For those who didn't read the original article, yes, he bought the guarantee.)

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Sorry, I'm having trouble mustering a lot of sympathy for her. She knew she was marrying a creeper. My money says the only thing that would make her leave him would be if he were flirting with men.

Yeah, I go back and forth about this. Where does the victim status end? She was raised in the cult, brainwashed, likely crappily educated by her parents. Who knows what exactly she was told before marrying him. Now she's raising another generation of cult members and brainwashing them. It is sad all around. I don't think she deserves him bringing home communicable diseases. And in their cult, this will be seen as her fault for not servicing him sufficiently or something.

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Well, you know, this does not shock me in the least. I'm just waiting for the announcement that ole Billy boy Gothard, and Dougie boy Phillips also have accounts too which make this quite the trio.


Oh, I get judgy that's for certain! I think "chain gang in Siberia mining granite with a teaspoon" for these boys, plus you know Tony Alamo, Mark Foley, George Rekers, Vance McAllister, Steve Wiles....oh, it's a big, big list of chain gang boys.


I want to express this though, I cannot possibly imagine the pain and betrayal that Anna feels. She is living with a slime.

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I saw how each Dugger girl got one of the houses JimBoob had,  each house far nicer than most young couples could afford at the start of married life.  I think those houses should be rental property. and if the newlyweds can't afford the rent, they should go live in a cheaper apartment like normal folks do. That could help generate some income.  The older kids still living at home need to be working and chipping in, too, if they aren't already.  JimBoob needs to find a 9-5 actual JOB, too.

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, e

I can. not. wait. to hear how the Duggar fans excuse this one.


When the news first broke about Josh, my nephew had a big Facebook post defending him with all the usual excuses, especially that the secular media was out to get Christians.  I hid his posts at that point.  I might just unhide them to see what he has to say about this.

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Yeah, I go back and forth about this. Where does the victim status end? She was raised in the cult, brainwashed, likely crappily educated by her parents. Who knows what exactly she was told before marrying him. Now she's raising another generation of cult members and brainwashing them. It is sad all around. I don't think she deserves him bringing home communicable diseases. And in their cult, this will be seen as her fault for not servicing him sufficiently or something.



But regardless of her victim status, there are 4 innocent children mixed up in this through zero fault of their own :(

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Ha! Well, now I know. My mother doesn't believe it was really him because who would be so stupid as to use their real name. Ugh.


Heh. You kind of have to when you're inputting your billing information, unless you're smart enough to use a prepaid Visa or something. ;)  I see that he did use a fake email address, though.

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I can. not. wait. to hear how the Duggar fans excuse this one.


It was job research... He was out to save those misguided individuals...  He meant to type in christian mingle to advertise for his former employer and got confused...   :lol:


Sadly, I can hear these comments just being typed and believed.  

Heh. You kind of have to when you're inputting your billing information, unless you're smart enough to use a prepaid Visa or something. ;)  I see that he did use a fake email address, though.

Or use your interns credit card like it is suspected certain official people did......

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People are really dumb when it comes to using identifying information.  It's ridiculous the number of times my husband has had to clean computers *at work* of porn.  The porn people (who were promptly dismissed when it was discovered what they were doing) were looking at *at work.*  On their *work* computer.  People are weird.

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People are really dumb when it comes to using identifying information.  It's ridiculous the number of times my husband has had to clean computers *at work* of porn.  The porn people (who were promptly dismissed when it was discovered what they were doing) were looking at *at work.*  On their *work* computer.  People are weird.


It's to take advantage of the faster internet connection, is my guess.  Too cheap to pay for it at home.

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The documentary is definitely happening, and two Duggar sisters (Jessa and Jill) are going to be interviewed.


The other thing I have read about is an actual proposed show for the Duggars to counsel abuse victims. I think that is a totally different, and hopefully unlikely, ballgame.

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A documentary is one thing...in which a couple of respectable organizations say, "This is what we know about abuse in general based on our professional experience working with victims and perhaps offenders.  Here are a bunch of hotlines and websites that you can visit to get individualized help or make a report."  That's something that can be produced consisting mostly of professionals, and a few interviews from people like the Duggars who've already had their stories shared in the media or otherwise feel compelled to speak out.


But a reality show involving counseling of victims?  Aside from the wild assumption that the Duggars have advice worth giving, how on earth would they arrange for victims to appear on the show? People who still need counseling?  Most people who are willing to publically speak about this type of abuse are those who have already had significant time to process what happened and have come out the other side wanting to encourage others to get counseling, report offenders, etc. Most crimes of this nature are never even reported because of feelings of shame or fear of not being believed.  The idea that they could film enough victims being counseled to actually make a t.v. series for a single season, much less multiple seasons...THAT is narcissistic, THAT is completely ignoring the victims themselves in a bid to put themselves in the limelight again.  They already cried foul that the media exposed their daughters as victims, that simply reporting the incidents in the media even without names made it clear who was involved, and that the girls themselves would have preferred it to remain private.  Shouldn't other victims get the same courtesy of privacy, particularly during such difficult counseling???  I mean, yes, anyone on reality tv would have to consent to being filmed, while the girls had no say in Josh's crimes being broadcast, but it just reeks of arrogance and narcissism that they would suggest such a series without even considering the other people who would have to be involved to make such a show....that most victims and offenders would most likely be more comfortable and therefore benefit more from counseling in a private setting rather than on stage.


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I suppose they could renew their mariage vows again so they could get on another episode of "Say Yes to the Dress".


They could try to get on Survivor for the million dollar prize. But, I suspect they would be voted off the island early.


When the show was canceled, they actually asked their fans for money through their facebook page. I wonder if they gave all their money to Bill Gothard. I don't know what the organization is worth, but in 2012 assets exceeded 81 million and this is a smaller, fringe group, so there must be some pretty generous donors.


Gothard can help out a bit, don't you think?


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I can. not. wait. to hear how the Duggar fans excuse this one.


I liked this - but then thought actually I can wait.  I've encountered some defenders on another site.  they aren't very bright, and are very blind. 


Ha! Well, now I know. My mother doesn't believe it was really him because who would be so stupid as to use their real name. Ugh.


:huh:   uh - JD that's who.  next . . . .


People are really dumb when it comes to using identifying information.  It's ridiculous the number of times my husband has had to clean computers *at work* of porn.  The porn people (who were promptly dismissed when it was discovered what they were doing) were looking at *at work.*  On their *work* computer.  People are weird.


not weird - stoooppud.

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I saw how each Dugger girl got one of the houses JimBoob had,  each house far nicer than most young couples could afford at the start of married life.  I think those houses should be rental property. and if the newlyweds can't afford the rent, they should go live in a cheaper apartment like normal folks do. That could help generate some income.  The older kids still living at home need to be working and chipping in, too, if they aren't already.  JimBoob needs to find a 9-5 actual JOB, too.

But then how would they manage without their oldest slave children NOT doing the work of 4 mamas? I honestly don't see how that household would work without the older kids caring for the house and younger children.

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But then how would they manage without their oldest slave children NOT doing the work of 4 mamas? I honestly don't see how that household would work without the older kids caring for the house and younger children.

I agree. They have (more than) full time jobs. One girl is responsible for the younger kids' schooling, one does all the cooking, one the laundry, one cleaning...

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I'm just thinking: poor John-David. How is he ever going to see action? His older brother is widely recognized as social pond-dwelling; he no longer even has the draw of being a Duggar TV feature for potential wife; normal chics won't look there and brainwashed young ladies are bound to look at someone with better social stock.

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I always thought their buddy system only worked because they had so many older girls. The way they decide work by gender, I can't see them handing off the infant to a 16-year-old boy so they could get to work creating the next one. Can you imagine your own mother just giving you her baby to raise??? It's weird.

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I've never watched the show. What are the kids supposed to do to make a living? Are they all planning to live off of reality TV forever?


Whether or not it was the original plan, it does seem to have become it.  Jim Bob, especially, seems to be the driving force to keep them on the air.  Roughly 1/3 of the kids were born during the time the family has been on television.  The house they have now was funded by the proceeds from the show as were the houses the older kids have lived in since.  It takes a lot of money to maintain a family that large at that level of affluence. 

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What does the Matriarch do then?


With the children and within the household?  Nothing.


She does give talks and seminars on how to be a wife and mother and model Christian of her particular stripe, though.  And, she lends her voice to political robocalls opposing same-sex marriage. 


The rest of the time, she gazes wide-eyed at the patriarch.

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