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SOTW and Classical Conversations History


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If you do decide to use Classical Conversations instead of the activities guide I suggest getting the foundations guide instead of the cards because there's a lot more memory working it.

The memory work and history songs are what is interesting me in CC. But I also love SOTW and have used it in the past.

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The memory work and history songs are what is interesting me in CC. But I also love SOTW and have used it in the past.

I think you can use both. I think CC as written is a little intense, but I intend to use SOTW as a spine and pull memory work from the foundations guide.


Right now we're learning the timeline song (CC) and reading biographies as sort of a foundation since he's my oldest and not ready for anything else yet, but I think that SOTW and CC will blend together perfectly.


The cards will cover History for $100, but the guide will cover History, Geography, Science, Latin, and Grammar memory work for $75. It's just not as pretty.

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I think you can use both. I think CC as written is a little intense, but I intend to use SOTW as a spine and pull memory work from the foundations guide.


Right now we're learning the timeline song (CC) and reading biographies as sort of a foundation since he's my oldest and not ready for anything else yet, but I think that SOTW and CC will blend together perfectly.


The cards will cover History for $100, but the guide will cover History, Geography, Science, Latin, and Grammar memory work for $75. It's just not as pretty.

Ok, I think this is what I wanted to know! I really like the CC focus on memorization but I don't want to ditch the secular programs I've been using for years. Do you find that the Foundations guide is all you need to do the timeline song? The timeline cards are very pretty and I may pick them up later, but are they necessary from day 1? Also, does the memory work from the other subjects tie in nicely to history? Or is it kind of random?

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I would purchase the song. The tune is very pleasant and easy to listen to over and over. It's on YouTube if you don't want to spend the money, but the CD is much nicer. The words are in the guide. Lots of Bible focus in The Age of Ancient Empires though and you might not like some of the ideas about when things happened.


The cards are absolutely unnecessary. They are pretty though. I did not buy them. I might at some point.


The other memory work is random. The geography can line up sometimes.


Cycle 1 week 5:

Timeline - Part of the song

History - The Roman Empire

Geography - The Egyptian Empire

English - 5 prepositions

Latin - Noun endings (2nd declensions)

Math - Skip counting by 9s and 10s

Science - The major groups of invertebrates


Van Cleves Science experiment 63 & 64

Drawing: Perspective



Cycle 3 week 14:

Timeline - Part of the song

History - Tycoons

Geography - Northwest mountains

English - Irregular verb tenses

Latin - John 1:2

Math - Linear equations

Science - What is an Element?


Van Cleves Science experiment 88

Great Artist: Rockwell

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The timeline and math cover the same things every year. The timeline covers 161 events and people in chronological order and math covers multiplication tables up to 15X15, common squares and cubes, and basic geometry formulas and unit conversions.


Cycle 1 covers 24 historical sentences, 120 locations and geographic features in Africa, Europe and the old world, 24 science facts including classifications of living things and each continent's highest mountain, five Latin noun ending and their singular and plural declensions, English grammar facts including 53 prepositions, 23 helping verbs and 12 linking verbs.


Cycle 2 covers 24 historical sentences including Charlemagne, Renaissance, Reformation and world wars, over 100 locations and geographic features in Europe, Asia and select parts of the world, 24 science facts including biomes, planets, laws of motion and laws of thermodynamics, Latin verb endings of the first conjugation, English grammar facts including pronouns, adjectives and adverbs.


Cycle 3 covers 24 history sentences including the preamble to the u.s. Constitution and the Bill of Rights, 120 locations and geographic features in North America with an emphasis on the United States, 24 science facts including the first 12 elements and parts of the 8 body systems, Latin rules and vocabulary including the text of John 1:1-7 in Latin and English, English grammar facts including principal parts of 11 irregular verbs.


The memory work only takes up about half of the guide. There are also maps, instructions on the tin whistle, and other goodies. I also plan to purchase Living Memory by Andrew Campbell, Geography Songs, Linguistic developmtent Through Poetry Memorization, and some CDs I have picked out but can't remember the name of.

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We use the cc timeline song and sotw. I tried matching up cards, etc., but have found my main purpose for timeline is the big general overview of chronology, so I've stopped trying to line them up. Even if the timeline song is just rote memory work right now, it creates context and pegs for when we come to those events or people in sotw, and that has been valuable, and very easy to implement consistently.


I would like to pick up the history sentences/songs, but coordinating them to sotw is on a future to do list. If I remember correctly, when I took a quick look at it before, it wasn't a quick drop in and go. I do remember thinking the cc app had the songs and sentences and was a sort of interactive guide? You may want to check out the app and compare.

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We use the cc timeline song and sotw. I tried matching up cards, etc., but have found my main purpose for timeline is the big general overview of chronology, so I've stopped trying to line them up. Even if the timeline song is just rote memory work right now, it creates context and pegs for when we come to those events or people in sotw, and that has been valuable, and very easy to implement consistently.


I would like to pick up the history sentences/songs, but coordinating them to sotw is on a future to do list. If I remember correctly, when I took a quick look at it before, it wasn't a quick drop in and go. I do remember thinking the cc app had the songs and sentences and was a sort of interactive guide? You may want to check out the app and compare.

There's an app! I didn't even think to look. It looks like it has pics of the timeline cards too!

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I would definitely do the app instead of the timeline cards. We have them and they are nice, but we don't use them. Even as a CC tutor last year I only used them to put on my board for presenting new material. There is only a description of the timeline event on the back of each card. No resource list or anything like the VP timeline cards have.

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The timeline and math cover the same things every year. The timeline covers 161 events and people in chronological order and math covers multiplication tables up to 15X15, common squares and cubes, and basic geometry formulas and unit conversions.


Cycle 1 covers 24 historical sentences, 120 locations and geographic features in Africa, Europe and the old world, 24 science facts including classifications of living things and each continent's highest mountain, five Latin noun ending and their singular and plural declensions, English grammar facts including 53 prepositions, 23 helping verbs and 12 linking verbs.


Cycle 2 covers 24 historical sentences including Charlemagne, Renaissance, Reformation and world wars, over 100 locations and geographic features in Europe, Asia and select parts of the world, 24 science facts including biomes, planets, laws of motion and laws of thermodynamics, Latin verb endings of the first conjugation, English grammar facts including pronouns, adjectives and adverbs.


Cycle 3 covers 24 history sentences including the preamble to the u.s. Constitution and the Bill of Rights, 120 locations and geographic features in North America with an emphasis on the United States, 24 science facts including the first 12 elements and parts of the 8 body systems, Latin rules and vocabulary including the text of John 1:1-7 in Latin and English, English grammar facts including principal parts of 11 irregular verbs.


The memory work only takes up about half of the guide. There are also maps, instructions on the tin whistle, and other goodies. I also plan to purchase Living Memory by Andrew Campbell, Geography Songs, Linguistic developmtent Through Poetry Memorization, and some CDs I have picked out but can't remember the name of.

Is the memory work broken up by age?

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You may want to look at the each of the 161 events and people, before you spend any money, especially if you are secular.  CC wrote their timeline with a very Protestant Christian bent.  I would hate for you to spend the money on the cards, then realize that CC puts some importance on people or events that you don't feel are the top 161 events.

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We are not in CC and use the timeline cards.  I only use the timeline as the "pegs" for a general overview of history.  We add 7 cards a week and do them during breakfast.  When our stack is too big to do them all weekly, we do a smaller segment and then do the whole thing one time a week.  As a previous poster mentioned, I don't expect them to line up with what we are doing in SOTW because I just want the general chronology to sink in (even without knowing who the people / events are).  I want to get through the whole timeline each year, even though we are only studying more in-depth a segment each year.  When we get to these in our studies, they already have a framework.  I think the pictures are super helpful in helping with the memory, and they are beautiful.  We will be on our second year doing it this year. Amazingly, my 4 year old memorized the whole thing (with the picture prompts), no problem.  I'm still working on it lol!  I like the information on the back also; I plan to use this with our older children, focusing on the reading the backs just on the ones where we will be this year.  I still use the SOTW review cards, but they aren't as good for just memorizing.   So though I don't think that the CC cycles necessarily match well with SOTW (one of the reasons we aren't actually doing CC), I still see their timeline as a valuable resource.


There is a Christian emphasis, but if there were certain cards that bothered you, I suppose you could take them out or prompt your children on what you wanted them to say instead. And I also really think something physical is much better than an app (but I'm a Luddite that way :-)

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