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FUN: Comfort Food (new book from library forget the author's name but also wrote Friday Night Knitting Club); will try Twilight as soon as it comes in from ILL

HSling: Just finished The Well-Adjusted Child, The Social Aspects of Homeschooling

Self-Education: Streams of Civilization 2, French Revolution

Skimming: The Plant Hunters by Toby Musgrave (will read in entirety later this year for self-ed purposes)


Will begin soon: Microbe Hunters by Paul de Kruif for self-ed

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For relaxation I am finally reading Outlander by Diane Gabaldon(sp?) it is a blend of fantasy and historical fiction set in Scotland. For dd edification we are reading John Locke and Adam Smith-rather timely with all the recent snafus regarding Freddie Mac and AIG...I am also returning to a favourite author of mine, Mo Hayder who writes the most creepy and disturbing mystery novels that I have had the pleasure of reading. The Devil of Nanking will keep you awake at night for weeks. I just love her writing. Throw in Dracula by Stoker and David Sedaris' When You are Engulfed in Flames-an essay collection and that ladies is all she read...I have recently discovered the miniature Almond Snicker bars are quite tasty when frozen you chew and chew drooling chocolate while mashing the little nuggets with your molars. Dh lokked at me the other night and remarked that I looked like my mothers dog devouring those little bars and sucking the chocolate remains off my fingers so as to keep my book tidy. I thought it sexy -NOT . I am beginning to look like a 43 year old woman who sits in bed and eats mini snickers every night...perimenopause has not been kind to my hips. If you like a creepy intelligent read Mo Hayder is your writer if you have not yet discovered her. Do not under any circumstances buy a bag of the almond snickers and freeze them just in case... You have been warned it is not pretty and you might loosen a filling.

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For relaxation I am finally reading Outlander by Diane Gabaldon(sp?) it is a blend of fantasy and historical fiction set in Scotland. For dd edification we are reading John Locke and Adam Smith-rather timely with all the recent snafus regarding Freddie Mac and AIG...I am also returning to a favourite author of mine, Mo Hayder who writes the most creepy and disturbing mystery novels that I have had the pleasure of reading. The Devil of Nanking will keep you awake at night for weeks. I just love her writing. Throw in Dracula by Stoker and David Sedaris' When You are Engulfed in Flames-an essay collection and that ladies is all she read...I have recently discovered the miniature Almond Snicker bars are quite tasty when frozen you chew and chew drooling chocolate while mashing the little nuggets with your molars. Dh lokked at me the other night and remarked that I looked like my mothers dog devouring those little bars and sucking the chocolate remains off my fingers so as to keep my book tidy. I thought it sexy -NOT . I am beginning to look like a 43 year old woman who sits in bed and eats mini snickers every night...perimenopause has not been kind to my hips. If you like a creepy intelligent read Mo Hayder is your writer if you have not yet discovered her. Do not under any circumstances buy a bag of the almond snickers and freeze them just in case... You have been warned it is not pretty and you might loosen a filling.


Ok this is just weird - I love the Outlander series, and just recently listened to Dracula and "When you are engulfed in flames"... now I guess I'd better check out Mo Hayder! LOL. As you have similar tastes as mine you would also love the book "Replay" by Ken Grimwood which I recently read (recommended by Kareni here on WTM).


Off to Amazon land....



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Ok this is just weird - I love the Outlander series, and just recently listened to Dracula and "When you are engulfed in flames"... now I guess I'd better check out Mo Hayder! LOL. As you have similar tastes as mine you would also love the book "Replay" by Ken Grimwood which I recently read (recommended by Kareni here on WTM).



This is funny indeed. I read the Outlander series years ago and recently listened to Dracula on tape. I read the David Sedaris book a week or so ago. I may have to look into Mo Hayder too! (I can't say I've indulged in frozen mini-Almond Snickers bars; however, I can highly recommend Trader Joes' peanut butter cups and Dilettante chocolate covered cherries!)




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