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UPDATE post #98 Do you ever have days when you feel like you are made of glass?

dirty ethel rackham

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I'm barely holding it together.  One more thing and I will shatter into a million pieces.  Please don't quote as I may have to delete this.  But I really don't have anyone to talk to in real life.


Things with K are pretty bad. Mental illness sucks.  The bandaid was ripped off yesterday ... one of the most painful experiences of my life.  We aren't talking depression and anxiety here, but bigger stuff.  Many things became apparent.  Not complying with meds.  The effects of not complying with meds (delusional thinking.)  Knowing that even with meds, we may be looking at a lifetime of heartache and worry.   We are less than a month out from K returning to school and we are not confident that they will be able to go back - that they will be safe.  But, K is not happy here at all.  They found an accepting community at school, but those people really don't know how bad things are mental health-wise.  The way K thinks off meds is downright scary.  We are walking a fine line because K is legally an adult, but has no way of self-support.  If we say the wrong thing, K could bolt and end up on the street.  I feel like I am living with a dementor from Harry Potter - all the joy and peace is getting sucked out of me.  The therapist and I had a talk after our session because she could see that I was a mess and she confirmed that the best thing for us to do is to keep responding with love and not judgement until we could get things stabilized.  And to find support for us.


So after a night with lots of silent tears and very little sleep, today, I escaped into a Catherine Ryan Hyde book as sort of a mental/emotional vacation.  At least K admitted to me that we both need a recovery day.  And K took meds last night and agreed to daily monitoring of meds (we watch them take them and check.)  K took the steps to change psychiatrists because K doesn't trust the one we had which was part of the medication non-compliance.  I just can't imbibe on the hopium here because I will not survive another crash. 


I'm hoping we can make the next NAMI meeting.  Thanks for listening.  And if you are the praying type, please pray.  I don't have any left in me.  God and I are not on good terms right now. 



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Yes, I've been there, and I am so, so sorry that you are there now.


Meds do make all the difference. I hope that everything works out with the new doc and a plan can be agreed upon.


One thing that often happens is that when things are going well, it's hard to remember how bad it was. So if there is any way for you to document or record how bad things are, that might help with future compliance. If K journals, that could be really helpful. Or if you could make a video of conversations. Something for K to look at later and get a more accurate sense of how bad things got and how much they don't want to go back to that point.

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Blech. I'm so sorry that things are so rough right now.


I'm praying that you've hit the worst of it and that with the bandaid having come off, things will be better in terms of at least knowing the extent of what you're dealing with. Sometimes just looking the awful in the face for what it is makes the recovery a bit easier. Hope that made sense...it did in my brain.


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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Praying here, Ellen. I wish I had some magical advice for you, but I honestly don't know what to say. I can't imagine what you are going through right now, and I don't know how you are managing to get through it. Please try to take care of yourself as best you can. :grouphug:


I'm so sorry. :(

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