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How long do your 7th graders take?

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I'm concerned with how long it's going to take my ODD to do school with Saxon Algebra 1/2 with DIVE and the Apologia Gen. Science.  She can be distractible and slow sometimes, but she has to finish in good time for her gymnastics practices.  How long do your 7th graders with similar workloads take on school?

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Can't say how long our school takes because it would vary so much by what an individual kid has on their plate to start with, but I can give you an idea about Saxon.  DD has used Saxon for almost 3 years now, and each lesson in each book took about an hour.  The end of Saxon 8/7 was a bear, and those lessons took longer though.  We did not do the CDs unless she needed clarification, so there's that. 


I've no experience with Apologia.

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Do you mean how long on math and science? Or how many hours a day? I couldn't quite grok your question.


My 7th grader worked about 6 hours a day on schoolwork/seatwork.  Reading and extracurriculars not included in that total. It's a very sane amount of time for us and we're going to continue that in 8th. It gives her plenty of time to work on her own creative writing projects, which I don't count as schoolwork but do require a fresh, unexhausted brain.  If I push school time longer, she doesn't have the time and energy for this, and it's something she really cares about.  

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I schedule an 1.5 for Saxon Algebra 1 daily (including corrections) and spread out 6 hrs of science through out the week.  We aren't using the science programs you referred to so I am not sure how much time they require.  We also have a half day on Fridays for music lessons out of town.

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My 7th-grade daughter worked for anywhere from 4-5.5 hours, depending on what was scheduled for the day. Math took about 60 minutes, as did science, 5 days a week. My dd works fairly quickly, and we are able to accomplish a lot in a relatively short amount of time (which is fine with me, because one of the reasons we homeschool is to allow my kids to have lots of free time to pursue their interests). Personally, if my child were working more than 6 hours a day in 7th grade, I would consider that too much. I'd try to keep it around 5 hours.

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My 7th grader is using AoPS math, and is just brain-fried by 50-60 minutes tops. He works hard until that moment and we shelve it regardless if the lesson was finished or not.


IIRC, my teens took a solid hour a day to get through General Science. (DS/7th doesn't use textbooks for science.)

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Right now around 6 hours or so. We start around 7:30 or 8 and are done soon after lunch. I can imagine it might get a little longer as we get more into writing papers and so on, but he typically has sports that begin at 2:30 when the jr high lets out, and he's always finished well before that. We don't do after sports or evening work, except to go over the next day's math with daddy.

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We are just barely starting and won't be up to a full schedule for a few weeks. But expectations jump up in 7th grade here. I'm coming at this as a former math teacher and I tell dd that the public school standard (based on schools I went to, taught in, and the local schools) is a 45 min daily lesson in math plus another 30-60 minutes of math homework. In our homeschool, I'm expecting a 30-45 min lesson with me (reviewing the previous homework, discussing new material, doing some examples) and then 30-45 minutes at night for homework. This could be a straight 1.5 hours but with our schedule (a couple of classes at PS, lots of sports), the nighttime homework situation is more likely. Science is one of the classes dd takes at PS, so that's roughly 45 minutes 5 days/week (some of that time wasted--homeschooling could probably cover the same material and activities in 30 min/day).


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