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Silly, small things that bring pleasure


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Yesterday I was in a toy/education store buying a few things.  I came across "Boho Birds," a line of classroom decoration stuff.  I just loved them!  So I bought a pack of stickers.  I sprinkled them throughout my bullet journal so I'll come across them as I fill the book.  I took a strip of cardstock and put stickers on it for a bookmark.  It's silly and meaningless but boy they make me smile.    And (nodding to the KonMari thread people)... they don't take up space! 


I know I'm not the only one who gets pleasure out of small silly things.  Who else?

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My phone is the Samsung Jelly Bean. There's an Easter Egg in the About Device page that brings up a screen of floating jellybeans and you can put your finger on a jellybean and whoosh it off the screen. Occasionally I will play this little game, trying to get all the jellybeans off the screen. You can't win--they all come back--but it's a bit of mindless fun, and I just get a kick out of how cute it is.

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Watching my dogs ears bounce up and down while we're walking makes me happy. He's so excited to be out for a walk and enjoying the morning, it's hard not to be happy too.


This reminds me that yesterday I realized it makes me smile to hear that rapid fwap-fwap sound the cats make when they shake their heads back and forth really fast. It must be their ears. I think it's funny.

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The smurf sheets on my dd's bed! I had the same set as a child and when I saw the set at goodwill in like new condition I had to buy them. Luckily for me they were a needed purchase and not an impulse buy. Every time I walk into her room I smile.

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Oh here's another thing that I only remembered because it is happening right now. When I'm lying in bed and my 2 year old just lies on top of me and gets comfy without wanting me to cuddle back. He is currently lying on my legs and I can feel his body getting heavier. If I wait a little longer he'll be asleep.

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Watching my dogs ears bounce up and down while we're walking makes me happy. He's so excited to be out for a walk and enjoying the morning, it's hard not to be happy too.


I like watching mine from behind when we walk.  It looks like he's very gently bouncing as he walks. :)


And ditto to coffee!

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Chocolate pudding. Almost every day I make myself a personal sized bowl of homemade chocolate pudding and slowly savor it while I read my book.


My sixteen year old boy will randomly come to me during the day for a hug. None of my other teens ever did that.


Opening the door or a window early in the morning and taking a deep breath of fresh air.


My most recent joy was watching one of my favorite musical comedies with my 11 yo and hearing him laugh.

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Very sharp pencils. 


Same here, I'm a substitute teacher and carry a good pencil sharpener with me at all times because those at the school are so bad. The kids are so very pleased when they hold up a very sharp pencil I've sharpened for them.

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Chocolate pudding. Almost every day I make myself a personal sized bowl of homemade chocolate pudding and slowly savor it while I read my book.




I think it's against the board rules to say something like this without sharing the recipe. 

If it's not against the rules, well, it should be. Recipe please?

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I think it's against the board rules to say something like this without sharing the recipe.

If it's not against the rules, well, it should be. Recipe please?

Put 1tbsp Cocoa, 1 tbsp sugar, 1 tbsp cornstarch, and a scant dash of salt in a small bowl that has deep sides. Whisk well, until everything is combined. Whisk in 2/3 cup milk, until all is well moistened and there are no lumps. Microwave on high for 1 minute. Whisk again, very well, scraping the bottom of the bowl. Microwave for 30-40 more seconds, until thickened. Whisk again to insure a smooth even texture. Let cool or eat warm. It will thicken more as it cools and will form a skin on top.


I imagine this can be done on the stove top as well, just making sure to stir continuously.


Variations: replace a tbsp of the milk with a tbsp of coffee before microwaving, or add a small drop of mint flavoring with the final whisking.


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Gosh, a single serving of pudding is going to be GREAT for those days when I just need something to reward myself. And I already have that stuff on hand, except I only buy milk a half pint at a time...but I know how to fix that problem.g 

Thanks- I have heard of these recipes but if you make it frequently I know it must work and taste good. Some recipes....not so sure. 

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I make chocolate pudding on occasion, but never in the microwave and never just one serving! This is brilliant! All the same ingredients I use. Well, I don't know what else one would use for pudding.

I triple the recipe for 4 servings. Use a bigger bowl, Microwave 3 minutes then 1 minute, following the same procedure.



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Oh!  Another one:


Turtle yoga.  :)  


We have turtles, and I love watching them bask, poised with one leg stretched out.  They look so peaceful and they make me smile every time.  Our new house has a pond, and apparently there are turtles there, too.  I can't wait to watch them basking on logs.

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In the morning, sitting by the big kitchen windows and watching all manner of critters in the woods. Deer, squirrels, chipmunks, rabbits, the red Cardinal couple. All while drinking my coffee.

Mucking the stalls and spreading nice, clean shavings in them.

Watching the girls play together-big dd spray painted little dads hair blue, middle dd gave her a make over, seeing how excited they get when they have 'sleep overs' with each other. When one of us takes one on a 'date' they always insist on bringing home a little gift for the two that are home. They can be so sweet and loving.

Waking up with dh, two little dogs, and any combination of kids in my bed.

Having those 'big girl' conversations with my older dd (10). It's kind of bittersweet, because she's growing up and all, but I am really loving listening to her heart.

Stopping to give the homeless man some food and a gift card/money and seeing my middle dd (7) well up with tears and beg to do it more often.

Seeing my littlest dd (4) stopping and calming herself by taking deep breaths. We've had quite a rough patch the past two years, and are seeking evaluations for her. It so often breaks my heart when she has a hard time, but more and more, I see her really growing in this area, and that just makes me so very happy for her.

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Yesterday I was in a toy/education store buying a few things.  I came across "Boho Birds," a line of classroom decoration stuff.  I just loved them!  So I bought a pack of stickers.  I sprinkled them throughout my bullet journal so I'll come across them as I fill the book.  I took a strip of cardstock and put stickers on it for a bookmark.  It's silly and meaningless but boy they make me smile.    And (nodding to the KonMari thread people)... they don't take up space! 


I know I'm not the only one who gets pleasure out of small silly things.  Who else?


love those stickers

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Today I went to the thrift store.  I saw a teardrop sling LLBean bag.  It was brand new, still crisp.  They wanted $10.  I commented that I thought that was too much for a bag.  They let me have it for $3.


They also had some flip flops with no tread marks (so I think new) for $5.  She let me have them for .99.


That makes me very happy!  


Turns out the bag was $120 online.  I had NO idea!




The flip flops were $46 new.  I didn't know that either.



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My grandpa's electric pencil sharpener. As a girl I would sit in his home office and sharpen all his pencils. He died when I was 9 and I asked my grandma for the pencil sharpener. 40 years later that pencil sharpener is in my kitchen still sharpening (and with a really fine point to boot) and I smile every time I use it.


I also have his electric shoe shiner. I turn it on every once in awhile to hear the whir and remember sitting with him in the morning while he shined his shoes before going to work.

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