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Do you have a thyroid problem?


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I do have a thyroid problem and have taken meds for years.


I avoid dairy but that is because I am very lactose intolerant. If I eat the dairy my digestive system is VERY unhappy. I don't avoid gluten because it hasn't made a difference for me. I did a no gluten trial a couple years ago where I had no gluten for a month and there wasn't a change,

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I have a thyroid issue. I have various autoimmune issues. I've tried, at certain times of life, to avoid both gluten and diary. But with my other dietary issues it makes adherence so difficult I usually end up adding dairy back in, at least.

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I lost all thyroid function after a bout of thyroiditis so I take synthroid (or its generic). I definitely eat gluten and dairy. My dad is gluten free and though I love him, I have grown tired of his self-righteous revelations of all the health benefits being gluten free provides.  Before that it was avoiding fermented foods (FODMAPS), before that it was being a vegan, before that he was on a macrobiotic diet, before that it was raw foods, before that it was Atkins, before that every meal seemed to involve tofu and carob and sprouts.   I'm eager for his next fad to take hold.  Anyway, the avoidance of gluten (for reasons other than celiac) or dairy (for reasons other than lactose intolerance)  seems like a fad in my community.  I figure if humans have been eating it for thousands of years, it's probably just fine in moderation.


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I have an under-active thyroid but I don't yet know whether it's Hashimoto's or not, although statistically of course it probably is.


I've always had slight issues with dairy.  I can only tolerate small amounts of milk or ice cream w/o unpleasant symptoms.  I do put a small amount of half-and-half in my coffee, and it doesn't seem to bother me.  I've never tried avoiding gluten, but my digestive tract seems to feel much better when I eat lower carbish and avoid most grains.

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My endocrinologist, whose wife has the same thyroid condition as mine, says that often autoimmune thyroid conditions are accompanied by other autoimmune issues, some of which can be helped by going gluten-free.


IOW, the co-existing condition, of which the patient may not be aware, improves, and the patient feels better off gluten, but the thyroid condition itself does not actually change in response to going gluten- or dairy-free.


My former endocrinologist said the same thing, and my own experience reflects this, as I have Hashimoto's with no other (noticeable, identified) autoimmune issues. Going gluten free had no impact on my health whatsoever.

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I have Hashimoto's.  I don't have issues with dairy.  I have tried at various times to go gluten free and dairy free for other health issues.  But I did not notice any appreciable difference in my thyroid functioning, nor in my overall health.  So, I just try to eat a varied diet with lots of whole foods and plenty of fruits and vegetables.  I do feel best without processed sugar, but avoiding sugar and chocolate while dealing with heavy life problems and perimenapause is just cruel and unusual punishment. 

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If you have an autoimmune thyroid problem I've heard you need to avoid gluten and possibly dairy.  I avoid gluten and I also avoid dairy off and on.


Do you avoid gluten?  What about dairy?  What difference do each of these make in your symptoms? 


I have Hashimoto's thyroiditis, an autoimmune thyroid disease, as well as a couple of other autoimmune conditions. It is recommended that those with autoimmune diseases avoid grains (which will eliminate most glutens, although there are some that are less obvious), and dairy. There is an autoimmune protocol which recommends avoiding grains, beans & legumes, eggs (!), nightshades, seeds, most nuts, and dairy...sort of paleo on steroids, lol. I have been doing this elimination diet for about three weeks; so far I have not seen any differences in how I feel (although I might not notice anything for another week or so, or until I start reintroducing foods); however, I'm a member of a FB group which has members whose lives were changed by eating that way.

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I have Graves disease and autoimmune disease.  I think I've finally taken control of it now.  I'm not pushing a diet by any means...but I've been on Trim Healthy Mama and every last one of my symptoms have gone away in the last 15 days and I've lost 14.8 pounds doing it.  I feel great, my tummy isn't bothering me and I prepare just about every single thing I eat from scratch.  The only thing I use convenience wise is Joseph's pita and lavash breads for making pizza.   Dairy doesn't seem to bother me...but American bread products make me so miserable.  I'm also learning to make my own sourdough breads the proper way and hopefully this will also help me.   


I did have on endocrinologist several years ago to recommend I go off all gluten filled products.  

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I have Hashimotos and have not noticed much appreciable change with taking the meds OR with gluten free.  I'm also someone who tries to do gf off and on, so that probably doesn't help.    Prior to being dx with Hashitmotos I was much more faithful at being LC (nearly gf) and I definitely noticed a difference so I know, for me, gf is helpful. 


I need to move on from my regular physician to an Endocrinologist, but I'm just too dang tired and busy to do it.

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I have Hashimoto's thyroiditis, an autoimmune thyroid disease, as well as a couple of other autoimmune conditions. It is recommended that those with autoimmune diseases avoid grains (which will eliminate most glutens, although there are some that are less obvious), and dairy. There is an autoimmune protocol which recommends avoiding grains, beans & legumes, eggs (!), nightshades, seeds, most nuts, and dairy...sort of paleo on steroids, lol. I have been doing this elimination diet for about three weeks; so far I have not seen any differences in how I feel (although I might not notice anything for another week or so, or until I start reintroducing foods); however, I'm a member of a FB group which has members whose lives were changed by eating that way.



Hashimoto's here. I did an Elimination diet like Ellie mentions above. We were attempting to see if any one food bothered us. I did not see a considerable difference while I was on it, but near the end of it, I did. We followed this diet for at least 6 weeks. Out of town company arrived and we went off the diet, and I felt wonderful for several months. It was only after the fact, that I realized it was PROBABLY due to the diet. (Even afer we went off the diet we were cautious with our food choices for a while.)


My endocrinologist has suggested I go Gluten Free, as it can make a difference. I am trying to get motivated to do this again, soon.

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