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Has only *my* facebook changed?


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I am not an avid FB'er.  I go on sometimes to check up on long distance relatives and friends.  For the last few months there isn't real life stuff anymore.  It seems like 90% of posts are someone selling something, a repost of those generic pics with sayings/jokes, sales ads from companies, reposts of news articles, or rants.  It is such a waste of time to sort through it all to get to 10% of good family updates and pics of family/friends.  Is this just me/my account/my friends or is this a general trend? :confused1:

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It's trending that way, but it's also your friends/relatives. 


I would block the few who are the most annoying. Then I'd start adding updates of your own -- sometimes seeing an update can remind people to do that. 


I actually started consciously trying to add more updates after my sister said "I was trying to see how you were doing and I had to scroll through six pages to get to something you wrote instead of re-shared"

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Yes, FB tweaked its news feed algorithim recently so that most of my feed is now one of my FB friends clicking "like" on some random post by one of their friends whom I do not know. I wish there was a way to tell FB not to show me those posts unless it's a mutual friend.

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