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Canadian question-weaning baby


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I'm from Texas but had a baby in Canada a few years ago. I know there are some Canadians in this group, eh? When he was 10 months old the health nurse told me to wean him off bottles (not breastfed). Was this a weird thing for her to tell me or a common practice in Canada? I'm asking because we pretty much did this with him except for night time feeds and now that I have another baby I'm wondering if I should do it again. She doesn't eat at night so if I did wean her at 10 months it would be completely. I know this is against recommendations in the states, but if all of Canada is doing it then I think it's worth considering.



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Nope, all of Canada is definitely not doing that. Unless there's some extenuating circumstances there's no reason to wean the baby that early. Heck, we have year-long mat leave partly so that people can feed their babies longer if they want, lol. Was she maybe just talking about transferring him to drinking from a sippy cup instead of a bottle? I know some dentists recommend doing that sooner rather than later for paletter formation, but if she was honestly talking about weaning him off formula entirely, I think you just got an out-of-touch nurse.

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I replied in the other thread, but curious here as well. In Australia it is standard practice to move from formula to cows milk at 12 months, and I believe it was 10 months a decade or two ago.


What's the reccomendation over there for when to move from formula to cows milk? 10 months is a little earlier than what we do but not by much!


Also seconding the idea they may very well have just been referring to switching from bottle to sippy though

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Replied in other thread:


Transition from bottles to open top cups at 12 months.

Transition from formula to homgenized whole cow's milk at 12 months.

May begin to  introduce cow's milk at 9 months


The Rourke Baby record (aka primary care provider's cheat sheet) has all developmental recommendations nicely summarized, with referneces.  It can all be found on the Canadian Pediatric Society website and it's parenting site Caring for Kids but not so nicely summarized.


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