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adult ADD?? Anyone with any experience

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Caffeine does help but if you can't drink coffee or tea (it gives me heartburn) you can try this. I think there's also some other drinks that now have caffeine in them now. Flavored waters and such. I'm not suppose to drink caffeine, so I take the meds and I try to take fish oil. It helps my girls, but I taste it afterwards REALLY bad.

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I have adult ADHD inattentive type. I took Concerta for several years but don't take it anymore. I also went to a counselor who specializes in treating women with ADD.


What works for me:


Fish oil

Good multivitamin

Waking and sleeping at the same time every day


I used to drink coffee and tea throughout the day. My counselor advised me that this form of self-medication does more harm than good. It does help for a little while right after you consume it. But after a few hours, when it wears off, it drops your brain function even lower than it was before. It's kind of like eating a bunch of sugar. You get the short-term buzz, but then you feel even worse, with low blood sugar, when it wears off. She told me that taking prescription medication is actually much better for your body than caffeine. I no longer do either.


Part of my journey has been learning to accept myself and the way my brain functions. I've learned that in some circumstances it can be a "deficit" but in many others it can be a gift.


I read every book I could find on the subject which helped me understand my limitations and my gifts. I quit trying to fit myself into the expectations of others, including my parents, and started accepting myself, flighty brain and all. This turned out to be much better therapy for me than chemicals.



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