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College-Prep Engineering for homeschoolers

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Anyone have  a kid who's engineering bent? I with this had been available for my son 5 years ago.


A local teacher who runs the engineering academy at a prestigious high school has started Catapult Engineering Academy, a four-year, college-prep engineering curriculum for home schooled high school students.  I had a couple of friends pilot the course last year, and they RAVED about it. Might be worth looking into if you have someone interested. I think he's got a coupon running if you register before July 31st, so message me and I can find out the code.


Hope this helps someone! I'll try to help with questions if you have them, or I can put you in touch with my friend who runs it. I'm pretty sure someone on the WTM board had their son enrolled last year as well.



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My son (10th grade) did the Introduction to Solid Modeling & Engineering Design class last year.  He loved it, it was absolutely his favorite thing he did last year.  He wasn't sure if he wanted to go into engineering or computer science, and after taking this and AP computer science he is planning on engineering. He is signed up for the MatLab course this year. Really the only downside is the price, which is $700 this year I think. If anyone has specific questions I can try to answer them.

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My son took solid modeling last year as well and we were very pleased.  The class was identical n many respects to the course that my oldest daughter took freshman year in her mechanical engineering degree.


My son is also registered for the MatLab/LabView class this coming year as well.

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I don't really know what MatLab is either.  All I know is that It is a mathematical modeling language that lets you run models and simulations and do data analysis. My husband is a software engineer, and he says the hardware people at his company use it all the time.  


For these classes they recommend it for 10th grade and up, and that the student have finished geometry before taking it.

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I don't really know what MatLab is either.  All I know is that It is a mathematical modeling language that lets you run models and simulations and do data analysis. My husband is a software engineer, and he says the hardware people at his company use it all the time.  


For these classes they recommend it for 10th grade and up, and that the student have finished geometry before taking it.


Sounds great, then we will be taking it (and saving up for the cost) when she gets to that age. she attends public school and starts 7th grade. She will be in Alg 1 this school year.

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My son (10th grade) did the Introduction to Solid Modeling & Engineering Design class last year.  He loved it, it was absolutely his favorite thing he did last year.  He wasn't sure if he wanted to go into engineering or computer science, and after taking this and AP computer science he is planning on engineering. He is signed up for the MatLab course this year. Really the only downside is the price, which is $700 this year I think. If anyone has specific questions I can try to answer them.

How much time would you estimate the students spend completing assignments for this course? I'm interested, but DS will already be taking two DE courses and one AP course.

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The time varied a lot.  Some days were 15 minutes, some days were 45 minutes.  It was rarely more than that, unless he ran into a problem and had to start a design over.  If he got stuck he would email the TA, so sometimes he would get a day or so behind if he was waiting for a TA response and then he would have to double up to catch up. They had to write an engineering memo about every two weeks, describing what they had done. That took about an hour at first, although by the end of the class he was able to write the memos more quickly (and get better grades on them.) 

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  • 2 weeks later...

What is the format like?  Are there videos to watch?  I have the impression that it runs asynchronously but I think the site is unclear.


Does the Computations class seem to have much value added compared to a more straightforward (cheaper) programming class such as is offered by AOPS?

Do you think one of these courses is worth a solid credit?


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The class is asynchronous, and there are videos to watch, followed by homework assignments.  It does have defined due dates though, so it is not do at your own pace. They worked with me the one time my son needed due dates adjusted because of a family vacation.


The computations class teaches a different type of programming, since it is MatLab and Labview while AOPS I think teaches either Python or Java.  So AOPS would be more pure computer programming, while MatLab is more applied for doing engineering modeling.  I would assume both types of classes would be pretty useful, and my son did AP Computer Science also, which was a different kind of class. If you are only going to do one I think it would come down to personal preference, either would be useful for an engineer.


I think the course is worth a solid credit.  My son spent less time on it than math or biology, but more than AP computer science, to give you an idea.



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I'm interested in the coupon too. These courses look fantastic.


I'm so sorry to just now be seeing this - I was out of town visiting ill relatives and had no internet access.


The code expired on 7/31, but send me a message and I'll see if I can ask the owner to extend it a few more days. Thanks!

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I agree!  They look interesting, but WAY past my budget!  Wish there was a cheaper/different option.

Hot Lava Mama


I know. I actually brought this up to the owner/developer a couple of weeks ago. He said he didn't think it was too expensive - he said people pay that much for piano lessons/soccer/ballet every year, so it really wasn't a big deal.

Of course, he & his wife both work and their kids are in school, so maybe for a dual-income family it isn't a big deal. It would be utterly out of our price range if we were interested.


For those of you who wish, go ahead and send them your thoughts via the contact form. Maybe if he hears from enough people, he'll make different decisions? I know he's really needing students this year, or the program may not continue. . . . .

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I know. I actually brought this up to the owner/developer a couple of weeks ago. He said he didn't think it was too expensive - he said people pay that much for piano lessons/soccer/ballet every year, so it really wasn't a big deal.

Of course, he & his wife both work and their kids are in school, so maybe for a dual-income family it isn't a big deal. It would be utterly out of our price range if we were interested.


For those of you who wish, go ahead and send them your thoughts via the contact form. Maybe if he hears from enough people, he'll make different decisions? I know he's really needing students this year, or the program may not continue. . . . .


I think I will contact them.  Thanks for the suggestion.  He might think about his audience-primarily one-income families.  We don't do piano/soccer/ballet because we can't afford it.  We aren't in a charter school, so each and every dollar comes directly out of our pocket.  $700 is extremely expensive for an on-line course!  Our community colleges around here don't charge that much!  (And I am in California...not exactly an inexpensive place to live!)


It seems to me that if he is at risk of continuing, he might think twice about the price.  That would tell me it IS too expensive as there isn't enough of a market for it! 


You might mention to him that perhaps he could make some alternative choices for students in addition to the set up he has now.  Is there any way he could lower the cost but still provide the course?  Perhaps not as many teaching sessions and more "self-study" to cut down on the teacher costs?  Maybe people could do a 1/2 session?  Could he post the video's online and charge a lower amount for access (thus, not live sessions)?  I'm sure there are many other ways to change the structure to provide more lower-cost alternatives.



Hot Lava Mama


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The class is asynchronous, and there are videos to watch, followed by homework assignments. It does have defined due dates though, so it is not do at your own pace. They worked with me the one time my son needed due dates adjusted because of a family vacation.


The computations class teaches a different type of programming, since it is MatLab and Labview while AOPS I think teaches either Python or Java. So AOPS would be more pure computer programming, while MatLab is more applied for doing engineering modeling. I would assume both types of classes would be pretty useful, and my son did AP Computer Science also, which was a different kind of class. If you are only going to do one I think it would come down to personal preference, either would be useful for an engineer.


I think the course is worth a solid credit. My son spent less time on it than math or biology, but more than AP computer science, to give you an idea.

I am curious...where did your son take AP computer science? I have been meaning to look that up.


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Thank you! The information you posted was very helpful.  Can you tell me is sophomore year too early to do this? Would it be better done closer to graduation so the information is fresh right before college?  I am very new to thinking about AP classes and testing. 


Also, I saw your thread on AP course approved syllabi.  I was thinking of using Teen Coder for this as well, but I have no idea what I would use for the syllabi.   Could you give me an idea of what I would do? I am clueless.  :)


Thanks so much! Kristie

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I think I will contact them.  Thanks for the suggestion.  He might think about his audience-primarily one-income families.  We don't do piano/soccer/ballet because we can't afford it.  We aren't in a charter school, so each and every dollar comes directly out of our pocket.  $700 is extremely expensive for an on-line course!  Our community colleges around here don't charge that much!  (And I am in California...not exactly an inexpensive place to live!)


It seems to me that if he is at risk of continuing, he might think twice about the price.  That would tell me it IS too expensive as there isn't enough of a market for it! 


You might mention to him that perhaps he could make some alternative choices for students in addition to the set up he has now.  Is there any way he could lower the cost but still provide the course?  Perhaps not as many teaching sessions and more "self-study" to cut down on the teacher costs?  Maybe people could do a 1/2 session?  Could he post the video's online and charge a lower amount for access (thus, not live sessions)?  I'm sure there are many other ways to change the structure to provide more lower-cost alternatives.



Hot Lava Mama

My son took the first class last year.  His prices were lower. When I saw how high they were this year I almost didn't re-enroll. I did email with the owner and pointed out exactly what you have said here.  $700 is just too much for the audience.

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I think I will contact them.  Thanks for the suggestion.  He might think about his audience-primarily one-income families.  We don't do piano/soccer/ballet because we can't afford it.  We aren't in a charter school, so each and every dollar comes directly out of our pocket.  $700 is extremely expensive for an on-line course!  Our community colleges around here don't charge that much!  (And I am in California...not exactly an inexpensive place to live!)


It seems to me that if he is at risk of continuing, he might think twice about the price.  That would tell me it IS too expensive as there isn't enough of a market for it! 


You might mention to him that perhaps he could make some alternative choices for students in addition to the set up he has now.  Is there any way he could lower the cost but still provide the course?  Perhaps not as many teaching sessions and more "self-study" to cut down on the teacher costs?  Maybe people could do a 1/2 session?  Could he post the video's online and charge a lower amount for access (thus, not live sessions)?  I'm sure there are many other ways to change the structure to provide more lower-cost alternatives.



Hot Lava Mama


This is about how much PAHomeschoolers charge for an AP class, and about what you would pay for an entire year's worth of AoPS courses.... so there might actually be a market.


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