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Implantation bleeding like a light period?


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We are not planning a baby.  I was due for my period the end of June.  Dh and I went to have tea on 7-4 and found that we were shockingly out of protection.  We have no idea how that happened :confused1:   We decided that the risk was very low since I was already overdue for my period.  Well the next day (7-5) I felt distinct ovulation pain in my right side.  I was not expecting that :blush:   Sometimes I do have quirky cycles and ovulate late though.  So yesterday (7-10) I started a very light period.  This would have been the first day for implantation.  Or it could just be my period and it is light this month.  If I did ovulate on 7-5 then it is really too early for my period.  Maybe it wasn't ovulation on 7-5 but it felt so much like it.  And I just don't feel normal, kwim? 


Really...I'm just rambling thoughts.  I think I am on a very light period and shouldn't be the least bit concerned about any of this :banghead:  I'm a little crampy like a period and it is red but just so light. 


Any experiences like this?


UPDATE on 7/14 

I had one day of very light spotting and three days of lighting bleeding.  It seems to be done now :confused1:

I'm really thinking this was just a crazy cycle. 


No, I haven't tested yet - for those who are antsy :blush:

It is too early.  Even if I am preggers then it shouldn't show on a test any earlier than Sunday.  Does that sound right?


Update on 7/17

I took an old test I found in my cabinet and it was negative.  I think I might be in the clear.  I ordered a pack of test strips on amazon and they should come in tomorrow.  I will test on Sunday or Monday one more time to make sure :thumbup1:  


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I'd POAS. That's happened to me twice. One is nearly 12 and one is 14 mos. :)


I think I need to wait a few more days for that to be accurate.  I think I read 7 days after implantation?

I'm not good at waiting.  It kills me. 


Surely I'm not pregnant though. 

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It could be a period or spotting since you do not know when you truly ovulated. Maybe you geared up to ovulate but it was a weak one with a short lp so your cycle is light. I had spotting with my oldest with red blood. Without looking for fertile signs other then cramping or charting temps it is hard to say. You would only be 6 dpo at the most if you got pregnant from the 4th though and implantation generally occurs between day 8 and 12 I believe. I would wait a few days before testing.

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It could be a period or spotting since you do not know when you truly ovulated. Maybe you geared up to ovulate but it was a weak one with a short lp so your cycle is light. I had spotting with my oldest with red blood. Without looking for fertile signs other then cramping or charting temps it is hard to say. You would only be 6 dpo at the most if you got pregnant from the 4th though and implantation generally occurs between day 8 and 12 I believe. I would wait a few days before testing.



Actually everything I have read says days 6-12.  That is why I am concerned.  Since tea would have come first with ovulation less than 24 hours later, implantation would probably fall on the earlier side of things and not later.  or it could just be a period.  Who knows.  I really need to not worry about it, I suppose.

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How old are you? I'm 41 now, and I've had a couple of wonky periods over the last year. In fact, I'm having one of those right now--it was a few days late and so weird and light for four days that I thought I was heading into another crazy bleeding episode like I had last fall. And I was having lower-right abdominal pain that was so weird that I was worried I might have appendicitis. 


So based on my own experiences, I would say that you're probably not pregnant. But, of course, there's only one way to know for sure!!!




ETA: Oops, you answered someone else while I was typing. Hmm, hard to say. I'll keep my popcorn handy just in case!

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How old are you? I'm 41 now, and I've had a couple of wonky periods over the last year. In fact, I'm having one of those right now--it was a few days late and so weird and light for four days that I thought I was heading into another crazy bleeding episode like I had last fall. And I was having lower-right abdominal pain that was so weird that I was worried I might have appendicitis. 


So based on my own experiences, I would say that you're probably not pregnant. But, of course, there's only one way to know for sure!!!





I'm 37.  I mean it could be? 

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The waiting is so hard. I hate not having answers to stuff like this! I think you're just going to have to give it a few more days and start peeing if you don't have an answer by then. Sorry!



Yes, I know :(  Oh well.  I guess either my bleeding will pick up and feel more like a real period or I'll have to POAS sometime next week. 

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I had a lot of implantation bleeding with dudeling - but it didn't start until later and lasted on and off until I was 12 weeks.


I've also had times my cycle was late, and I felt wrong . . .  but wasn't pg.

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Yes, he's nearly 2. I was so sure it had been a slightly lighter than normal period, but the ultrasound showed a nearly 11 week baby, rather than a 7-8 weeker like I estimated...

He is my 4th baby (6th pregnancy) and the only time it happened to me.


Hope you get answers soon!

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Once I have had implantation bleeding that was heavy. But that was after a positive. All the bleeding and spotting I've had in my luteal phase between ovulation and menstruation has not been pregnancies. The lighter implantation bleeding has been just the barest spotting that early. The kiddo with the heavy bleeding is turning seven next week.


But by and large bleeding like that has been oddly timed periods for me, and once it was a chemical pregnancy. The only heavy implantation bleeding was at closer to 14 days after ovulation, with a strong positive. I'm fairly fertile, too, so that's my experience :)

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Yes, I did that with my oldest.  We'd been TTC for quite some time with no luck.  I assumed it was a light period.  I still don't know why I decided to POAS  a couple of weeks later (I can't have pg tests --or chocolate-- in the house.  I can't leave them alone :lol:) and I just about fell over when it turned up positive. 

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No, I haven't tested yet - for those who are antsy :blush:

It is too early.  Even if I am preggers then it shouldn't show on a test any earlier than Sunday.  Does that sound right?


Maybe, maybe not.  If you O'd on the 5th, you are now 9 dpo.  I have gotten positive pregnancy tests at 8, 9, 10, and 12 dpo (in all four cases it was the first day I tested... I've never had a negative test).  I am 100% sure of dates since we were ttc all four times.

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Maybe, maybe not. If you O'd on the 5th, you are now 9 dpo. I have gotten positive pregnancy tests at 8, 9, 10, and 12 dpo (in all four cases it was the first day I tested... I've never had a negative test). I am 100% sure of dates since we were ttc all four times.

Yes, this. OR, like my #4, you've been pregnant for a month before this faux cycle. Dollar store tests are cheap!

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Maybe, maybe not. If you O'd on the 5th, you are now 9 dpo. I have gotten positive pregnancy tests at 8, 9, 10, and 12 dpo (in all four cases it was the first day I tested... I've never had a negative test). I am 100% sure of dates since we were ttc all four times.

Yep. I've never needed to wait much more than a week past ovulation for a positive.

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Yes. He is 15 now.


I had never heard of implantation bleeding. I mentioned to a friend of mine I had a really light period...couple of days of pink...only a few days had passed when I mentioned this to her. She made me POAS that very day and I was shocked to see positive.

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I had it with DD, but I don't have a positive test for at least 11 dpo. I tested a bit early with both my older kids and had negative tests. I still feel a bit guilty over how much I drank the night I was sure I wasn't pregnant with DS, but it seemed like I should have been safe. I got a positive test a week later. With DD, I tested the day before running my first 5k and was negative. It was positive two days later.

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