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Anyone use Abeka Math 3rd Gr.?


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My dd is using this program and I didn't buy the teacher's book. So far, its not been any problem. But she is now doing a division lesson and it has the steps abbreviated: A division symbol, a multiplication symbol, a subtraction symbol, a "C" and an arrow. I've got them all figured out except for the "C". What does it stand for? My older DS has always used Saxon and they simply use "divide, multiply, subtract, bring down" so the C makes no sense to me! Can anyone help?

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C stands for "compare". After you've divided, multiplied, subtracted, you compare what is left over. Can the divisor go into that number? You shouldn't be able to, then you'd bring down the next number or write down the remainder.


We've always used Horizons Math, and this year, I'm very conflicted on what to use. I have Abeka 3 in front of me and have Horizons on the way to me. I'll have to make the decision soon.

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because if the number you just got by subtracting is bigger than the divisor, then you need to look at your quotient.


Also, I didn't get the teacher's manual until my ds started 3rd. I really didn't need it before then. I would recommend getting it from 3rd grade on. It has really helpful stuff, and some extra stuff to do in case they are not getting a concept.


Good luck. We have been very happy with the results from Abeka. Both kids using Abeka have always tested higher in math than their "grade level".


Hot Lava Mama

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