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Yet another ETC question--what level to start at?


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Hi. I'm having a hard time figuring this out. Ds is 7 1/2. He does not read yet. He knows all the letters, but not all the sounds yet. I figured I should just start him on the first book. (Is that Get Ready for the Code?) But then since I've heard that referred to as a pre-K book many times, I'm wondering if I should be starting him with a different book. Any thoughts? Thank you.

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The Get Ready for the Code, Get Set for the Code and Go for the Code are all aimed at learning consonant sounds. ETC 1 starts with short vowel sounds and has a pretest in the beginning to make sure he knows all the consonant sounds.


ETC 1 covers

• Short a

• Short a with final consonant sounds

• Short i

• Short u

• Short e

• Short o


ETC 2 covers

Initial blends (bl, cl, fl, gl, sk, sl, pl, cr, dr, gr, br, fr, pr, tr, sm, sn, sp, st, sw, tw)

• Ending blends (mp, sk, st, fr, lt, nt, lf, lp, nd, nk)



y as a vowel

• Silent-e

• Consonant digraphs (sh, th, wh, ch, -tch, -ng, -ck)

• Vowel digraphs (ee, ea, ai, ay, oa, ow)



• Compound words

• Common word endings (-ful, -ing, -est, -ed, -ness)

• Syllable types (open, closed, Cle, silent-e, digraph)

• Syllabication with 2- and 3-syllable words

(we pretty much skipped the syllable types as it didn't really help us, but it might be of use to your child, don't know)



• Sounds of -ed

• Words ending in -ey

• Word families (all-alk, old-olt-oll, ild-ind)

• 3-letter blends (thr-, shr-, scr-, str-, spr-, spl-)

• qu words


If he's not reading yet, you will probably find his level among these books (there are three more). We only used one of the half books, as I remember. They reinforce the material in the same number book, so they are good if you feel he needs extra practice.


I found that combining these with the Dolch sight word cards was very helpful, and we introduced Bob books around ETC 2. There are also usually lots of leveled readers at the library, fiction and non-fiction, that will be more interesting than the Bob books. You may find that he works very quickly through some sections and spends more time on others. If he likes working on the computer, http://www.starfall.com was fun for my daughter.

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Thanks, that's just what I needed to know. I was concerned about it being too babyish. Also, a confidence booster would be great right now.So, according to Karen's list, I guess I should get the three get ready,get set, go books to start. I'm also considering combining this with queen's hs language arts and pathway readers (which we just got today, yay!)


Thanks for the help, Kim

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