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My political rant for the day...


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The oppressive regime who limits "likes" must be overthrown!  :laugh:  :laugh:


ANARCHY! (or at least unlimited likes for us hussies) must reign supreme!


Who's with me? :hat:  :coolgleamA:




Or pretty, pretty please with whipped cream and cherries on top - will we ever get rid of the like limit?

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But there are so many brilliant posts.  I just...


Hmmmph. This is only explainable in song:


 If I wanna give a like to whomever tonight, It's none of your business

And if she wanna be a freak and like it on the weekend, it's none of your business **


:laugh:  :laugh:



**Apologies to Salt 'N Pepa for murdering their song.

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I always feel guilty when I "like" several responses in my thread, but them I cannot like one, maybe the poster said one thing that threw off the whole post, or maybe I think they are just being mean to me, but I always feel like, "Awww, MeanPoster is going to notice she didn't get liked after I liked twenty people before her...should I like it just to boost her ego?"

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I always feel guilty when I "like" several responses in my thread, but them I cannot like one, maybe the poster said one thing that threw off the whole post, or maybe I think they are just being mean to me, but I always feel like, "Awww, MeanPoster is going to notice she didn't get liked after I liked twenty people before her...should I like it just to boost her ego?"


This made me giggle.  It was probably not your intent to make me giggle.  But, I did.


Then again, I have never claimed to be the nicest person ever.


Dear Quill, sometimes MeanPoster(s) do not deserve likes or ego boosts.  Do not feel guilty.  Not even just mean posters - sometimes people just have a stinky dissenting opinion - you don't have to like them.  In fact it is best to conserve them, lest you be considered a hussy. A true moral failing if there ever was one. 


:closedeyes:  :crying:  :laugh:

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I feel like the like restrictions are a form of slutshaming. Who is this forum to keep me from whoring out all my likes? Maybe we should be able to regain our likes if we hand out a certain amount of dislikes. I could do that.


#ohnothehashtagsareheretoo #makethemstop

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I feel like the like restrictions are a form of slutshaming. Who is this forum to keep me from whoring out all my likes? Maybe we should be able to regain our likes if we hand out a certain amount of dislikes. I could do that.


#ohnothehashtagsareheretoo #makethemstop

You almost got me. I sipped my tea, then started reading again while savoring.


Lesson learned.

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