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Would you say something? *update in OP*


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Our neighbours have 2 small dogs that they let run free. We have had issues before with the male dog peeing on anything and everything.

Including boxes in our garage. I've not said anything to them about this, because they got really angry with another neighbour who complained about them pooping on their lawn.


Our older kids are in and out of the house through the garage, and it is often open when they are out playing in front.


I just came in our garage to find a pile of dog poop on our garage floor.


Would you say something to them, or let it continue to slide?



I spoke to my Neighbour, and she tried to say that maybe it was accidentally shot in there by the leaf blower. Not at all possible as it was was far in, and so wet and fresh it left a damp Mark on the floor.

Then she went on about the dogs are so friendly, and the other people who complained are jerks. That the dogs are so comfortable out front, and never take off


She seems to think its ok for her dogs to go on other peoples lawns. She apologized, but then said its hard for her to look for poop in 5-6 other houses front yards!


Then she said that when she was in our yard ( let herself in with her kids to play with my kids) she scooped some of our dogs poop. Like that makes it ok.

Suffice to say we have some boundary issues.

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I'd call animal control if I knew they weren't going to handle it respectfully and responsibly.




You can't let dogs destroy your property just because the neighbor might get mad.  Let 'em be mad.  If they aren't going to be responsible pet owners, they shouldn't own pets.

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That's really unacceptable and may be against the law.  Hard as it would be, I'd talk to the neighbor and if they did not respond appropriately, call whatever authorities have jurisdiction over this sort of thing.  Bad neighbors get away with it because nice people don't want anyone mad at them. 

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Our neighbours have 2 small dogs that they let run free. We have had issues before with the male dog peeing on anything and everything.

Including boxes in our garage. I've not said anything to them about this, because they got really angry with another neighbour who complained about them pooping on their lawn.


Our older kids are in and out of the house through the garage, and it is often open when they are out playing in front.


I just came in our garage to find a pile of dog poop on our garage floor.


Would you say something to them, or let it continue to slide?


I can't imagine a universe in which I would let this slide; I don't care how angry they get. Who cares if they're angry?


IN your garage. Ye gods, no.

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Based on my experiences with our neighbors, I would call animal control and find out if they can do anything to help. I would also find out what the laws are in your area.  If animal control can't help you, then yes, I would talk to them myself. But, I Know it would cause problems, because people who let their animals run free, seem to think that their dog Never poops anywhere but their own yard.


One of our neighbors had to set up a hidden camera to show animal control which dogs were pooping in his yard.  The dog owners still tried to deny it was their dog.  :banghead:  I consider people who let pets roam free in neighborhoods, to be some of the most inconsiderate people I know. There is ZERO reason for a pet to roam free in a neighborhood.



I don't really care if my neighbors like me or not, so take my advise with that in mind. 

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With neighbors like that I'd set up a web cam in my garage to catch the dogs in the act before approaching them . then i show them what their dogs have done and asked them to do something about controlling their dogs. If it continued to happen I would call animal control.

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That's really unacceptable and may be against the law.  Hard as it would be, I'd talk to the neighbor and if they did not respond appropriately, call whatever authorities have jurisdiction over this sort of thing.  Bad neighbors get away with it because nice people don't want anyone mad at them. 


:iagree: :iagree:

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With neighbors like that I'd set up a web cam in my garage to catch the dogs in the act before approaching them . then i show them what their dogs have done and asked them to do something about controlling their dogs. If it continued to happen I would call animal control.

They know the dogs do it. One of the other neighbours complained that they were repeatedly popping on the lawn. They proceeded to talk about said neighbours like they had the problem.


Maybe animal control would be my best bet. I'm not sure talking to them will do any good.

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Well, after attending a court day for animal control cases after my cat was injured in an incident, I would be so hesitant to call animal control first thing. I would feel horrible causing a 1,000 dollar plus fine (for our area) plus any other fines they would have to pay. Our area takes animal control very seriously and there were actually people that spent the night in jail for failing to appear in court over their pet.  I would have to speak to the neighbor about it first. I would probably talk to them THREE or more times about it before I was comfortable about calling animal control. I would document each time, date and issue of the dog. I would attempt to catch proof such as a picture proving it their pet.

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I don't want to cause issues with them, but I have dealt with these dogs doing things like peeing on my kids shoes. Yuck!

Um. Ew?! No way.


I'd say something casual yet obvious and give it a day or so. If nothing changes I'd call someone in authority (do you have a HOA?). We used to live in a small town and my friend contacted someone at the police department when she had trouble with a dog next door. He let them know the dog needed to be leashed/tethered when outside). They did for a while, but got tired of it and just got rid of the dog.

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Well, I'd have dh say something, bc he is much more gifted at being straightforward without completing p*ssing people off, lol. 


If it makes you feel better, tell them you're worried about the dogs because of all the poison items you keep in your garage  :laugh:


If neither of us felt able to say something, I'd call Animal Control without a second thought. They already know people are annoyed by their dogs, and they don't care. 


But, like Tap, I don't care if my neighbors like me. We've called the police on neighbors twice, so we certainly wouldn't hesitate to call animal control.

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I would ask the neighbor to come clean the dog poop out of your garage. Well, probably I really wouldn't, but I would want to do just that.

Except I would really do it. Ask them to come n get it.


The thing-I'd-want-to-do-but-actually-wouldn't? Return the deposit.

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Well, after attending a court day for animal control cases after my cat was injured in an incident, I would be so hesitant to call animal control first thing. I would feel horrible causing a 1,000 dollar plus fine (for our area) plus any other fines they would have to pay. Our area takes animal control very seriously and there were actually people that spent the night in jail for failing to appear in court over their pet. I would have to speak to the neighbor about it first. I would probably talk to them THREE or more times about it before I was comfortable about calling animal control. I would document each time, date and issue of the dog. I would attempt to catch proof such as a picture proving it their pet.

I really wouldn't care. Their problem for letting their dog crap in my garage and pee on my kids shoes.


If they weren't like that or this was some unusual occurrence? I'd go over there and nice and calmly and in an omg this is crazy what we have to do for the pets we love kind of way explain that I'd be really upset if anything to this poor dog, so I'm sure they will make sure their dog can't get out anymore or do stuff like this bc 'someone else' might not come over all neighborly-like and instead just call animal control. *smiles bright and dazzlingly while looking so sad at the thought of some poor dog being picked up*.


But if they known darn good and well this is their dog leaving his mark all over other people's property and possessions and are even jerks about it when people tell them that's not very neighborly?


Tough cookies about animal control fallout.

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with regards to being afraid of making the neighbor mad----


so what?  They made you mad first!


I would definitely say something and I would also add a comment about the poisons you keep in your garage (because of the mice!!)


If that didn't work, then I would have a hose ready to spray the dog whenever it set foot on my property


I used to have a neighbor that was the same way-- they let their dogs out and the dogs came over to my lawn to poop, then went back home-- when it snowed they would poop on the freshly shoveled driveway--- the final straw came when a guest to my home stepped on poop when they got out of their car.

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Every time . show up at their door, and insist "Fifi pooped in our garage again, come clean it up" and smile and say "I'd hate to accidentally back over them with the car, or have them get into the rat poison we have out in the garage.  So unsafe for them to be out running around, don't you agree?"  Come get them every stinking time the dogs poop or pee on your property, but be as nice as pie, yet insistent they take care of Fifi's messes.  Should they refuse, act surprised...then deliver the poop to them via a shovel, and tip it onto their front step "I know you don't want Fifi pooping where she is not supposed to! She needs to keep to her part of YOUR yard. What a silly little doggie she is!"



If Fifi went home covered in non-toxic paint "Oh, my, we were painting a bird house and your dog got into the paint!" that might help, too.

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Op, are you my neighbor?? I have two neighbors who are certain their dogs are sooooo smart, they only poop in their assigned areas. You have my sympathy.

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After reading your update, I'd report them the next time it happens--and it will, as she will never take responsibility for her dogs without being compelled to. She actually suggested you accidentally blew the poop into your garage with a leaf blower? Good gravy.

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I spoke to my Neighbour, and she tried to say that maybe it was accidentally shot in there by the leaf blower. Not at all possible as it was was far in, and so wet and fresh it left a damp Mark on the floor.

Then she went on about the dogs are so friendly, and the other people who complained are jerks. That the dogs are so comfortable out front, and never take off


She seems to think its ok for her dogs to go on other peoples lawns. She apologized, but then said its hard for her to look for poop in 5-6 other houses front yards!


Then she said that when she was in our yard ( let herself in with her kids to play with my kids) she scooped some of our dogs poop. Like that makes it ok.

Suffice to say we have some boundary issues.


1) Remind her that the dogs would be far less comfortable if hit by a vehicle while they are wandering.


2) Remind her that she wouldn't have to pick up poop in multiple yards if she kept her little poopers in her own yard.


3) I might be tempted to say something about how you regularly treat your lawn with <insert name of nasty chemical> and you wouldn't want Fluffy and Fifi to get into it by accident.


Sheesh! Dog owners like this get on my last nerve. They give the good dog owners a bad name!  We keep our yard scooped, our dogs are never out of their fenced yard without a leash, and we keep boxes of sandwich baggies by the door to take with us for cleanup on walks. It's not difficult, folks! <walks away shaking head>

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After reading the update, I'd be tempted to make the neighbor a chocolate pie and serve it with a smile. Just like the maid did for her employer at the end of the movie "The Help" that was popular a few years ago. If you didn't see the movie, you shouldn't have to think too deep about what secret ingedient to bake into the pie.








Edited: Okay, just watched the scene on YouTube for laughs. If you're really curious search, "The Help- Minny's Chocolate Pie."

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