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SCOTUS backs marriage equality!


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I am washing my popcorn down with their tears of despair.

It is so strange to me that, with all the sh!t in the world, people really believe that THIS marks the beginning of the end.

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I was happily surprised to see this.  Honestly, I don't hold much hope for this court, but have been pleasantly surprised in the past few days.


Not too long ago in Florida, it was illegal for gay couples to adopt.  I'm so happily surprised that things have moved so quickly.  Remember the whole Prop 8 stuff in CA a few years back?  Never thought we'd get here so fast.



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It is so strange to me that, with all the sh!t in the world, people really believe that THIS marks the beginning of the end.


Exactly.  When someone says this is the start of "dark times" for this nation I have to seriously wonder if they ever have picked up a history book. Of course I then think of some of the history books they may have read (BJU press and others) and it all makes sense.

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:hurray:  :hurray:  :hurray:  :hurray:

:party:  :party:


I am so happy!


DS5 asked me why I was crying. I had to explain to him that gay couples didn't used to be allowed to be married, and now they are. The following conversation made me so happy.


DS: Why don't they let them marry?

Me: I don't know, some people just didn't want them to.

DS: That's weird.


DS: So, when I'm a grown up, I can marry a man, and woman, or no one at all right?

Me: Right.

DS: That's cool.

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Not too long ago in Florida, it was illegal for gay couples to adopt.  I'm so happily surprised that things have moved so quickly.  Remember the whole Prop 8 stuff in CA a few years back?  Never thought we'd get here so fast.


I worked at Staples in Cali during the height of the Prop 8 thing and we sold SO MANY poster boards!! I try to type cast people as they were buying them for which side they would be sloganning with them, lol.

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Exactly. When someone says this is the start of "dark times" for this nation I have to seriously wonder if they ever have picked up a history book. Of course I then think of some of the history books they may have read (BJU press and others) and it all makes sense.

You forgot the air quotes on "history" there. ;)

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