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Where do you handwash clothing?

Jean in Newcastle

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Depending on the size of it, in the washer. I'll set the washer to fill to "low" or "small" load and wash the item right in the washer as though it were a bucket as the water fills, then ring it out. You can rinse the item in the stream of water that is filling the washer. Bonus is that you can then use the water in the washer to wash another load of clothes.

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Depending on the size of it, in the washer. I'll set the washer to fill to "low" or "small" load and wash the item right in the washer as though it were a bucket as the water fills, then ring it out. You can rinse the item in the stream of water that is filling the washer. Bonus is that you can then use the water in the washer to wash another load of clothes.

Oooh.  This is a good idea.  I can't actually use even the handwash cycle (the items I need to wash are made of banana or pineapple fibers) but I could do it this way.  Thanks!  

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Most of it in those net lingerie bags and in the washer on the handwash/gentle cycle, cold water, low setting.  Otherwise, in the bathroom sink.  Dh does get a little flustered when I forget and he finds my bras in the sink when he's trying to get ready for work in the morning.  It's easier on the marriage if I just use the washing machine.  The clothing articles don't seem any worse off for it.


Except for some nice, loose knit sweaters I have.  Those still get washed in the bathroom sink.

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It depends, but right now, if something needs to be handwashed, it goes in a nylon net bag, so it doesn't get stretched and twisted, and into my front-loading washer on delicate. I usually use Amway's liquid delicate wash product.

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Depends on what the item is.  Some things go in the washing machine on the delicate/hand wash cycle.  It's a front loader, so very gentle and no worries about twisting.  Other things get washed in the bathroom sink, or larger items in the kitchen sink.  The house we're getting ready to start construction on will have a laundry sink (mainly for washing the dog!), so I suspect I'll use it in lieu of the kitchen or bathroom sinks for items that need hand washing or soaking.

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Depends on what it is. When I had a panty hose job, they and my bra just got washed in the shower. SAHM me mostly just washes bras in the shower now... and a few of the more delicate unmentionables that get *very* occasionally worn.


Everything else goes in the washing machine on the gentle cycle. I even cheat and dry everything but sweaters for ~ 10 min before I hang dry. That way everything dries nice and unwrinkly; I have no desire to resume my relationship with my iron.

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DD and I have a dozen or so items that I hand wash.  I think they are all machine washable, but the fabrics are the type that will fair better in by being hand washed or that we do not want to shrink. Sweaters with a soft weave, 100% cotton short skater-skirts, thin sweaters with long sleeves that tend to get wrapped around other items in the wash, etc. 


I wash them in the bathtub if I have a lot, I use the sink if it is just one or two.  I do the light colors first and then the dark. I wash, drain, rinse, drain, rinse, wring out.  It only takes me 10 minutes or so, and then I lay them on towels on my bedroom floor to dry. 


For bras, they go in the washer in a lingerie bag with my regular clothes, but not the drier.  There are a few other clothing items that I wash in lingerie bags as well.  Usually thin fabrics with long sleeves.  I hate it when I pull out a load of laundry and the sleeves on a shirt are stretched out from the washer.

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In the toilet.  If you hold on tight and flush repeatedly, it works great.


Just kidding.  No, seriously, do not try this.


I "hand wash" all delicate items in the washing machine on delicate.  If it falls apart with this treatment, it is not worthy to be owned by me and wouldn't make it long anyway.  However, I can honestly say that I have never had any issues.  Well, there was that one pair of rayon pants back in the '80's, but that is it.  


ETA:  I have a front loader.

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I usually just take it in the shower with me.  :blush:


I very rarely have anything I want to hand wash other than a bra though.


I do this, too :) but I hand wash my sweaters and a few more delicate dresses.


I fill the tub, clip up my hair and put Netflix on my laptop.  Then I sit in the tub, wash some clothes, finish my shows, and take a quick 3 minute shower to wash off any 'dirty' from sitting in the tub water LOL.


It turns a mundane chore into something I can tolerate.  Because I apparently have a taste for high-maintenance clothes despite my otherwise low-maintenance lifestyle (which involves as little laundry as decently possible).


Bras I just bring into a regular shower with me, and hang to dry right in the shower. Easy to grab the next morning, fresh and dry.

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Bathroom sink if it's small, bathtub if it's bigger. However, I don't own anything that *needs* to be handwashed - the only reason I'd handwash something is because it got blood or something on it that needs to be rinsed out quickly rather than waiting to be thrown in the washer (I'm not going to run the washer for one item). For the longest time, *everything* went on the sanitize cycle. I now have several items that go on the warm or hot regular cycle depending on my mood, but the vast majority still goes on sanitize. I guess I once used the delicate or handwash cycle for shoes.


Before we owned a washer, handwash was in a a couple of plastic tubs in the backyard when we didn't have the cash for the laundromat.

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I do this if the item is super delicate, but most often use the hand wash cycle on the washer.

Depending on the size of it, in the washer. I'll set the washer to fill to "low" or "small" load and wash the item right in the washer as though it were a bucket as the water fills, then ring it out. You can rinse the item in the stream of water that is filling the washer. Bonus is that you can then use the water in the washer to wash another load of clothes.


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The only things I hand wash are scouting uniforms.... and mostly get a use the dye runs. Mine is red, ds's is green, dd's is grey, and dd×2's is brown. I wash them separately in bathroom sink. If the washer is broken and I have more, I use bathtub.


Sent from my SM-T530NU using Tapatalk

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Depending on the size of it, in the washer. I'll set the washer to fill to "low" or "small" load and wash the item right in the washer as though it were a bucket as the water fills, then ring it out. You can rinse the item in the stream of water that is filling the washer. Bonus is that you can then use the water in the washer to wash another load of clothes.

I will try that!  Of course, I'll have to pay attention, and not go off to do something while it goes all the way through the spin cycle... but that is brilliant!


I miss the laundry room deep sink that was in our last house.  It was very convenient.  I use one of the bathroom sinks.

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Depending on the size of it, in the washer. I'll set the washer to fill to "low" or "small" load and wash the item right in the washer as though it were a bucket as the water fills, then ring it out. You can rinse the item in the stream of water that is filling the washer. Bonus is that you can then use the water in the washer to wash another load of clothes.

Yup. This. I wash all of dd's leotards this way.

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I hand wash sweaters and things like that in the bathroom sink that is right next to my washer and dryer.  It is a tiny sink though, so if it is something too big, I would wash it in the tub (though that's pretty rare).  I honestly never thought of the shower idea but that is an awesome idea!!!  So glad I read this, because I am definitely trying that next time for bras or bathing suits!


I recently saw this and had major washer envy.  A washing machine with a built in sink!!!







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Well, we don't have a washer so everything is hand-washed. The size and amount determines where. Large things, like dh's pants are washed in the tub. A couple of small items will be done in the bathroom sink. More than a couple get washed in a small basin we keep in the bathroom. Mt. Rushmore means a trip to the laundromat!

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