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what happens when you get sick?

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Do the dishes pile?

Does the floor just not get cleaned?

would laundry not get washed?



I don't get sick often (since we've been eating healthy the last few years).

I could probably count on my hand and that would include the days following the birth of the last

two babies. Late Friday i came down with an ear infection (I used the get them a lot). Things are just hard. I feel dizzy, my head aches and my ear hurts.


I want to stay in bed but,... I can't


We don't have any family in the area nor any friends in the area (we spend all our time with the kids and don't get out much)





I guess I'm just wondering what happens in other homes.

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The last time I was really sick (had a really bad flu), was before I was married, 15 years ago. My mom and aunt took turns coming over and taking care of me.


If I were to get sick now, my mom would still come over and supervise things. Not sure what I'd do in your situation. I guess things would just have to wait until I was better. Like my mom says, it will still be there waiting for you when you get to it. (Not that that is encouraging or anything.) Your health is most important.

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I got sick last winter. Sickest I can remember being as an adult. I finally emailed a friend, "Can you take F tomorrow or find someone who can?" lol... She said later that it was the "or find someone who can" that clued her in to how desperate I was. I couldn't talk, didn't have the energy to email everyone I knew...


But dh was out of town, and I literally hadn't been off the couch (except to use the toilet) for three days. Ds was sick too, and dd was starting to panic that no one was "taking care of" her (though she is old enough that she wasn't starving or anything -- it was the idea of it more than anything).


My friend ended up taking *both* kids the next day (ds was beginning to feel better), brought me soup, juice, and medicine... She arranged for another friend to take the kids the next day.


I realized later that I really do feel settled here now... Knowing I had friends locally -- and not just one, but enough that I knew the first friend I contacted could have called other mutual friends if she were unavailable -- that I could call on, and who would be happy to help us out... It was great to know I have that sort of community here!

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About a year and a half ago, I had a migraine brought on by a bad head cold one Sunday. I just could not move without a splitting pain and a bit of nausea, so I just lay on my bed in misery.


Meanwhile, back at the ranch, (okay, upstairs in the school/play room) dss and dd spilled paint all over the white carpeting. Then they went outside barefoot and dd cut her toe, requiring stitches. All of this happened while dh was supposed to be in charge!!!




To be fair, after this disaster, dh has learned to be a better mommy and can now successfully identify a dangerous silence. He even managed to keep the kids alive for a whole day while I went to a homeschool conference.



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when I get sick, my kids take over. If they get sick too, we muddle through and hubby does what absolutely MUST be done. Rarely is that an issue though. Though I get sick plenty, rarely are we all under the weather at the same time. This weekend is a rarity, but ds is functioning.....unfortunately dd is going downhill.

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When I get so sick I cannot even talk (migraine, stomach flu) my older kids take over. They make meals and watch a lot of movies and play a lot of computer. When I'm sick enough to supervise from the couch they do core independent work. Yes, the house becomes messy. Sometimes kids pick it up or dh does when he's home. When I'm well enough again we clean house for a day or two and then get back to our regular schedule. It's hard to be sick as a mom.

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The world stops turning when I'm sick.




















Just kidding, sorta. When dh works, I have to still go on. Ds8 can't care for himself so I have to pretend that I'm not sick. I let some of the other things slide-to a degree. I prefer that dh does not do laundry when I'm sick and he's home. I'll just have to redo it anyway:001_rolleyes: Ds11 & dd7 do chores daily anyway. They usually help a little more when I'm sick.

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When the kids were tiny, I got shots with plastic toy syringes, had plastic blood-pressure cuffs strapped on my wrist, and toy stethoscopes pressed into my chest. Everything else was left for hubby or mil who would come to help hold the fort if I was really sick.


Now the kids are bigger, and they can make me chicken soup. get my ice water, and take care of things for me. Yeah big kids!:001_smile:

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The only time I am too sick to function is when I have a migraine. Praise the Lord those are few and far between. When I do get one though, my mother comes over or my husband just has to leave work early and come home. Thankfully he can do that if need be.

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If it's really bad, DH will take the day off. Otherwise I lay around or sit in front of the computer and let the kids watch TV or play computer games. I have them do the schoolwork they can do independently. I do as much as I can but I don't stress about stuff that doesn't get done.

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Similar situation, no family around and DH on travel much of the time. I might call a friend to make a grocery/drug run for me if necessary, but if I have energy for anything, we do schoolwork, often focusing on workbooky kinds of things and books on tape.


Feeling for you!

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Yes and no......my kids were always helping in the kitchen and doing laundry and such wonderful chores around the house ever since they were little.


We made it into a game and as they got older they were able to do many of these things on their own.


By the time they were about 7-8, they were helping me load and unload the dishwasher. We didn't allow them to handle the sharp knives, just basic dishes.


My one son had bed wetting issues...he learned how to take his bed linens off and put them in the wash. We have a front load so it was easy for them. They are 11,12,14 and have their own laundry days, rotate in the kitchen. Each one gets a week. The youngest is supervised b hubby and I.


It was important to me that each learn cooking skills and proper skills with kitchen utensils so they can actually cook quite a few things now.


Other things may fall apart, but kitchen, laundry, and maybe if you're lucky they will vacuum....but over all...they do quite well and my husband is awesome at helping and guiding.


In fact....it was important to me to be able to teach my boys how do alot of things around the house.....along with the manly, macho things hubby teaches them. I explained that one day when they marry, this women who will be having his children is going to need help. If the labor is difficult or you have lots of little ones she needs to know you can handle things while she is down.


Same goes for daughter. Dad won't let her drive until her training by him is complete. She must learn how to change the oil and change a tire. She will know proper defense methods in case she needs them. We may not be around and we all know that there are times that paying for the garage to do the oil change could have meant the diff in buying a gallon of milk and/or paying a bill or doing it your self.


This year...I have started a Home Ec course with all three of the kids. Each week they are on kitchen rotation we will work in the home ec books. They also help me do prep work for dinner and clean up.


I'm sorry....I let myself run away on that one....You probably didn't want to read all of that and wasn't really what you asked.


I am sorry you are sick....in our earlier years...hubby wasn't always so helpful. We've both grown....I am sorry you are ill. Back in the day...I just had to take it easy to get better....and the kids did what they could to help me.



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Once when I got sick with the stomach flu when my girls were little I spent the day on the bathroom floor. They found a sharpie and drew on everything they could find. They spent the rest of the day cleaning it off with rubbing alcohol. That's pretty much the epitome of what happens when I'm sick. They're older now; they can make soup for me and sandwiches for themselves. They can entertain themselves without the use of a sharpie. But things can definitely fall by the wayside quite easily.

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I usually still do whatever I can possibly do. My husband would make something like spahetti for dinner, and he'd do whatever chores I asked him to, but I have a low tolerance for mess, so during the times when I feel a little better or when the pain killer is kicking in, I'm usually tidying up.


I would say there is definitely less freedom for me when I'm sick than when any other family member is sick. For the most part, no one wants to take on any more responsibilties than normal, but when the other family members are sick, they do nothing.


Thankfully, we rarely get sick.

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Not sick, just pregnant. Housework gets done in the occasional burst of enthusiasm before I blob back down here or on the couch again and sort of stare. If I get too tired, I can't eat. Eating is more important than housework.


Dishes are a 'standing up for too long a period of time' job. The young guy we get to come and clean 2 hours a week does them. Yep, the dishes get washed every Thursday afternoon, unless dh is on holidays. I mean, actually taking a holiday, not just working anyway.


I sweep the carpet when I feel enthusiastic. It's something I can do sitting down. The lounge gets done fairly regularly, the kitchen gets swept fairly regularly. The rest of the house only gets done when I notice dd has sprinkled oats on the carpet, or something equally charming.


The washing usually gets done. Rosie will be very happy when the weather picks up enough that it will actually dry out on the line. We are close, but not there yet. Lounge room is still filled with clothes horses.


Dh is doing all of the cooking. I am most grateful for this, but I am getting sick of stir frys. Is it all guys, or just mine? You happily eat what they've cooked (in this case a stir fry) so they think they're on a winner and cook nothing but stir frys until you throw a tantrum and refuse to eat it. He makes really good stir frys, but I need a bit of variety in my life :)


So, to anyone feeling bad about the state of their house. Mine is worse than yours. Mine is going to be worse than yours until March at the soonest. Far worse. I won't feel happy about that, but you are most welcome to!



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When I get sick everyone takes over, which is great. :001_smile:


Dh either picks up food or cooks. I have a chart on the refrig of the stuff I do daily and they just follow that. Keeps everything running smoothly. The only thing he/she doesn't do is put away my laundry. I think I can manage that.

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I have the flu right now - feel like i'm dying. Dh is a 7 hr plane flight away. DD6 has been great and DS4 has pulled every toy out, tipped over all the kitty litter, cat food and water, peed all over the floor - all in the first hour of me being ill. So far have spent 2 days in bed/lounge, just getting up to feed the children and basic supervision. It will take me weeks to get the house back in order after this.....


When I am sick - its just survival and thats it.

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When I'm sick, dh is normally deployed so we just manage on our own. I normally get myself moving enough to fix food and drinks, but everything else waits until I'm well since my guys are too young for much help and we don't own a dishwasher. It would be harder to supervise their "help" than to let it pile up - I try to use as much paper as possible to minimize the clutter in the sink.


I do remember one time I had a horrible case of mastitis complete with high fever, chills, etc. Dh was gone, of course, so a friend from church came over and took both my dc (even ds who was only 6 months old) so I could get to the doctor. She kept them overnight and then until her oldest got out of school the next day so I could get some rest even though her dh was deployed to the same place as mine. Thankfully I had a monstrous supply of milk in the freezer she could take with her! I miss her terribly as she & her family have since moved on to another duty station... but that's military life!

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