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The meat van


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I would like to preface this story by saying my husband is a wonderful man who works really hard for our family and also on our house which needs a lot of work.


So our pool pump went out. 2 weeks before my family arrives from out of state for a visit. Dh scrambles to replace it and calls a friend of his who is in the business. I came home from running kids one day expecting him to be there meeting up with the friend to get the new pump. Sure enough there is a van in the driveway. Running. But with front windows open....it reeks of cigarette smoke. Strange I thought....friend doesn't smoke.


I walked in to my living room and dh is standing there with two men I've never seen. Dh says this is my wife and one of them does a 'WOW! Sorry didnt mean to be forward but you are so attractive' icky type thing. He didn't use the word attractive but something similar. I don't know because about that time I spotted my dining room table with a big box of frozen MEAT all over it. Dh says something like come look at this....I just stared at him in disbelief. I said, "nope!" Turned around and took the dog outside.


I could hear him inside talking money blah blah blah. I was about to go out of my mind. I finally hear him say he would go get a check from me. He comes out and said,"you wanna write a check for this?" I couldn't belive I was having this conversation! I said," no, I don't. I don't want meat off a truck and we don't even have room for it". He looked at me for a minute or so and closed the door and told them we didn't hpave freezer space, sorry. They packed up and left. I stayed outside until they were gone.


I shudder to think what might have happened if I had come home a few minutes later. I could have sworn I've read him funny meat truck stories from the board....clearly he wasn't listening.

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Hehe. We had the meat truck come to use yesterday. They aren't a shady unmarked truck or anything and from what I hear the meat is high quality but I don't want t people trying to sell me things quickly so I have to make a quick decision. The things I've heard from these people are awesome! "How happy would dh be if he came home and you had done all the meat, chicken and fish shopping for the year and he didn't have to worry about it?" I laughed at that one and responded," umm that's our life now, that line would work better on my dh but sadly for you I answered the door."


Luckily, I don't get the hard sell anymore because I just say we already have a side of beef in our freezer somno thanks.

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Yah, no!  I don't buy food off bad-smelling trucks, and I don't do business with people who objectify me!  Gross. 


My husband has considered buying from the meat truck, though.  It sounded like a good deal.  Nope, nope, nope!

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We used to have the meat truck stop by, but they haven't been here in years now.....ever since they came when Dh was home and he told them he worked for the health dept. 😄 They looked surprised, mumbled something, got back in the truck and drove away. Never had them come by again.

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He let the meat guys IN THE HOUSE?!?!


And DH didn't get a bad feeling when one of the meat guys commented on your looks?!?


I'd probably not let DH answer the door when you're gone.



Maybe you should think about putting your son in charge when you have to leave the house.... ;)

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He let the meat guys IN THE HOUSE?!?!


And DH didn't get a bad feeling when one of the meat guys commented on your looks?!?


I'd probably not let DH answer the door when you're gone.



It took everything I had to not scream, "get these people outta my house!"


And I couldn't believe DH continued negotiations with them after I quite pointedly walked outside.

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The most shocking part to me is still the existence of meat trucks. I've still never seen one.


The last one I saw was probably ten or so years ago.  He was delivering to a neighbor and saw us out in the yard.


I stopped him partway up my driveway and told him that I had zero interest and to please remove himself from my property before I called the police.  He backed out and never stopped again.  Last I heard, that company went bankrupt some years back during the downturn. 

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Even before we stopped eating meat, I told any meat truck person that we were vegetarian. Worked well!


"Any meat truck person"? How many meat trucks have been in your life?!?


I have never heard of a meat truck. This is my first meat truck thread. I'm just blown away and pretty grossed out.


That said, we do have a milk truck which to a vegan is probably pretty much the same thing.

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"Any meat truck person"? How many meat trucks have been in your life?!?


I have never heard of a meat truck. This is my first meat truck thread. I'm just blown away and pretty grossed out.


That said, we do have a milk truck which to a vegan is probably pretty much the same thing.

I have had several meat trucks in my life. Lol. Must be popular in SoCal because we see them at least once a year.

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I was telling my husband that "the meat truck" was a thing (I had a strange visit from one a few years ago), when he confessed that 25 years ago or so, he actually *drove* a meat truck for a few days.  He answered a want ad in the paper, and was given a freezer truck and some meat and instructed to drive around trying to sell it.  He was unable to sell anything, and returned the truck after a few days.  His impression was that it wasn't a scam, and he wasn't told to use any sleazy tactics.  He just found that no one wanted to buy frozen meat from the back of a truck.



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"Any meat truck person"? How many meat trucks have been in your life?!?


I have never heard of a meat truck. This is my first meat truck thread. I'm just blown away and pretty grossed out.


That said, we do have a milk truck which to a vegan is probably pretty much the same thing.

Getting a scheduled milk delivery from a local dairy (or a frozen food delivery from Schwan's) isn't the same as a fly-by-night company driving around selling meat door to door. I miss our milk truck. (Not that I ever saw it; the delivery happened early in the morning.)

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"Any meat truck person"? How many meat trucks have been in your life?!?


I have never heard of a meat truck in the area. This is my first meat truck thread. I'm just blown away and pretty grossed out.


That said, we do have a milk truck which to a vegan is probably pretty much the same thing.

We have two different meat trucks. capital meats(although I haven't seen them in about a year) and the meat shoppe. The meat shoppe must be new to this area because they have come to our neighborhood 3 times within the last few weeks. I'm pretty sure they deliver meat to someone who ordered it online and then just go door to door with the rest of their meat. I know the capital meats truck delivered quite regularly to someone a block down from us. Every delivery day he'd be going door to door too.
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I was telling my husband that "the meat truck" was a thing (I had a strange visit from one a few years ago), when he confessed that 25 years ago or so, he actually *drove* a meat truck for a few days. He answered a want ad in the paper, and was given a freezer truck and some meat and instructed to drive around trying to sell it. He was unable to sell anything, and returned the truck after a few days. His impression was that it wasn't a scam, and he wasn't told to use any sleazy tactics. He just found that no one wanted to buy frozen meat from the back of a truck.

Yea some are not scams in the way that the meat was not stolen and is being resold. But the are a scam because the prices are ridiculous and every sales guy is super pushy. But there are meat trucks that are scams that are selling stolen meat.

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Wow, I'd never buy meat off some random truck from people who were so unprofessional.


On top of that, I've never even heard of a meat truck til now.  What is it exactly?  Boxes of frozen meat?


My SIL bought an insane amount of cheap steaks from a meat truck once.   :huh:  I have "weird rules" about meat and refrigeration ;) and I don't feel comfortable buying perishables that I can't account for their previous whereabouts.  Call me silly...:D


We've had a meat truck stop by our house once or twice.  The most recent time (a year or so ago), the older & kind FedEx man pulled up right behind them and stayed until they left.  He told me that they were scammers and he wanted to make sure they left without problem. :p  In general, however, I assume most people are just trying to make a living (even door-to-door salesmen), but there are those outliers that are the exception to the rule...  


We had a Southwestern Advantage sales person try to sell us some books recently.  I declined -- and then went online and researched the company (in case they come back, I wanted to have my facts straight).  Amazing the number of terrible reviews (it's a cult! they are scammers! don't let them in!) but the young guy I spoke with seemed nice and legit.   :001_unsure:

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We used to be have one stop by several times a year. They haven't been by since dh told them we were vegan. We are now, weren't then. Dh would never buy from the meat truck even without my supervision, lol


Come to find out our city had licensing requirements on door to door sales. I can't figure out if this is a recent thing. If it is, that would explain the reduction in people ringing my doorbell.

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We have a 60ish widower friend who used to come to dinner at our house regularly. One week he announced proudly that he would supply steaks for me to cook for dinner. He arrived with a big bunch of individually sealed packets. The steaks, supposedly "New York strips," were about 1/2 inch thick and chewy with a weird gamey flavor. I simply couldn't finish mine even though I was striving mightily to be polite.


...Guess where he had gotten them?


We thanked him profusely. He made a big fuss when we gave the dog some scraps - "Boy, I'll bet it's not every day she gets fed NEW YORK STRIP!" We tried to decline the still-packaged leftovers, but he insisted on leaving them with us. And after he left we laughed and laughed. Neither DH nor I could even conceive of buying meat off the back of a truck and then serving it proudly to other people. Bless his heart.

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