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Pony pic lovers - introducing C's Port Lucaya (with pics)


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These pics aren't the greatest as she's less than 12 hours old, but here she is!  She was foaled yesterday... I wrote about it on my college boys/pony farm thread, but didn't have pics then.  I'll cut and paste that text below the pics if anyone is curious...









Just had pony foal #2 join our household this morning!  This gal makes me excited for her future, but we'll see how she unfolds in the next couple of days.  I'm super pleased with her looks at the moment.


Her mama though... she's our "anxious" pony and this is her second foal.  She was due yesterday, but looked ready for the past handful of days.  Last night I stayed up until past 1am as she'd been sweating with probable contractions earlier in the night.  At the 1+ am check she was simply normal, so I went to bed for a little bit and got up around 2:30 + 3:30, (both with storms and excessive rain making the situation "perfect"), then finally got totally up at 5am and let them out (her and our other pregnant boodmare) to graze on a field for their breakfast.  I checked on them again at 8am, but they'd headed in to their shelter.  This is normal... the sun is coming up and getting hot plus flies come out.


I'm sitting here around 9:30 or so (literally checking Hive threads out) and I get a call from middle son who had headed out to do chickens.  "The baby is here!"  Figures, right???  Mares!


She picked a fairly muddy spot... and due to her anxiety, she can be a dangerous mare. :glare:  The baby had not yet gotten up, so we didn't miss her by much.  We danced around a bit and were able to do our needed post birth jobs, then were able to pick up baby + lead mama and get them into a dry stall.  That's not our preference for their standing/nursing, etc, but it beats mud and they don't really want to be out on grass with the flies and sun.


Let them bond a little and clean up some (us too) and we'll get some pics.


We have a gorgeous filly - C's Port Lucaya (Lucaya will be her barn name).  She's either going to be buckskin (my guess) or bay pending whether she lightens or darkens after shedding her baby coat.  She has two nice socks in the rear and a touch of white on her front plus she has a nice star.  Better yet, I like her lines - even from birth.  Her mama was a top show pony prior to ending up lame (unknown reason) and while we normally wouldn't breed an anxiety issue pony, her first colt has been far more normal - and also looks promising.  Mama's own dam was one of the sanest ponies we ever had, so we figured it was worth a try.  If this filly has a brain and movement to match her looks... watch out show world.


Two here, one to go, but that one will be a bit longer...

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She is lovely! Hoping her mama becomes more peaceful and calm.




Her mama is part Thoroughbred and they are well known for breeding for speed - not brains.  However, they are also known for being terrific athletes and many do well in the show ring.  Many of us pony breeders use them in crosses to work at getting the beauty (movement-wise) of the TB with the mind of the stock breeds (Quarter Horse, etc).  Normally I try to make sure we have sound minds in our broodmares (to give us better odds with genetics), but this pony was just super good (and one we bred) and would have no life at all otherwise due to her lameness, so...


She's ok for experienced people to handle in all normal circumstances.  She gets anxious with "new" and with things (like needles) that she doesn't like.  Foaling also opens up the mothering instinct hormones (hers are really good - a good thing) giving the potential for even the most child safe pony to be dangerous for a period of time.


She's not likely to change much at this point, but I remain hopeful that her offspring will get her movement and ability, but papa's more sensible brain (though he hates needles too).  With all the rest he's fine FAR more sane than most stallions.


Their first colt - now a yearling - is perfectly fine with needles and definitely seems to be better mentally along with having nice motion.  Now he has a sister.  I'll know more about motion in a few days.  I won't know about her mind until after weaning when we become the authority figures in her life and expose her to more of her world, unless, of course, she ends up naturally loving people like our first baby, Riviera.  As with kids, that's difficult to do when you have a mama teaching you to be scared/suspicious of everything.  


Lucaya tried to come up to see me this morning (curiosity), but mama was adamant about her NOT doing it (sigh).  In a week or two she won't be as protective, so there might be improvement then.


If we really HAD to, we know how to get things done and make it happen, but as with kids, I have my own method of getting them to want to do things for me rather than demanding it (aside from keeping my alpha status when necessary).  There's no need to force her to do much at this stage.  There will be time to work with Lucaya later.  Let her grow and get some life experiences first.


ps  Those who have regularly "forced" mama to do things have to always do that afterward and have built up more distrust of humans, not less.  It's not really much different dealing with that personality of kid IME.  At our house, I tend to be the only one she semi-trusts, though we're working on that with hubby and her.  He had to modify his "get 'er done" ways first.

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Awwww!  Look at those kegs on her! 


When is your next mare due?


Good question!  On my calendar she was due June 3rd and by her pattern of delivery she would have had her foal sometime in May.  However, she's not ready yet, nor does she look ready.  This means one of two things.  She either didn't take on her first breeding cycle and we tried again on the next, but I forgot to write it down or she miscarried and got rebred later in the summer when we turn our stallion out with our "bred" mares so he can have a few months of pretending he's a normal pony instead of just a breeding specimen.


Either one could have happened as spring was busy and forgetfulness happens plus we travel a bit when the stallion is out with the mares so could have missed the hanky panky going on.


I'll need to keep watch and the poor gal is now stuck with late end pregnancy in the hot summer...

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Baby poinies! Squeeee!


Middle son just got finished showing our babies (and others) off to a friend of his... and our neighbors had friends over a couple of hours ago.  We even get a bit more traffic along our road once word gets out that the youngsters are here.  My mom once suggested we set up a toll road or a "Picture with a Pony" stand.  ;)


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Baby poinies! Squeeee!


A couple of summers ago a farm we had to drive by to get to town had two foals.  Every day we would look forward to seeing them in the field..  "There they are!... *sigh*"  We tried to figure out what it is about babies of all creatures making you happy by just looking at them.  It always was a good day when we saw the babies...

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A couple of summers ago a farm we had to drive by to get to town had two foals.  Every day we would look forward to seeing them in the field..  "There they are!... *sigh*"  We tried to figure out what it is about babies of all creatures making you happy by just looking at them.  It always was a good day when we saw the babies...


That's what happens here too.  ;)  And when the babies are running around and playing it's an extra stress relief bonus to all.


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