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Anatomical weirdness, to see a dr or not? Protuding ribs on one side


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Today while at Goodwill I was trying on some fitted athletic tops and I notice under my left breast my ribs are protruding fairly significantly, like there is a huge difference between the right and left side. I've never noticed this before and I don't know how I would have missed it if it was long term. Dr. google keeps mentioning scoliosis I recall screenings in school and I don't ever remember an issue but evidently dr google also says there can be adult onset as well. Thus far I cannot find any other reason but perhaps my googling skills are weak. Any ideas? Would you see a dr? Fwiw I'm currently having back pain but this hasn't been long term, it seems sometimes I wake up with a crick in my neck, as I have this week but it is yet to go away since starting Wednesday, although it seems to be getting better.


* It is not just me that sees it either, the girls were asking what was that on my one side and my dh sees it as well

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Do you see a chiropractor? I'd be inclined to talk to my chiropractor about it, but I see him a lot more than my primary care doctor. Once, I had a rib out of alignment, and he adjusted that single rib back into place. I had no idea such a thing could even exist. But after he adjusted it, I could suddenly breathe way easier than I had before.


Even if you don't want to see a chiropractor, it's a valid reason to go to the doctor. If you spine is out of line, and you ignore it, it could cause trouble later.




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My first though was scoliosis just from the topic title. I passed all childhood screenings but my chiro found it as an adult. Mine's mild and I don't do anything about it. Maybe I should? It's not painful, one shoulder is lower than the other and one arm doesn't have as side a range of motion as the other.

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I agree with a chiropractor for what you're describing because many times they can do an x-ray right in their office and rule things out.  


I have something odd going on in my rib area, too, but it's muscular, I believe.  My (upper ab?) muscles "bunch up" when I use my abs in a particular way, almost like a charlie horse, and it is very uncomfortable but I can knead it out.  Very weird!  I've mentioned it to different doctors and they pretty much blow it off.  :(  I'm convinced things are just out of whack in there from 5 births and a c-section. LOL  (Anyhow, only sharing that in case you feel yours might not be the actual ribs...)

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Hmm, well, shoot, I was expecting to be told that scioliosis wasn't a likely possibility. Considering my yoga practice and the various moves I do I kind of want to know if there is anything I should look out for or not do.... Backbends seem tough lately but I assumed it was due to not practicing enough. I know nothing about it and evidently it varies so much from person to person. I know when I was doing silks class a couple weeks ago and the instructor was commenting about differences in my shoulders...... hmmm 

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Well, I can see the PCP for $5 and any tests there are free so I'll be going to him first as chiropractic is entirely out of pocket and from what I've seen of them I'm entirely unimpressed. There is a physical therapy practice right in the clinic as well. Mine is not muscles but my ribs protruding. From reading several of my favorite exercises are counter-indicated, that's just great, I'm going to have this checked out asap before I progress any further with my practice.

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Most PCP have no idea about chiropractic, so I would not expect a PCP to refer anyone to a chiropractic

And there's a good reason for that.


If it is scoliosis, there's pretty much zero science that shows that chiropractic has an effect on the curvature of the spine. My bet, when it comes to your spine, is always on a medical doctor.

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Rib and shoulder stuff makes me think maybe Restorative Exercise would help you.


Here is how you can find a teacher of Restorative Exericise: http://www.restorativeexercise.com/find-a-teacher/ Some also do Skype sessions if you're not close to one in person. It's kind of like physical therapy.

LOL, I was just looking on her site to see what she had to say :) I've looked some at it but evidently I might need to go a bit more in-depth.


As far as I know I've never broken or fractured a rib, seems a person would know that but I don't know. 

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My ribs do the same thing, and I eventually saw a doctor and I have mild scoliosis.  All those tests in school, and they never caught it.


Do they still do scoliosis tests in school?  I remember having many of them as well.  I don't remember ever seeing a scoliosis epidemic, so I don't quite get it (or maybe with all that screening they caught most of it?).

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LOL, I was just looking on her site to see what she had to say :) I've looked some at it but evidently I might need to go a bit more in-depth.


As far as I know I've never broken or fractured a rib, seems a person would know that but I don't know. 


I don't even know where to tell you to start with it--there is just *so much* there! 


But do you have diastase recti? Do you think you rib thrust? It's not uncommon to rib thrust more on one side than the other.

This may be relevant: http://www.katysays.com/rua-rib-thruster/


And on this page, there is a free shoulder Alignment Snack to help with the shoulder troubles! http://www.restorativeexercise.com/move/#alignmentsnacks The other alignment snacks are excellent and they are each $5 for you to download and own forever.

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I don't even know where to tell you to start with it--there is just *so much* there! 


But do you have diastase recti? Do you think you rib thrust? It's not uncommon to rib thrust more on one side than the other.

This may be relevant: http://www.katysays.com/rua-rib-thruster/


And on this page, there is a free shoulder Alignment Snack to help with the shoulder troubles! http://www.restorativeexercise.com/move/#alignmentsnacks The other alignment snacks are excellent and they are each $5 for you to download and own forever.

Here is the thing I *used* to have recti but used Mutu and no longer do, my core is stronger than it has been in ages. I went through the rib thrusting test back when I started Mutu as Mutu is big on alignment and promotes Katy's work but I'm not a thruster. I've read on her site and thought I was doing ok on alignment. I'm a barefoot gal, I walk a lot, I do natural movements. In yoga we always try to make sure we're balanced in whatever we do. I don't get why it is worse now I'm more active and stronger now as from what I've read activity and strength is good, thus I'm paranoid that some of the moves I'm doing are bad for me. I love twists and do well at them and I can do most backbends well, except a full backbend which I can do but it isn't great. I'm just going to start combing her site again and maybe buy her Alignment Matters book.


 It is funny because I thought my rib measurements were an in bigger, which sounds crazy but maybe I'm right. 


I'm calling the clinic Monday and seeing what they think, I want to make sure I'm not making things worse with my activity and what I might need to alter. As I said I do a lot of twists and backbends and things like shoulderstand which you put all your weight on your neck(which I think contributed to my latest pain as I tried to do it unsupported) so considering the moves I do and the frequency I want to get the ok so I don't make things worse.


fwiw my mom's family is riddled with significant back problems, 3 brothers have had to have surgery and my Mom has significant pain quite often, no idea if there is a relation or not. I'm asking my mom this am if the tests at school ever showed anything. 

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And there's a good reason for that.


If it is scoliosis, there's pretty much zero science that shows that chiropractic has an effect on the curvature of the spine. My bet, when it comes to your spine, is always on a medical doctor.


There may be "zero science", but we have seen a HUGE improvement in my youngest ds's scoliosis in the past year while he has been treated by a chiropractor. Back in the 70s, when I was diagnosed with scoliosis, I was able to get in to see an orthopedic surgeon who was highly sought-after to treat patients with scoliosis. My main treatment plan involved doing exercises under the supervision of a Physical Therapist, very similar to the things that ds's chiropractor and massage therapist are having him do. 

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