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Combined Science for 6th and 4th grades?


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I'm trying to decide what science to use with my two oldest next year (I also have a 1st grader and preschooler listening in). We are using BYL grade 5 for other content subjects and they recommend Elemental Science Level 2 Biology, but I really think that will be too difficult for my 4th grader (and possibly even my 6th grader, honestly). We have not been very consistent with science up to now, but I would really like to make it a focus this year. I really don't like the idea of spending a whole year on one science topic, so I would prefer to pursue multiple topics.


I really love the look of Ellen McHenry's programs, so I was thinking of taking a more unit study type of approach to science this year. I was thinking of maybe doing The Elements & Botany, then maybe a microscope unit. I also like the look of BYL's Darwin/Evolution unit study. A human body study would be good. And maybe some life science stuff like classification, genetics, etc. 


I'm just worried that it will feel too disjointed. Plus I'm not super science oriented myself, so I don't want to leave any major gaps in their knowledge. I would appreciate any thoughts. 

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