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What do you do to make the last year with your senior memorable/enjoyable?

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We only have a few subjects to cover and ds plans on having these subjects done before half of the school year is over. I want to follow more of a schedule this year than before so he gets used to having deadlines. I want to make this last year something he can say that culminates the years he has spent on school work. Moments to remember. What do you do or what are your ideas?

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I graduated one senior this year and will graduate another next year. I don't have any suggestions, but I'm really glad you are thinking about it now. I hugely regret piling on an unnecessarily heavy load of classes on my ds and not making the year be focused on making positive memories.


Dd is spreading out her classes through the summer this summer and the school year next year. She is taking most of them at the CC. I hope to manage a more relaxed schedule for her than I did ds. I'll be watching to see if there are other suggestions.

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I put together classes built around things they love or areas I want them to cover before leaving home and we spend hours talking about those things.  I have built courses around literature, philosophy, and theology.  Just depends on the child and what they want.  2 yrs ago with my then sr we spent quite a bit of time reading short stories together.  It was a lot of fun and memorable.  With my oldest, we read Screwtape Letters and Mere Christianity.  Every single conversation from those courses are precious memories.

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I put together classes built around things they love or areas I want them to cover before leaving home and we spend hours talking about those things.  I have built courses around literature, philosophy, and theology.  Just depends on the child and what they want.  2 yrs ago with my then sr we spent quite a bit of time reading short stories together.  It was a lot of fun and memorable.  With my oldest, we read Screwtape Letters and Mere Christianity.  Every single conversation from those courses are precious memories.


Yep.  Read and talk.  Lol -- we decided on Moby Dick, just because!  Now that is a memory!  Watch movie adaptations of what you read and talk about that.  Teach them how to cook, how to sew on buttons or how to knit. Drop everything and go to the zoo like you did when they were 5. 


I was not the right person to teach my kids about deadlines!  They had to learn that through outside classes, but it was an easy lesson to learn.

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