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Family sold everything to visit 400 national parks in an Airstream.


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Me too. I was talking to DH about my nephew biking trans-America. I said I admire it a lot and that I want to do "something like it." DH laughed at me. So did DS15. Said I would not do a long trip like that in a million years. :( That really bums me out. Am I really that boring?


I have talked about doing the park tour for, say a month, or six weeks. Talked about it for years and years. But DH's work is not compatible with it. The last time I seriously talked about it, he said Ten days is the absolute maximum he can be away from here. :( This is why the plan has always stalled on this point.


The Europe tour has more potential, because DH doesn't want to go to Europe and DD does. So we could go together. But it does bother me some that this would not be a shared experience with DH. In this respect, I think he should go just because I don't think it is such a great thing to build those memories separately. Also, I believe he would like it more than he thinks. He's just weirdly Nationalist.


Best wishes with figuring things out.  One of the huge benefits/blessings to our marriage is that hubby and I like so much of the same things, including travel.  We come from very similar molds I guess.  (We dislike the same things too.)


He's always game for any trip I can find the $$ for and will work his schedule around all he can.


Neither of us can fathom traveling anywhere without the other as we enjoy the shared memories of all the trips - even the not-so-fun-at-the-time "things" usually make great stories later.


When I first met hubby I disliked him tremendously (stuck up, rule bound, etc).  We morphed together traveling or just going on walks/hikes even back then.  He's changed more than I have.  ;)  It was a good thing he had "eating out" money and the food in the dining hall was questionable at the time.  That's truthfully what kept me interested to begin with.  It certainly wasn't him!


As a cute aside... with senior superlatives (within the Corps of Cadets at VT) he was voted "Most Likely to Get Shot by his Own Troops."   :lol:   Now he's loved by all he works with and doesn't even need to advertise his engineering business as word of mouth does it for him.  I like to think my softening him up was worthy in more ways than one.  I can't imagine life without him at this point and feel incredibly lucky that we ended up together when I remember those first few times.


Life can be strange.

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We are part of a Christian Health Sharing group (Samaritan Ministries) that reimburses us for medical costs with any doctor or hospital worldwide.  Health "insurance" solved.  




It could be REALLY helpful not to have a house/farm to keep up on our travels - and a big money savings from that.


I have heard some horror stories from 3 different families about what they refused to cover.

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I like a home base. I have come to realize that what I really want is a cottage by the sea. Just me, alone, in my cottage. My dh can live in the cottage next door.


I want a cabin/lodge on the lake in the mountains.  Water skiing in the summer and snow skiing in the winter.  Hiking, mountain biking, etc.....all year round.  Heaven.

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I have heard some horror stories from 3 different families about what they refused to cover.


Definitely not a problem here - nor with others I know IRL who use the same group.


I know personally we'd be out a large amount of money (5 digits worth) if we'd stuck with insurance or went with an ACA plan when that came into being.  Then there are all the other insurance horror stories I know about and read about on here.  At school, we've had many fundraisers to assist others with covering the OOP expenses from insurance.  Considering mine is covered at 100%, there's been no need for me (thankfully).


It is a good idea to read the guidelines and know what is or isn't covered though.  That goes the same for whatever path one chooses.

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