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If your kid is "good", you're naive


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I went to parties twice, both times wondering why.  I drank until I got drunk (in college) once and woke up the next morning feeling just fine (no hang over)


I think that's called 'tipsy', not drunk. The one time I got really drunk I had 10 drinks in about 1.5-2 hours, blacked out, threw up all over the computer keyboard and part of the kitchen, and my stomach hurt not just the next morning, but the morning after *that* as well. And, that was the only time I black out or threw up from drinking too much, and I guess the only time I had a hangover either.

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I think that's called 'tipsy', not drunk. The one time I got really drunk I had 10 drinks in about 1.5-2 hours, blacked out, threw up all over the computer keyboard and part of the kitchen, and my stomach hurt not just the next morning, but the morning after *that* as well. And, that was the only time I black out or threw up from drinking too much, and I guess the only time I had a hangover either.


Perhaps, but it was a whole bottle of Baccardi in a short period of time.


I still like rum based/included drinks - esp Mojitos.  But we only tend to drink on vacation, and even then, rarely.  It's just not part of who I am nor anything I want to be.

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Or maybe you're just lucky. :)


It was a smaller bottle, not personal sized (or maybe it was?   :lol: ), but not wine bottle sized either.  ;)


But one thing I've learned over the past 2 years is that my body doesn't believe in "typical" side effects or symptoms of things.  I guess that's another line I missed when they were handing out attributes prior to birth.


I'm not really convinced it's a good thing to have as it makes life here on earth really confusing when things are wrong (health-wise).  It gets a wee bit frustrating when one hears a doctor telling you, "hmm, I've never seen that happen before" more than once (for different things) and even more frustrating when they don't believe what I'm telling them.  That alone has the side effect of making me give up on trying to get some things fixed.  


If my body insists on being "different," then it'd better be good at fixing things itself.  Sometimes it is.  I was fortunate enough to miss almost all of the side effects from radiation and I don't have the most annoying symptoms of carpal tunnel.  ;)  


Now it just has to work on the rest.   :glare:

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I feel like most teens operate well with a level of trust.  My kids know that the freedoms they get are related to the amount of trust I have for them.  Right now, they have a lot of freedom because they have done nothing to cause me to lose trust in them.  They have not been sheltered from the consequences suffered from foolish behavior, both in their personal lives and the population in general.  They are smart kids.  I know they'll test waters and make mistakes, but I don't think they operate on the idea that they need to push every boundary and go wild as soon as they are out of my sight.  I treat them like people that deserve respect, not brats that are out to cause trouble, and in turn they act like people that deserve respect.


My mom never believed a thing I told her.  I was basically a good kid, but she ALWAYS thought the worst.  Eventually, I quit caring, told her what she wanted to hear, and then did whatever the heck I liked.  I drank, was wild, and out to all hours because it stopped mattering if I did or did not...it was assumed I was anyway.


:grouphug:  Same here. Except I managed to do all of that and still be home by my ridiculously-early curfew, because I realized that all she really cared about is what the neighbors would think if I came home late. :glare:

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I was a good kid and never understood the "bad" kids. I honestly wanted to live in a world just like Anne of Green Gables and it would frustrate me that no on else wanted life to be that way, too. I had zero desire to do anything other than read books and have everyone be nice to each other.


My parents never once even hinted that they didn't trust me. There were a few other people that I knew that they didn't trust and asked me not to be alone around them (so I wasn't), but they always acted like they trusted me 100%.

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