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Grammar guilt

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I have a rising 2nd and 4th grader. I've done FLL off and on with both - but more off than on. We've done CC for 3 years now, so they're at least memorizing parts of speech, etc. 4th grader will be in Essentials at CC next year, so I think that will cover his grammar (someone correct me if I'm wrong). 


How can I jump back into grammar with my 2nd grader (assuming the CC memorization isn't enough)? Is there a curriculum that's less teacher-intensive than FLL? Not that I don't want to teach him, but we have other cozy-up-on-the-sofa school moments, and I'd rather knock out grammar with less back-and-forth. 


Thanks for any input!

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I have a rising 2nd and 4th grader. I've done FLL off and on with both - but more off than on. We've done CC for 3 years now, so they're at least memorizing parts of speech, etc. 4th grader will be in Essentials at CC next year, so I think that will cover his grammar (someone correct me if I'm wrong). 


How can I jump back into grammar with my 2nd grader (assuming the CC memorization isn't enough)? Is there a curriculum that's less teacher-intensive than FLL? Not that I don't want to teach him, but we have other cozy-up-on-the-sofa school moments, and I'd rather knock out grammar with less back-and-forth. 


Thanks for any input!


I am convinced that native speakers of English do not need to study their own grammar for 12 years, nor that they need to do much with it until they are 11ish. It is possible to learn to write well without ever having diagrammed a single sentence.


We did Easy Grammar when my dd was 11ish and she lived to tell about it. :-)

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Your kids are way too young for you to have any guilt over grammar! Honestly, if you plan to continue with CC, it sounds like your younger child will get grammar when he becomes a 4th grader. And if by chance you stopped CC--you could get a grammar program when he's a 4th grader. But I'm not big on doing formal grammar with little ones. We cover grammar informally in lower elementary (such as gently restating things they say incorrectly and having them repeat, etc...)

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Your kids are way too young for you to have any guilt over grammar! Honestly, if you plan to continue with CC, it sounds like your younger child will get grammar when he becomes a 4th grader. And if by chance you stopped CC--you could get a grammar program when he's a 4th grader. But I'm not big on doing formal grammar with little ones. We cover grammar informally in lower elementary (such as gently restating things they say incorrectly and having them repeat, etc...)



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I don't remember formal grammar being introduced until 4th grade. I went to Catholic school. I write well. I was a poli sci major at UC Berkeley and often I was at the top of class. I am in graduate school. I don't remember the grammar I learned from grades 4-8 anymore. I'm not worried remotely. I plan to hold off former grammar until 4th at least. In CC the kids are memorizing the definitions of grammar in pr-k-3 but they aren't actually learning to use them from my understanding anyway.

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