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Looks like Nicole finally let some miniscule amount of common sense penetrate her thick skull and made part of her FB page at least semi-private. I just went to take a look, and I can only see one post now.


Of course, she still hasn't taken her BLH FB page down, because soliciting donations is still far more important than getting her children back. 


Sadly, it's not even attributable to common sense — she only closed it down after one of her staunchest "supporters," who had even volunteered at the cleanup day, was outed when someone else posted a text conversation in which she (the supporter) talked about how disgusting the "homestead" was, and that Nicole would never suspect that she was a spy. I think it scared her that someone had been that close to her, had been in her shack, and turned out to be against her.


I'm kinda sorry she shut it down, TBH, because it really showed people (and anyone from CPS or the police dept who happened to be reading) just how combative and nasty and snide she is — totally different personality than she shows on her blog, or even on the BLH page. For example, when people were saying that the 3rd degree burns on the boy's hand, and the gash on the other boy's head, really should have been seen by a doctor and it's just luck that none of her kids have gotten a serious infection, she snapped that she knew exactly what she was doing and if you didn't agree then "your incompetence is showing" — i.e. anyone who doesn't know how easy it is to take care of deep head wounds and 3rd degree burns with little more than a dirty washcloth is just incompetent. 


I think she turned off more people with her posts on her personal FB page than were even turned off by the photos, because there wasn't even any pretense there that she was just a sweet innocent mom who fell on hard times. 

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I have really begun to respect the Nasty page. They seem to really care about the kids and are posting things to bring to light what kind of people the Nauglers are, I saw references about what it takes to become a foster parent and such. So maybe it started out with snark, but something good has come from it. Hopefully the court will make wise decisions for the children.

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The deal with the land contract is they don't really have a landlord.  The owner of the title may not be able to break the contract for anything except non-payment.


And, do you really think Canada would accept them as immigrants?  There are generally pretty stringent requirements on income and stability in order to immigrate.  Keep in mind the Canadians are the people who had the good sense to foist off Justin Bieber on us.


It's unlikely that Joe could even legally enter Canada with his criminal record.  

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I agree, if I were the landlord, they'd be gone. The liability would be too great to consider having them back, and the amount of clean up work I would have in order to make that hazardous waste dump go away would make me absolutely furious.


I don't know where they could go. Really. This has hit the national news, and she is too stupid to stay off facebook. It is inconceivable that anyone who is in the rental business in Kentucky does NOT know about these people. Maybe they could go to some hamlet in Manitoba or Alberta where no one has heard of them, but still, twelve people - many landlords will not rent to such a large family.


I think they utterly devastated their lives with this disaster and may be unable to get adequate housing that would prompt the return of their children.

Be assured that we have heard of them even though we live in Manitoba or Alberta. We don't want them either. Besides, when it gets -40 outside, it is advised to have walls and heat.
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Sadly, it's not even attributable to common sense — she only closed it down after one of her staunchest "supporters," who had even volunteered at the cleanup day, was outed when someone else posted a text conversation in which she (the supporter) talked about how disgusting the "homestead" was, and that Nicole would never suspect that she was a spy. I think it scared her that someone had been that close to her, had been in her shack, and turned out to be against her.


I'm kinda sorry she shut it down, TBH, because it really showed people (and anyone from CPS or the police dept who happened to be reading) just how combative and nasty and snide she is — totally different personality than she shows on her blog, or even on the BLH page. For example, when people were saying that the 3rd degree burns on the boy's hand, and the gash on the other boy's head, really should have been seen by a doctor and it's just luck that none of her kids have gotten a serious infection, and she snapped that she knew exactly what she was doing and if you didn't agree then "your incompetence is showing" — i.e. anyone who doesn't know how easy it is to take care of deep head wounds and 3rd degree burns with little more than a dirty washcloth is just incompetent. 


I think she turned off more people with her posts on her personal FB page than were even turned off by the photos, because there wasn't even any pretense there that she was just a sweet innocent mom who fell on hard times. 


That supporter is still on the page because it is said that Nicole ultimately believed her that someone else was pretending to be the supporter to make her look back.

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They can all go live with the Kardashians.  


I might even watch that one.  :lurk5:

not sure who I'd be rooting for . ...  can't stand any of/kinda feel sorry for them. (in a pathetic sort of way.)


give them to kris jenner . . . .

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I might even watch that one.  :lurk5:

not sure who I'd be rooting for . ...  can't stand any of/kinda feel sorry for them. (in a pathetic sort of way.)


give them to kris jenner . . . .


Maybe they could all go live on in that dome from some other TV show. Better yet.... Isn't Virgin sending people to the Moon?

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I might even watch that one.  :lurk5:

not sure who I'd be rooting for . ...  can't stand any of/kinda feel sorry for them. (in a pathetic sort of way.)


give them to kris jenner . . . .


They could have some sort of reality wipe out style competition.  Duggars vs. Naughlers vs. Kardashians competing in things like parkour, battle bots, kickball, singing and ballroom dance.  Preferably with some sort of relay combining several or more disconnected competitions per show.  Viewers can vote on the "Crazy Asshole App" for the winners and losers and the losers get to go live on the homestead.  


Or we could just please let reality TV die its natural death.  

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I'm an HSLDA (Home School Legal Defense Association) member. As a member they send out a quarterly magazine and email news. It is already affecting families not in the wrong. I've read of a few cases where CPS and even the local police think our amendment rights don't exist, and they use excessive power and threats to attain their goals. It is very scary. And those are just the ones that HSLDA reported on. I am sure there are many more that we know nothing about.

Welcome to the board. :-)

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I'm an HSLDA (Home School Legal Defense Association) member. As a member they send out a quarterly magazine and email news. It is already affecting families not in the wrong. I've read of a few cases where CPS and even the local police think our amendment rights don't exist, and they use excessive power and threats to attain their goals. It is very scary. And those are just the ones that HSLDA reported on. I am sure there are many more that we know nothing about.


Wow, I didn't realize HSLDA was using spambots now.

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Wow. I don't even know what to say to that. I'm completely flabberghasted. Couldn't even be bothered to return her calls to say "Sorry, we don't deal with this." That is indefensible.

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Wow. I don't even know what to say to that. I'm completely flabberghasted. Couldn't even be bothered to return her calls to say "Sorry, we don't deal with this." That is indefensible.


I have read that "the fine print" for an HSLDA membership stipulates that they are not bound in any way to accept all legal cases.  Further, they explicitly refuse to deal with the broad category of "domestic matters."  I guess they are implacably opposed to divorce, no matter what the circumstances, owing to whatever be their religious perspective.  Taking sides with a parent who wants to continue homeschooling would be to recognize a divorce situation, as well as to support one of the "sinners."  [sIGH. . . .]

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I have read that "the fine print" for an HSLDA membership stipulates that they are not bound in any way to accept all legal cases. Further, they explicitly refuse to deal with the broad category of "domestic matters." I guess they are implacably opposed to divorce, no matter what the circumstances, owing to whatever be their religious perspective. Taking sides with a parent who wants to continue homeschooling would be to recognize a divorce situation, as well as to support one of the "sinners." [sIGH. . . .]

Not getting involved in divorce cases makes sense to me, my understanding is that HSLDA frames homeschooling primarily as a parental rights issue. In divorce and custody situations, parental right are ordinarily shared by both parents. If one parent is opposed to homeschooling and one is in favor the parental rights balance each other out and the issue must be resolved on other grounds.

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I can actually see them not getting involved in a divorce situation. That makes sense to me.


However, the fact that The Old Schoolhouse remains on their list of resources to this day (yes, I just checked), bothers me. The scandal involving The Old Schoolhouse family is particularly unseemly because even after it was known that the older son of one family group had molested his young cousin, the older son and his family stayed in the homes of many other uninformed families while doing religious service work.

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I'm an HSLDA (Home School Legal Defense Association) member. As a member they send out a quarterly magazine and email news. It is already affecting families not in the wrong. I've read of a few cases where CPS and even the local police think our amendment rights don't exist, and they use excessive power and threats to attain their goals. It is very scary. And those are just the ones that HSLDA reported on. I am sure there are many more that we know nothing about.

Christiahn, the best way to deal with your fears of problems with CPS, police, and/or your school district because of homeschooling is to know your state law and to educate your children.  Read the law yourself - it may be a bit hard to understand, but it's worth the effort.  Read what your state homeschooling organization or other experienced homeschoolers in your state suggest you need to do to be in compliance with the law.  Do what is required by law, but do not feel the need to over-comply or to do things that are not required.  Educate your children, using whatever methods and materials you feel are best suited to each child.  Educate yourself, so that you can do a good job of overseeing their education.  Keep appropriate documentation so that you can show that your children are being educated should the need arise.  Keep your house fit for human habitation, and do not abuse your children.  Homeschoolers who do these things very, very rarely have serious problems with CPS or the police over homeschooling.  In twenty years of following homeschooling in the news, I have observed that the sensational cases always, always, always are more complex than they at first appear, and that homeschooling itself is rarely, if ever, the reason families face serious intervention from government officials.

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Not getting involved in divorce cases makes sense to me, my understanding is that HSLDA frames homeschooling primarily as a parental rights issue. In divorce and custody situations, parental right are ordinarily shared by both parents. If one parent is opposed to homeschooling and one is in favor the parental rights balance each other out and the issue must be resolved on other grounds.


I follow your logic.  My thought is that, as each party will have his/her own lawyer, there is no reason for a HSLDA attorney to "plead ineligibility".


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So according to comments on the NLH page, Joe is suing DCS and goes to court this week. Presumably to claim Sovereign Citizen status and demand his property (children) to be returned.

:rolleyes:  :rolleyes:  :rolleyes:  :rolleyes:  :rolleyes:

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So according to comments on the NLH page, Joe is suing DCS and goes to court this week. Presumably to claim Sovereign Citizen status and demand his property (children) to be returned.



So, I guess the children still don't get any sovereignty of themselves. :sad:

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So according to comments on the NLH page, Joe is suing DCS and goes to court this week. Presumably to claim Sovereign Citizen status and demand his property (children) to be returned.


Maybe the donations have slowed down and they need a new source of outrage to fan the flames.  :001_rolleyes:


Nicole's recent posts on BLH are truly mind-boggling. People comment on conditions that are clearly visible in the videos and photos that they, and the news station, have posted, and she continues to insist that people are lying and "we actually have a clean home" (direct quote!). Someone compared it to an anorexic who can somehow look in the mirror and see a "fat" body — perhaps her thinking is truly so distorted that she can look at that filthy sty and honestly see a "clean home," but... wow.   :confused:


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Maybe the donations have slowed down and they need a new source of outrage to fan the flames.  :001_rolleyes:


Nicole's recent posts on BLH are truly mind-boggling. People comment on conditions that are clearly visible in the videos and photos that they, and the news station, have posted, and she continues to insist that people are lying and "we have a clean home" (direct quote!). Someone compared it to an anorexic who can somehow look in the mirror and see a "fat" body — perhaps her thinking is truly so distorted that she can look at that filthy sty and honestly see a "clean home," but... wow.   :confused:


she doesn't see it - I really believe her thinking *IS* that distorted. think about it - she does NOT have a problem with poop on her kids, on the ground where babies are crawling, etc.  she's completely oblivious and either incapable or unwilling to even learn.  so, of course she'd say people are lying.

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Maybe the donations have slowed down and they need a new source of outrage to fan the flames.  :001_rolleyes:


Nicole's recent posts on BLH are truly mind-boggling. People comment on conditions that are clearly visible in the videos and photos that they, and the news station, have posted, and she continues to insist that people are lying and "we actually have a clean home" (direct quote!). Someone compared it to an anorexic who can somehow look in the mirror and see a "fat" body — perhaps her thinking is truly so distorted that she can look at that filthy sty and honestly see a "clean home," but... wow.   :confused:

I saw that quote and I was flabbergasted. I'm not sure that I buy that her thinking really is that distorted. Something about saying that to me implies lessening her responsibility in all of this. I do think she believes it's fine but I think that's more about believing that whatever she does should never be questioned. I think she expects people to just believe whatever she says. She insists that it's clean so we are supposed to believe her. 

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So according to comments on the NLH page, Joe is suing DCS and goes to court this week. Presumably to claim Sovereign Citizen status and demand his property (children) to be returned.


Exactly how does this work? Obviously we all know this is crap but what happens when he files a lawsuit about this. Can the judge just tell him he's full of crap and he doesn't get to be a "sovereign citizen' or do they have to go through some kind of machinations to discount being a sovereign?

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Exactly how does this work? Obviously we all know this is crap but what happens when he files a lawsuit about this. Can the judge just tell him he's full of crap and he doesn't get to be a "sovereign citizen' or do they have to go through some kind of machinations to discount being a sovereign?


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Exactly how does this work? Obviously we all know this is crap but what happens when he files a lawsuit about this. Can the judge just tell him he's full of crap and he doesn't get to be a "sovereign citizen' or do they have to go through some kind of machinations to discount being a sovereign?

Summary of articles: Judge can tell him he's full of Crap and possibly add charges or sanctions for wasting the court's time with frivolous and fraudulent suits.

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I thought they had a lawyer? If they do, then I presume he would counsel them against going the "sovereign citizen" route. I wonder if it's just a way to force CPS to show their hand and spill whatever info they've collected in their investigation so far? If they decided to drop the lawyer, and they're planning to DYI this case, well that would be the stupidest thing they've done so far in a lifetime of incredibly stupid things.

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I thought they had a lawyer? If they do, then I presume he would counsel them against going the "sovereign citizen" route. I wonder if it's just a way to force CPS to show their hand and spill whatever info they've collected in their investigation so far? If they decided to drop the lawyer, and they're planning to DYI this case, well that would be the stupidest thing they've done so far in a lifetime of incredibly stupid things.


If they haven't decided to forgo the lawyer, which yes would be astronomically stupid, I figure either they have a "sovereign citizen" lawyer or they are just ignoring him. I do wonder how they would get a lawyer to represent them. They have no way to pay and a history of bailing on debt. For the criminal charges they would get a public defender but for the custody case they wouldn't. If they really were being singled out for homeschooling, homesteading, or whatever is the "reason du jour' they clam this is happening, they would have a line of lawyers willing to do it pro bono for the publicity. But this isn't about any of those things so a smart lawyer knows that he has no case and will not get paid.

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The Nauglers wouldn't be liable for any tax on the donations, since it's gifts not income, but theoretically the IRS could seize it to cover the $20K Nicole owes in back taxes & the $14K Joe owes in unpaid child support.

Unless any one dimwit gave them over $11K (is that still current gift limit?). That would be taxable. There really should be a stoopid tax. For the donors.


ETA: Whoa; I'm 8 days behind on this thread! Sorry!

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A few days ago, the NLH page posted an "instructional video" Nicole made on how to wear a baby in a sling. Besides the fact that she's handling her newborn like a sack of potatoes, with his head flopping all over the place like it's about to fall off, many people posted that every. single. thing. she showed in the video was 100% wrong. Someone commented that Nicole seems to feel the need to be an "expert" on everything she does, and I thought that was an interesting observation.


If you look back at her blogs, especially the older ones, they're all "this is how you [homestead, home birth, homeschool, budget, parent, feed a large family, defend your rights, etc.]. She does things in a totally half-assed, often completely incorrect way, but she posts about them as if she's an expert — and as if she has an audience. In her older blog (Homestead Harvest Farm), she would even give "assignments" to her [largely imaginary] readers. Actual quote: "Your assignment this week is to cook two meals from scratch and post about it in the comments!" There are zero comments.


After years of giving advice that no one was listening to, now that she has totally failed at everything she suddenly has the audience and attention that she's always craved — she has thousands of followers, who have donated a huge amount of money. She has a FB page with 45K "likes" and hundreds of people posting daily that she's an awesome mom and they envy her homestead and her paranoia about the government is totally justified. Instead of being the wake-up call that she needed to get help and get her life back together, she has been hugely rewarded, with more money and attention than she ever dreamed of, for completely screwing up her life to the point of losing her children.  :sad:





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After years of giving advice that no one was listening to, now that she has totally failed at everything she suddenly has the audience and attention that she's always craved — she has thousands of followers, who have donated a huge amount of money.

It is almost like she's used social media to create a reality TV show experience for herself, and all that entails.

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After years of giving advice that no one was listening to, now that she has totally failed at everything she suddenly has the audience and attention that she's always craved — she has thousands of followers, who have donated a huge amount of money. She has a FB page with 45K "likes" and hundreds of people posting daily that she's an awesome mom and they envy her homestead and her paranoia about the government is totally justified. Instead of being the wake-up call that she needed to get help and get her life back together, she has been hugely rewarded, with more money and attention than she ever dreamed of, for completely screwing up her life to the point of losing her children.  :sad:


Perhaps she fancies herself as the Martha Stewart of "off the grid" living.


Nicole's recent posts on BLH are truly mind-boggling. People comment on conditions that are clearly visible in the videos and photos that they, and the news station, have posted, and she continues to insist that people are lying and "we actually have a clean home" (direct quote!). Someone compared it to an anorexic who can somehow look in the mirror and see a "fat" body — perhaps her thinking is truly so distorted that she can look at that filthy sty and honestly see a "clean home," but... wow.   :confused:


Domestic dysmorphia?

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A few days ago, the NLH page posted an "instructional video" Nicole made on how to wear a baby in a sling. Besides the fact that she's handling her newborn like a sack of potatoes, with his head flopping all over the place like it's about to fall off, many people posted that every. single. thing. she showed in the video was 100% wrong. Someone commented that Nicole seems to feel the need to be an "expert" on everything she does, and I thought that was an interesting observation.


If you look back at her blogs, especially the older ones, they're all "this is how you [homestead, home birth, homeschool, budget, parent, feed a large family, defend your rights, etc.]. She does things in a totally half-assed, often completely incorrect way, but she posts about them as if she's an expert — and as if she has an audience. In her older blog (Homestead Harvest Farm), she would even give "assignments" to her [largely imaginary] readers. Actual quote: "Your assignment this week is to cook two meals from scratch and post about it in the comments!" There are zero comments.


After years of giving advice that no one was listening to, now that she has totally failed at everything she suddenly has the audience and attention that she's always craved — she has thousands of followers, who have donated a huge amount of money. She has a FB page with 45K "likes" and hundreds of people posting daily that she's an awesome mom and they envy her homestead and her paranoia about the government is totally justified. Instead of being the wake-up call that she needed to get help and get her life back together, she has been hugely rewarded, with more money and attention than she ever dreamed of, for completely screwing up her life to the point of losing her children.  :sad:


This is a very astute observation. It seems her self-esteem, such as it is, is wrapped up in the idea that she is an ideal sovereign, off-the-grid mom/woman. In her mind she's now being admired and rewarded for this. 

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It is almost like she's used social media to create a reality TV show experience for herself, and all that entails.



maybe TLC will pick them up to replace the duggars. . . . . . they'd get more than just the donations . . . .

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Maybe I read it here, or elsewhere online, but it's worth repeating. They are NOT homeschoolers. Their kids are just truant.



they aren't homesteaders living off the grid either.  they're just homeless.  (I've seen shelters built by homeless that are sturdier.)

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Several on NLH that have family members or work with those with mental illness have said she shows many characteristics. One I noticed that someone pointed out was the flat affect. The whole time she was demonstrating the sling, there was no emotion whatsoever. The first time I watched, my attention was on her face, and it befuddled me, until I read about the flat affect.

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So last night I stopped by the homestead of a former homeschooling family I have vaguely known for the last decade (same online groups and an occasional face to face meeting).  We stopped by because we are renting an incubator from them and hatching chicken eggs from their farm.  While at her house I could not help but compare to the Nauglers.  They had a huge set of solar panels to provide their power.  They had a good sized chicken coop with green house attached, and the means for the chickens to either choose to be free range or stay withing the pen with the dogs out.  They had the barn where the ducks decided to nest, with a large stall that opened into a pen for the goats with another gateway into the pasture.  The cow and calf had a different shelter in a different pen.  THey had a big garden, the large garage etc.  Now of course being a working farm it was not a pristine manicured yard, there was a huge pile of dirty straw from mucking out the pens which she said was going into the compost pile.  They cook from scratch, make their own soaps, quilt, laundry on the line etc, very clean home.  THey work hard all the time to keep this farm going, but have it under control enough that before her kids graduated they did morning chores and late afternoon chores and schooled in between.  In order to increase income, they rent out incubators, they host farm days where people pay to come spend the day learning about homesteading and how to do a handcraft and help with the chores as a hands on learning experience.  In the summer they even at times host them for a full week and the people attending sleep in the hayloft.  All in all it is what a homestead should be.  Yeah city folks might get up in arms assuming it is dirty because of the hay pile, or dog poop etc, but it was what the Nauglers thought they were doing and were no way close to actually achieving.  

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If they haven't decided to forgo the lawyer, which yes would be astronomically stupid, I figure either they have a "sovereign citizen" lawyer or they are just ignoring him. I do wonder how they would get a lawyer to represent them. They have no way to pay and a history of bailing on debt. For the criminal charges they would get a public defender but for the custody case they wouldn't. If they really were being singled out for homeschooling, homesteading, or whatever is the "reason du jour' they clam this is happening, they would have a line of lawyers willing to do it pro bono for the publicity. But this isn't about any of those things so a smart lawyer knows that he has no case and will not get paid.

Whether they get a lawyer for the custody case depends on the state. It's constitutionally mandated once there's a motion to sever parental rights, but some states require it on removal ore dependency. In Arizona they would each have a lawyer. In Texas they would not. I don't know about their state.

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It is almost like she's used social media to create a reality TV show experience for herself, and all that entails.

This is a very astute observation. It seems her self-esteem, such as it is, is wrapped up in the idea that she is an ideal sovereign, off-the-grid mom/woman. In her mind she's now being admired and rewarded for this. 


It explains why she refuses to get off social media or take down any of her photos/videos/blogs, no matter how many people, including her mom and her supporters, implore her to. Inviting a news crew out to the property on "clean up day" was beyond crazy — now there's a slide show of 67 photographs on the WAV3 website, which she has no control over and can't remove even if she wanted to, that even many of her supporters found shocking. Those photos are an absolute gift to CPS. But apparently she couldn't resist the chance to "be on TV," even if people were warning her against it.

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If they haven't decided to forgo the lawyer, which yes would be astronomically stupid, I figure either they have a "sovereign citizen" lawyer or they are just ignoring him. I do wonder how they would get a lawyer to represent them. They have no way to pay and a history of bailing on debt. For the criminal charges they would get a public defender but for the custody case they wouldn't. If they really were being singled out for homeschooling, homesteading, or whatever is the "reason du jour' they clam this is happening, they would have a line of lawyers willing to do it pro bono for the publicity. But this isn't about any of those things so a smart lawyer knows that he has no case and will not get paid.


The bolded varies by state. The majority of states do provide for representation if the parents cannot afford an attorney.


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