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DD 10 wants a Polaroid camera. Should I try to talk her out of it?


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DD is set on saving up her chore money to buy a Polaroid camera (you know, the ones that print their own pictures?). She's found some on Amazon, but between the price of the camera, and the price of the film ($15 will get you 20 pictures), I'm wondering if I shouldn't try to talk her into a digital camera instead. Some of the tweens and teens on the YouTube channels she watches have them, which is why I suspect she wants one.


Does anyone have a Polaroid, or have a child with one? Are there good points to it? Or did you or your kids eventually get tired of the cost of film?

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YES - definitely talk her into a digital.  It is much more powerful.  If you have a printer, you can buy photo paper for it and then only print photos actually worth printing.  Not to mention there are some cheap/free photo editing tools available that would be good to learn.  Paying that for Polaroid film in an age of digital is crazy IMO!

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I just got my teenager one to take to college. The pictures they take are pretty small though some of the films are cute.


She does have a digital camera.


For a first camera I would go digital with photo printer. We love our canon selphy photo printer.

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Well, you might encourage her to do more research.  but, ultimately, if she is spending her own money, then she should spend it as she sees fit.



I think some research might be good.  Sometimes cheap digital cameras are not worth the money, so you want to make certain of what you are getting if you decide to go with cheap digital.

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DD is set on saving up her chore money to buy a Polaroid camera (you know, the ones that print their own pictures?). She's found some on Amazon, but between the price of the camera, and the price of the film ($15 will get you 20 pictures), I'm wondering if I shouldn't try to talk her into a digital camera instead. Some of the tweens and teens on the YouTube channels she watches have them, which is why I suspect she wants one.


Does anyone have a Polaroid, or have a child with one? Are there good points to it? Or did you or your kids eventually get tired of the cost of film?


Could she get a used camera cheap?

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I love Polaroid film, but Polaroid no longer makes it. There was some Fuji instant around that was good, but is it gone? I believe the only film for some of these cameras is the Impossible Project film (which I understand is not up to Polaroid/Fiji specs). No expert here.


I'd nail down film availability for given formats first, then look for a camera that was pretty close to "free." These are not in demand due to lack of film. Spending big dollars on one would not make sense. On the other hand a very cheap (free) camera, and some semi-pricey instant film could be a fun novelty that might give her some images that have their own special thing. 



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The ones she's looking at are available on Amazon, and are all new, trendy-looking cameras. Like I said, these seem to be a "thing" with the YouTube kids she watches, so I was wondering if there was something about them that I was missing that seems to be bringing them back into popularity (somewhat).

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The ones she's looking at are available on Amazon, and are all new, trendy-looking cameras. Like I said, these seem to be a "thing" with the YouTube kids she watches, so I was wondering if there was something about them that I was missing that seems to be bringing them back into popularity (somewhat).


Do you have a link?


My guess is that it is not unlike vinyl in being a retro technology that has an appeal to some young people. I see why. I just would not spend much on a new camera when there are great old ones around for the asking.


Maybe kids have different feelings?


Bill (old, and potentially out-of-touch :D)

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My dd was torn between a good digital and a polaroid at Christmas. We bought her the good digital, because it's our money and I felt the polaroid was a total rip off. She still wants it, though, and is saving up for it. I figure it's her money and she can do what she wants. If it turns out to be a waste, it's a good lesson learned. She's 13 though, and has a regular source of income ($100-150/month - not from us) so it's not such a big deal as it might be if your dd spent several months earning money and scraping together and then was disappointed. 

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Ya, I guess they're by Fuji now. I just automatically think of Polaroid when I think of picture-printing cameras. :lol:


The Fuji instant film is really good, I believe they made a deal with Polaroid. The problem is most of the formats are dead.


They made these for kids (which I did not realize) and they also make Fujifilm FP-100C Professional Instant Color Film for the old Land Cameras (like the 100, 200, and 400 series). You could get one of these cheap (or free) I'd bet. But these old Land Cameras are large and a bit "clunky." The upside is the pictures are much bigger and the cost per picture is the same. Is the coolness of the little camera the big draw?



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For old stuff let your son try the old/pre-owned Rolleiflex

I have an old Rollei...I loved using that camera. Now it is gathering dust. Also a nice old Speed Graphic (the type press photographers used in old movies). I'd shoot 4x5 Polaroid film with that one. But here is no more 4x5 instant film anymore.


And a Hasselblad, Leica, Minox, multiple Minoltas and Canons all gathering dust. Sad.



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I had an old Talking Polaroid from the 90s.  My son found it in my parent's basement when mom was clearing it out and gave it to him.  It still had some film in it and he had so much fun with it.  I wish the film available now was a bit cheaper, I can't spend that much for a 6 year old.  Still, I'm hanging onto it....just in case,   I had so much fun with that thing!

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I went through a phase of repairing old Polaroid cameras and using them. The cost of the film is ridiculous though, the replacement film from the impossible project had just come out then but it was still very pricey and the emulsion was really unreliable. I would either go fuji instax or encourage digital.

I did have a land camera that took the fuji fp-100C film that was fun to use but they can be a smidge fiddly. I sold it in the end for quite a bit so they're not always that cheap either.

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It is what I would call an irresponsible purchase.  I would have a long conversation about marketing and how those people on YouTube are being paid to act like an overpriced but cutely shaped camera with overpriced and difficult to find film is the best thing ever.  And I would talk to her about what other things she wants and that she should make a list and prioritize, but ultimately I think everyone should be allowed a certain amount of blow money, and if she saved hers I'd let her buy it.


ETA:  at the moment I'm trying to talk myself out of buying a whipped cream canister (you pour in whipping cream, add a CO2 charger, and it works just like disposable canisters but without the extra starch and sugar), but I just added it to my Amazon cart, justifying that it will be a healthy and pleasurable addition to my low carb diet and not just that I'm too lazy to clean the blender each time I want whipped cream OR that it will add an extra 200 calories a day to my diet that I don't need...  It does seem really fun and cool though.

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I've been doing a little reading up on these Fuji Instax cameras and film. They seem pretty cool to me. The Fuji film is very high quality, and due to the current popularity of this format will be available for awhile.


There is a camera upgrade option called a Mini Instax 90. It has less of a "Hello Kitty"look (which may, or may not appeal to a 10 year old girl) and it is a better featured camera. Were *I* buying into this format it would be worth it to me to blow fewer shots (given the expense of film) but maybe I'm just old and male. Anyway here is a link:





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The ones she's looking at are available on Amazon, and are all new, trendy-looking cameras. Like I said, these seem to be a "thing" with the YouTube kids she watches, so I was wondering if there was something about them that I was missing that seems to be bringing them back into popularity (somewhat).

Um, because they are über hip?

Seriously, I think it would be SO much fun, especially for a teen. Polaroids are perfect for the selfie generation; they make digital seem kind of lame (all the extra steps to print when you can have your photo *right now!*). Plus you actually get your photos instead of forgetting about them on your phone or whatever. I would love one--they seem so fun! :)

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I don't know many kids who aren't familiar with digital photography - even if no one in the family has a dedicated digital camera, there's usually at least one phone that takes decent pictures, so I'd somewhat assume that she knows what digital can do.


If she truly doesn't, I would do a quick comparison and then leave it up to her.


I used to truly hate it when my parents 'left it up to me' but still tried to talk me out of a decision, and persuade me why X would be better than Y. It took away some of the fun and pleasure out of buying something with my own money, and/or trying something new. 


Spending money and time in ways that baffle adults is half the fun of being a kid  :laugh:

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ETA: at the moment I'm trying to talk myself out of buying a whipped cream canister (you pour in whipping cream, add a CO2 charger, and it works just like disposable canisters but without the extra starch and sugar), but I just added it to my Amazon cart, justifying that it will be a healthy and pleasurable addition to my low carb diet and not just that I'm too lazy to clean the blender each time I want whipped cream OR that it will add an extra 200 calories a day to my diet that I don't need... It does seem really fun and cool though.

If you have an immersion blender you can make whipped cream in just a few seconds. No charger needed. :)

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I think kids like the novelty. One of mine just adores old stuff even if it is completely impractical.


I don't know if I'd talk her out of it. Not saying I would not be tempted to.

This. My niece has a Polaroid camera, along with old fashioned phones, and other old stuff. This weekend when the kids were able to pick a keepsake from my Grandma's things after she passed away, she took the old time radio.


My DD has the "new" Polaroid type camera - instamax. The photos on that thing are tiny! But it is about $1.00 per photo to buy the film, so not practical for everyday use. She already has a digital camera and photo capable tablet as well.

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