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Can Tapestry of Grace be used secularly?

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I like the idea of Tapestry but I'm wondering if it would be easy to skip over the religious content.  I don't mind some as regards to history though. 


I'm trying to find a high school curriculum for Ancients so if you have any other recommendations please let me know.

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The whole point of ToG is that religion is woven into all of the subjects. I can't imagine how you tweak it to be anywhere near secular without spending a great deal of time and effort - and it's a bit expensive to buy if you don't want it for what it is, imo. 


From their site (these are varied quotes taken from different parts of the site): 


A primary emphasis in our Teacher's Notes and Student Activity Page questions is the frequent noting of evidence of God's sovereignty in history (which will trouble no true believer in God).


Our sincere hope is that through these pages, we can all grow in our understanding of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. So, come, and magnify the Lord with us, and let us exalt His name together!


An award-winning homeschool curriculum: a plan of study that helps parents provide a Christian, classical education using a guided unit study approach, with the history of the world as the core organizational theme.


Tapestry's Teacher's Notes and Student Activity Page questions emphasize God's sovereignty in history, frequently noting specific evidences of His work as we understand it. It is our belief that children need to be led in "connecting the dots" of the events of history with both Scripture and a sense of the loving, active presence of God in world events. It is our aim to strengthen in them a sense of both humility and destiny as they view the sweeping majesty of God acting in HIS story.


Our goal is not to raise students who are puffed up with knowledge, but to help students understand themselves and the world around them clearly enough to realize their individual and our collective need for a Savior. Our sincere hope is that through these pages, we can all grow in our understanding of Jesus Christ, the Lord of history.

We know that human language was created by God, and for a specific purpose or purposes, because we know that all things were created by God, and always for His purposes (1 Corinthians 8:6 and Proverbs 16:14). 
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Just make sure your children are aware of the different world religions and what the different religions believe in. If you understand what a religion believes, then your child will have a better understanding of why cultures behave the way they do. It would be a good ideal to compare the different religions to see how they treat their women, children and others that do not adhere to their religion. You might want to look at how they view their God and what he or she does for them. Look at the issue of orgins and how they treat the earth. So much of history is influenced by religion.

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I am using TOG secularly, so it definitely can be done. Ancients is the most difficult year to secularize because several weeks rely on the Bible as a main source for history. I stretched out our time with Egypt, India, and China to avoid this. Ancient Americas, Greece, and Rome could all easily be stretched, too. There is a lot there.


Whether it is worth your time and money when you are looking for secular history is another question. I bought 3 years of TOG before realizing I would prefer a secular curriculum. I will make it work since I bought it and I do like it overall. However, if I had a do-over I don't think I would buy it again. TOG is a lot of work and even more so when you have to edit out So Much.

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