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If I never hear ___________ again, it will be too soon.

Miss Peregrine

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"Just a minute." Said after every single thing I ever ask them to do. At first I allowed it because I thought, hey, their stuff is important too, I don't want to be a tyrant, and no, I don't mind them finishing writing an email before they clean the kitchen, or watching the last five minutes of their show before they head off to bed. But now, it's every. single. time.


"Can you take out the trash?" "Just a minute."


"Please pick up your back pack off the floor." "Just a minute."


"The house is burning down. We should step outside." "Just a minute."

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"Just a minute." Said after every single thing I ever ask them to do. At first I allowed it because I thought, hey, their stuff is important too, I don't want to be a tyrant, and no, I don't mind them finishing writing an email before they clean the kitchen, or watching the last five minutes of their show before they head off to bed. But now, it's every. single. time.


"Can you take out the trash?" "Just a minute."


"Please pick up your back pack off the floor." "Just a minute."


"The house is burning down. We should step outside." "Just a minute."

Ohhh I need to add this to mine too...!!! Both my kids say this to stall then never do what I asked out of forgetfulness or maybe even deliberately. In any case the other day it drove me so crazy that I officially added a family rule to the..like, one or two we actually have: DO NOT EVER TELL ME just a minute EVER AGAIN. Come see me when I call out to you and do what what I ask..all without saying that ever again. Its all the time here too, like I've got all this time to wait on them to leisurely finish something, then most of the time they forget to even do whatever it is.

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DS 10:  "Mom, I've got a question..." (usually requires me listening to some 10 minute long soliloquy about Ninjago, Lego, or Knex roller coasters)

DS 14:  "I forgot" or "I don't know" (always involves something with school)



Yes these! Lately ds says, "No clue."



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"but Mom, NOBODY___________" or "EVERYBODY_______________"


I'd believed that sort of peer-focused pre-teen angst was a product of being stuck in same-age groups constantly and that homeschooling would negate it. But nope. And it's even more frustrating when I can give multiple counter-examples from our HS group alone, but she still insists that NOBODY or EVERYBODY does, believes, wears, or says X, Y or Z.

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"It's a secret." - in reply to any question I might ask related to a book C is reading/just finished reading.


Any sentence starting with "Don't you know". That one is banned at our house now.


On the upside, they say cute things too. B recently has been saying the flowers are 'blooping'. :)

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"I have to admit..." This is the way my dh starts when he's about to relate his disapproval or annoyance with me. Yeah, I could definitely be happy going the rest of my life without hearing those four words from him. Because, NO, you actually don't have to admit it. You can keep it to yourself!!! :lol:

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"What's for dinner?" said by my 8 year old as he comes into the kitchen because he's been called in to set the table and can look and see exactly what dinner is because it's already made.  He's actually banned from asking.

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