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How are the AP testers holding up?

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DS took the calculus BC this morning. He's got US history on Friday and physics C mechanics on Monday. He thought he was going to be the only one taking the BC calc, but was pleasantly surprised to meet two other homeschoolers taking the exam. The local high school only offers AB calc, but they are willing to proctor exams for homeschoolers!


I wish I could say I thought he did well, but apparently he had some kind of calculator crisis. He doesn't think that it affected too many problems, but it is unfortunate.

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DS took the calculus BC this morning. He's got US history on Friday and physics C mechanics on Monday. He thought he was going to be the only one taking the BC calc, but was pleasantly surprised to meet two other homeschoolers taking the exam. The local high school only offers AB calc, but they are willing to proctor exams for homeschoolers!


I wish I could say I thought he did well, but apparently he had some kind of calculator crisis. He doesn't think that it affected too many problems, but it is unfortunate.


That is so unfortunate. Poor guy. Hopefully his other exams will all be smooth sailing.


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DD took Calc BC this morning.  She said it went well.  Apparently, the periodic alarms (and screaming voices in hallway) from yesterday were still present today.  I asked her if anyone said anything to proctor, but she said she thinks the students are accustomed to it. 


On the bright side, she is half-way done for this year!! :)

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It just hit me that your guy is nearly done with his high school education! Wow and congratulations!


Thank you!  He is so ready, but the next two and a half weeks are going to be crazy.  He just finished Physics, has the AP Lit test tomorrow, a very big paper due in US History, a French 4/5 final and project due next week, and finals in his public school enrichment courses and a classical guitar recital.


Then the crazy week of the 18th... he and his sister are in Fiddler on the Roof (she is Golde and he is Lazar Wolf (L'Chiam!), we have a house full of people flying for the play and his graduation on Friday and a BIG graduation BBQ party on Sat..


It is going to be a crazy time.  We are all just going to want to sleep for a week after this!


(Also, we may be heading out your way again this summer.  I will pm you when I have firmed this up.  Have to head to a wedding out there.)

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Er, what's the PAHS AP code? :blushing:


Now, if dd has ditched both her her PAHS courses (but is still taking the tests), I'd think she's just putting in the regular homeschool code?  There is a regular homeschool code, yes?  - and is it national, or by state?


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Now, if dd has ditched both her her PAHS courses (but is still taking the tests), I'd think she's just putting in the regular homeschool code?  There is a regular homeschool code, yes?  - and is it national, or by state?



Go to this CB website and download the AP Coordinator's Manual. On page 18, you should find the homeschool codes.

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Quote this morning as Ds headed out the door to take his AP English Lit test... "For better or worse, it's almost over!"

Haha, that was certainly the attitude of my 2 oldest sons as they headed off to take that exam too!  They will not be sorry to see the end of all those similar terms and vague nuances in questions!

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It's only the Wednesday before ds's exams begin and I'm beginning to see burnout. He and his girlfriend have been getting together about an hour after school finishes and then study until about 9:30 or so. It'll be good when May 16th gets here.


In the meantime, ds has an acupuncture session this Saturday which he's done for years to control acne and help him destress. Believe it or not, it helps! I'm also trying to get his girlfriend and him to go in for a 15-minute massage this weekend but ds does not want to do that. They prefer to eat cookies. lol.

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Haha, that was certainly the attitude of my 2 oldest sons as they headed off to take that exam too!  They will not be sorry to see the end of all those similar terms and vague nuances in questions!


:D I think my son feels the same way. He was muttering something about poetry being his undoing as he exited the house a few minutes ago. When you are a "non-reader," the AP Lang test is way more appealing than the AP Lit test.


Best wishes to everyone with Lit and Physics I tests today.


On a side note, ds was texting with a good sailing friend who is taking the Lit test this morning too. She was asking him what to expect on this test. :svengo: He was shocked that her teacher hadn't told them what to expect. If it were another kid, I'd suspect that she hadn't paid attention in class, but after reading some of the horror stories on College Confidential, I doubt it's her issue. She is one of the most together young people I know and has some amazing college offers. Argh! That makes me appreciate Maya Inspektor at PAHS even more, if that's possible.


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Last night when I went to bed I peeked into ds's room, he was asleep on his AP guide. This morning when I got up, I found him on the couch, again asleep on his AP guide. I'm hoping osmosis is working for him.  :lol:


When we went in and filled out the paperwork for the AP in advance, we just used the homeschool code for our state. Does ds need to figure out how to change this to add the PAHS code? Does it matter?

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Last night when I went to bed I peeked into ds's room, he was asleep on his AP guide. This morning when I got up, I found him on the couch, again asleep on his AP guide. I'm hoping osmosis is working for him.  :lol:


When we went in and filled out the paperwork for the AP in advance, we just used the homeschool code for our state. Does ds need to figure out how to change this to add the PAHS code? Does it matter?


If you change it to PAHS, then the teachers will get to see the student scores and it's part of their record, I believe.


Oh your poor guy! Osmosis, yes that would be lovely if it worked. I can't count the number of times I have found Sailor Dude asleep in the middle of all the homework chaos and AP study guides. It takes a while for book creases to go away, even in young faces.


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:D I think my son feels the same way. He was muttering something about poetry being his undoing as he exited the house a few minutes ago. When you are a "non-reader," the AP Lang test is way more appealing than the AP Lit test.


Best wishes to everyone with Lit and Physics I tests today.


On a side note, ds was texting with a good sailing friend who is taking the Lit test this morning too. She was asking him what to expect on this test. :svengo: He was shocked that her teacher hadn't told them what to expect. If it were another kid, I'd suspect that she hadn't paid attention in class, but after reading some of the horror stories on College Confidential, I doubt it's her issue. She is one of the most together young people I know and has some amazing college offers. Argh! That makes me appreciate Maya Inspektor at PAHS even more, if that's possible.


One thing that struck me when reading the AP teacher discussion boards was the number of times a teacher would ask about sources for practice free response questions because they didn't realize there were years of frq's with sample answers on the CB website.

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One thing that struck me when reading the AP teacher discussion boards was the number of times a teacher would ask about sources for practice free response questions because they didn't realize there were years of frq's with sample answers on the CB website.



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One thing that struck me when reading the AP teacher discussion boards was the number of times a teacher would ask about sources for practice free response questions because they didn't realize there were years of frq's with sample answers on the CB website.


I haven't seen that particular one, but I have seen other questions that make me wonder about the AP support for that teacher either by their school or the district. We are from a large, well-funded district with numerous AP classes and teachers. Ds tested with 177 other AP English Language students from his school alone last year. I take things for granted and forget that in a more rural area, a teacher could be the only one teaching AP history for miles around.


Sometimes I think as a homeschool educator I get more help and support from this board than many teachers in B&M schools do. But then I also don't like surprises and I do like to research.


While the idea of an AP teacher not telling their students what is on an AP exam distresses me, on the other hand, I am often blown away by the dedication, passion, and intelligent writing that the AP teachers demonstrate on those boards. I find that encouraging.



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When we went in and filled out the paperwork for the AP in advance, we just used the homeschool code for our state. Does ds need to figure out how to change this to add the PAHS code? Does it matter?


There are two codes they want....


1. They want the "School" which is B & M, homeschool or umbrella (or perhaps another that I don't know?) They only fill this out once with ss#, etc (though the place is still there on each answer sheet if I understand correctly.


2. The online provider code - In a separate space which they fill out for each answer sheet (for each test you have a separate answer sheet) - you can place the online provider code (3 digits).


(optional - PAHS also has an accredited high school diploma program - completely separate from their online classes. For people using this program - you have to be a PA resident - you would put their "school" code (6 digits).


It's possible to find these forms (they change a bit over the years) and practice on them at home...


ETA I forgot to answer your question. When you add the provider code, I believe they then get a copy of your grade and so have a better tally. 

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I haven't seen that particular one, but I have seen other questions that make me wonder about the AP support for that teacher either by their school or the district. We are from a large, well-funded district with numerous AP classes and teachers. Ds tested with 177 other AP English Language students from his school alone last year. I take things for granted and forget that in a more rural area, a teacher could be the only one teaching AP history for miles around.


Sometimes I think as a homeschool educator I get more help and support from this board than many teachers in B&M schools do. But then I also don't like surprises and I do like to research.


While the idea of an AP teacher not telling their students what is on an AP exam distresses me, on the other hand, I am often blown away by the dedication, passion, and intelligent writing that the AP teachers demonstrate on those boards. I find that encouraging.


No arguments on any count.  


There seem to be a lot of teachers who have been thrown into AP with little to no support by their school.  


There are a lot of teachers who are trying to glean anything they can from other experienced teachers and places like the AP teacher boards.  


Some of the folks on those boards are incredibly passionate and encouraging about their subjects.



I wonder if some of the teachers are being handed school approved or district approved syllabi that they are expected to use rather than creating their own.  I know it wasn't much poking around looking for free response questions before I found the large cache of them at CB.  It certainly is the first place I direct other folks to.

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I know it wasn't much poking around looking for free response questions before I found the large cache of them at CB.  It certainly is the first place I direct other folks to.


For Calc FRQ's there exists a list which gives the topics covered in each FRQ - so you can know which questions to use with the different chapters if you want to get them started earlier...Probably such a thing exists for other subjects...

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 6 total. She will graduate with 9 AP classes. Too bad it didn't help with getting her merit aid or into very selective colleges. 


Good for her for rising to the challenge, but I am sorry to hear that it wasn't helpful for school admissions. I am not sure what kind of difference it will make for ds, but then we aren't looking at very selective colleges. My hope is that the skills learned in pursuing the tougher classes will make a difference in surviving college.


Will she at least get some credits for her work and a bit of a break on total tuition?


By the way, we don't see enough of you. :D


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For Calc FRQ's there exists a list which gives the topics covered in each FRQ - so you can know which questions to use with the different chapters if you want to get them started earlier...Probably such a thing exists for other subjects...


They definitely exist for all of the history courses and probably for the others as well. It doesn't take much effort to find them. You do have to know that FRQs or DBQs or LEQs or SAQs are on the exam to begin with. :tongue_smilie:


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I haven't seen that particular one, but I have seen other questions that make me wonder about the AP support for that teacher either by their school or the district. We are from a large, well-funded district with numerous AP classes and teachers. Ds tested with 177 other AP English Language students from his school alone last year. I take things for granted and forget that in a more rural area, a teacher could be the only one teaching AP history for miles around.


Sometimes I think as a homeschool educator I get more help and support from this board than many teachers in B&M schools do. But then I also don't like surprises and I do like to research.


While the idea of an AP teacher not telling their students what is on an AP exam distresses me, on the other hand, I am often blown away by the dedication, passion, and intelligent writing that the AP teachers demonstrate on those boards. I find that encouraging.


LOL, I think my area is a little different. DS is prepping now for APUSH on Friday. He's taking the AP class at the public school, which has a grand total of nine students taking the test. They've had a tough year too, since their teacher died on the first day of school, had a substitute teacher for maybe 6 weeks, and a new teacher was hired in mid-October. Then they've had a lot of snow days this winter too. So the year's been very short, and with the re-worked APUSH test, nobody knows exactly what to expect. On the bright side, history is ds's strongpoint, and I think he'll do ok no matter what. On the other hand he *really* wants a 5 this year.


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 6 total. She will graduate with 9 AP classes. Too bad it didn't help with getting her merit aid or into very selective colleges. 



Wow, 9 APs.  That is impressive!


I do have to say that I was shocked that the school ds is going to attend really did not give much credit for the APs.  For them, the main thing was his ACT scores.  That is what is allowing him to skip all of the lower level courses - not his AP classes or tests.


I agree with swimmermom3, though, I believe the classes at PA Homeschoolers have been totally worth it.  The challenge, structure, and instruction has definitely done a better job than I could have in getting ds ready for college work.

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LOL, I think my area is a little different. DS is prepping now for APUSH on Friday. He's taking the AP class at the public school, which has a grand total of nine students taking the test. They've had a tough year too, since their teacher died on the first day of school, had a substitute teacher for maybe 6 weeks, and a new teacher was hired in mid-October. Then they've had a lot of snow days this winter too. So the year's been very short, and with the re-worked APUSH test, nobody knows exactly what to expect. On the bright side, history is ds's strongpoint, and I think he'll do ok no matter what. On the other hand he *really* wants a 5 this year.



I don't know whether to "like" this or cry, Jean. Those are really tough conditions to cope with when it is a revised, hotly contested exam where no one seems quite sure what to expect.


I'll keep my fingers crossed on that five for him for sure. AP classes are challenging enough without that kind of trauma. 


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I don't know whether to "like" this or cry, Jean. Those are really tough conditions to cope with when it is a revised, hotly contested exam where no one seems quite sure what to expect.


I'll keep my fingers crossed on that five for him for sure. AP classes are challenging enough without that kind of trauma. 



Thanks. It really has been a tough year for their class. On the plus side, they're a small group of great kids, and they've really pulled together this year.

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I don't know how we got from having all the time in the world to having a test tomorrow.




Is this for Computer Science? Good luck to your students and I hope you remain much calmer than I did this morning. Must remember not to caffinate myself on test mornings.


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Is this for Computer Science? Good luck to your students and I hope you remain much calmer than I did this morning. Must remember not to caffinate myself on test mornings.


AP Spanish is also tomorrow. both my dd's are taking it tomorrow. My dd who is taking the Computer Science AP is going to have to take it on the makeup date week after next...

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Is this for Computer Science? Good luck to your students and I hope you remain much calmer than I did this morning. Must remember not to caffinate myself on test mornings.


Yep. One is taking Comp Sci. It's his desired degree field and his first class in programming. So there is a lot of self imposed pressure.

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My middle ds cracks me up. He was quizzing me on Roman lit questions while I cooked. But he was also reading BBC and tossing in UK political questions.


:lol: I really enjoy the high school years. The intellectual growth always keeps you on your toes and keeps things interesting. I just wish I didn't feel that my brain was shrinking in direct proportion to the amount his is growing. I am beginning to feel slightly disadvantaged. :tongue_smilie:


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This will be our last year of APs for a while.  My HS junior has Am. Gov and Comp Gov Tuesday and Thursday next week, but then she will have pretty much exhausted the APs she can do and will be a full-time DE student.  She took these classes through Georgia Virtual School, and I don't have any idea how well they have prepared her.  She has had all 5s so far on a boatload of APs, though, so I am hoping her brain will just remember how to do it.  I asked her if there is any advantage to having done so many, though, and she was adamant that there is not.  Oh, well--still hoping!


Anyone else taking Comp Gov?  That seems to not be very popular.  I had a hard time even finding her a review book for it.  

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 She took these classes through Georgia Virtual School, and I don't have any idea how well they have prepared her.  


Just googled them and see that you can do these out of state...Please let us (or PM me) about the results- I'm very interested for others here.

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Oh, I hate it when they say, "The exam was fine, but I can't tell you about it." Like I'd run and blab to the board or something. :tongue_smilie:

I agree, really annoying!


My ds has done two, Calc BC and English Lit and has Physics C: Mehanics on Monday. Surprisingly, he felt great about the English essays ( so glad I made him do WWS 3 this year) which is odd for him.

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This will be our last year of APs for a while. My HS junior has Am. Gov and Comp Gov Tuesday and Thursday next week, but then she will have pretty much exhausted the APs she can do and will be a full-time DE student. She took these classes through Georgia Virtual School, and I don't have any idea how well they have prepared her. She has had all 5s so far on a boatload of APs, though, so I am hoping her brain will just remember how to do it. I asked her if there is any advantage to having done so many, though, and she was adamant that there is not. Oh, well--still hoping!


Anyone else taking Comp Gov? That seems to not be very popular. I had a hard time even finding her a review book for it.

Comp Gov is rarely taught. There was only one school in the ledger in my state this year and I really doubt they teach it vs just maintain a syllabus.


I wasn't able to find a review book at all except for one by Ethel Wood. But this was one of our favorite classes last year. Kids learned a ton. Yesterday ds2 was giving me UK election analysis.

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Comp Gov is rarely taught. There was only one school in the ledger in my state this year and I really doubt they teach it vs just maintain a syllabus.


I wasn't able to find a review book at all except for one by Ethel Wood. But this was one of our favorite classes last year. Kids learned a ton. Yesterday ds2 was giving me UK election analysis.


Ethel Wood book is the one I ended up with.  My daughter used her AP World book with excellent results.  

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My son's high school offers the AP Comp Gov exam. The corresponding class is called AP Political Science. In case anyone would like to know what they use to teach, the two books are


My Poly Sci Lab (Gov't in America -- Individual), Edwards, a Pearson ebook

Intro to Comparative Politics (AP Edition), Kesselman, 97811118344982, Cengage


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