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British Literature must read?

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When we talk about literature, it is easy to think that means only novels.  I would encourage you to also look for plays, short stories, poetry, essays and speeches.  Unfortunately for you, the British have given us rather a lot them worth reading.

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I'm working on this for next year, also.


So far I have:


Tale of Two Cities

Christmas Carol

Silas Marner

Canterbury Tales (selections)

choice of Shakespeare

Harry Potter

Jane Eyre

Screwtape Letters (audiodrama by Focus on the Family) starring Andy Serkis (aka Gollum)


He has already read lots of Tolkien, or I would have added that, too.  Oh, and Murder on the Orient Express.

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I would consider:


Piers Plowman (allegorical narrative poem)

Dream of the Rood

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight


Faerie Queen (incomplete English epic poem.  Only one "book" would be necessary.  I think we read the first one)

Docotor Faustus


The Rape of the Lock (narrative poem)

The Pilgrim's Progress

Paradise Lost

Gulliver's Travels

Dickens (A Tale of Two Cities, Great Expectations, etc)

Jane Eyre

Jane Austen (Sense and Sensibility or Pride and Prejudice)


This is what I could come up with quickly.  I know there is more poetry that I omitted!


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