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Nourishing Traditions people...I need a bit of help

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We started doing this type of lifestyle of eating 2 yrs ago. We felt alot better and kept our weight down. About 8 months ago, we stopped and went back to our normal Americanized lifestyle of eating. Bad!! I need to lose weight. I have gained 25 pounds that I never ever had before.


DH said he wants us to get back to the Nourishing Traditions way but also for me to starting doing Weight Watchers point system and methods for awhile until I get my weight off.


Now I am a bit confused. WW allows things that NT do not allow and vice versa (esp with the meat). I really prefer to calorie count so I can get the meat and the good fat that my body needs. I need to have NT like minded people to talk to me about this. You can pm me if you want or email me.





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I lost a lot of weight eating the "NT way" and stopped when I had stress in my life and gained it all back. I think, too, that if I could just get back at it the weight would come back off. If you want to try counting calories and eating whole, nutritious foods, try it that way. Can you tell your dh you would like to try to get the weight off that way first?

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Are you saying that you'd like to combine WW and NT, or that your DH wants you to do this? :confused:


In any case, I suspect it would be easiest to go with NT alone if that's what you feel is healthiest. Adding WW to the mix would be complicated, it could be counter-productive (ie. it may actually be harder to lose weight with the combo), and it might not be as healthy anyway.


And after all, isn't health the real goal?


Good luck meeting your goals!

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He is the one that wants me to try that combo but I am not seeing how it will work.


Kin- Did you implement all of NT or most of it? I do not care to eat the organ meat. :eek: I am curious about what you did.



I do believe Weight WAtchers can work but boy oh boy you really starve yourself doing that. I did it last week. Strictly WW and I was starving and very irritable. I was doing it based on my weight which is 20 points. You can't eat much....not even meat before your points rack up.


I do need to read the book again. I know the basics really well. I cook with butter, coconut oil and EVOO. Meat is still a big portion of our diet due to my iron levels being on the low side (not dangerously though) but enough for the dr to tell me to eat alot of red meat. (I can't have beans or legumes...They aggravate my irritable bowels and cause me to have diverticulites....OUCH!! )





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Sally Fallon (author of NT) has another book called Eat Fat, Lose Fat which includes a very healthy traditional-nutrition based weight loss plan. Perhaps you can tell your hubby you'd rather start with that?


I've never done Weight Watchers, so I'm not sure, but my impression of it (my sil is on it) is that it would be difficult if not impossible to combine with the principles of NT. I'd recommend EF,LF instead.

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I second the menu mailer!

Have you talked to Kerry Ann?


we are NT now (still havent gotten to the organ meat yet).


I did ww a couple of years ago. i felt terrible.

Now i look back and see all the chemicals, bad fats and sugar.


It helps a lot of people but personally, for me it wasnt worth it.


I could stand to loose a good 20 lbs but my yougest is still nursing.

When she stops i'm going to look into the master cleanse but I will not be counting calories, starving or taking away the HEALTHY coconut oil.



kerry Ann helped me out quite a bit.

When I first started I found that I lost a little bit but DH had a bigger weight loss (which he does not need or want).


She suggested I add in extra grains and carbs to his meals as side dishes.

Since then things have been great.


good luck!

email me if you want to chat

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We started doing this type of lifestyle of eating 2 yrs ago. We felt alot better and kept our weight down. About 8 months ago, we stopped and went back to our normal Americanized lifestyle of eating. Bad!! I need to lose weight. I have gained 25 pounds that I never ever had before.


DH said he wants us to get back to the Nourishing Traditions way but also for me to starting doing Weight Watchers point system and methods for awhile until I get my weight off.


Now I am a bit confused. WW allows things that NT do not allow and vice versa (esp with the meat). I really prefer to calorie count so I can get the meat and the good fat that my body needs. I need to have NT like minded people to talk to me about this. You can pm me if you want or email me.






This is so funny!!! I haven't read any of the other response but I could of wrote your post TODAY!! lol I'm rolling here, can you tell??


I just started back to Weight Watchers. I do Nourishing Traditions also and really struggled with how to do WW AND NT! lol It's taken ALOT of thought on my part on HOW to do this right. I do NOT want any junk food as in processed junk. I shop mostly organic and I use all whole grains, etc. just as NT suggests. At WW they do push their processed JUNK. That's what it is. I refuse to give in to that junk. I won't buy it at all. I do need the accountability of WW so I need to do WW without the junk. I found sprouted tortillas for 1 pt today along with sprouted buns for 2 pts each. I am thrilled! I didn't think I could find low point stuff without resorting to the junk they sell at Walmart, if you know what I mean. I won't be using sugar, artificial sweeteners, frozen meals, white flour or any of their bars, etc. I am hoping I can pull this off. I have got to lose my weight again. I can't do it without accountability so I'm hoping this works.


Please email me if you want to chit chat about it. I'm so excited someone else it attempting the same thing as me AND on the same day as I did. lol Too funny!

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Wendy K.

Thank thank thank you so much!!! I will look into those two books you recommend. I do have the NT book so I will start reading it again. :001_smile: I do need to order the EFLF book. I will see if the library have the other two.


You reminded me why I liked the NT diet.



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Ok a question...


Can you calorie count and be successful with NT/EFLT?







Actually, WW is calorie counting. Using the points system is counting calories. YOu can combine the two. Just eat NT and use the points system with WW. That's what I'm gonna do. It's work fine. It will take planning. Oh, and by the way, I only use olive oil, coconut oil, and butter and I'm counting my points for it. I also take cod liver oil daily and using points for it also. You can do this.

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Here is my confusion...With WW point system and then doing the NT way of eating will put me over my points. How do you that? I tried WW way but I was starving really badly last week. However I didn't buy their junk though. hhmmm...


Can you pm me and explain it bit better? Do you go a bit higher on the points than what they say to do? I can only have 20 points according to WW but whoa that is very little food. ha ha:001_huh:


About how many points would red meat be? Do you count the broth and the other stuff that you put in?





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The high calorie thing is what gets me the most in the NT book. I do have to ask why 2200 calories?


According to my height, weight and activity I should not eat more than 1500 calories...



I was working out a lot and wanted to burn the fat as much as possible. So, I followed a weight lifting recommendation for losing weight, which involved me eating a lot of nutrient dense calories, doing cardio to burn calories and weight training to build muscle. I also had to get my metabolism moving and eating more calories certainly helped to do that.

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Here is my confusion...With WW point system and then doing the NT way of eating will put me over my points. How do you that? I tried WW way but I was starving really badly last week. However I didn't buy their junk though. hhmmm...


Can you pm me and explain it bit better? Do you go a bit higher on the points than what they say to do? I can only have 20 points according to WW but whoa that is very little food. ha ha:001_huh:


About how many points would red meat be? Do you count the broth and the other stuff that you put in?






If you eat whole foods, you will find you are full quicker then if you eat processed stuff like when you was on WW before. Go ahead and drink the full fat milk and figure up the points. Eat LOTS of fresh vegetables with 0 points. Eat fruit and count the points. Stay away from juice as you use up points and really it's not filling for you anyway. Eat the meat and fish and chicken, count points. Don't forget to drink lots of water to help fill you up. Also, exercise daily to earn more points. And most important, don't forget to use those 35 extra points each week. If you get 20 per day then add in 5 extra (35 divided by 7 is 5 each day) per day so that would make you 25 per day to eat on. That should be plenty plus the exercise points. Use all your points or at least MOST of them each day. You will still lose weight. Stay away from anything processed as in candy, sweets, junk, you know. You can do it. I am! Just plan, plan, plan. It's no different then if you were doing NT and counting calories. Let me know if you have any more questions. I sent you an private message too.

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By the way, red meat is listed in your book. Just look up the points for it. It would depend on how much fat is in it. The fattier the meat the more points.


It really wouldn't matter if you did WW or counted points alone. It's still the exact same thing. Your body can only handle so many calories (points) before it will gain. You will still have to eat less calories in order to lose weight. Either way.

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But don't you have the other WW system over there in the U.S. as well? The no counting one? That one worked for me. I know it does vary from country to country but in the Australian version you can eat any lean meat, two pieces of bread, any fruit and veg, low fat yoghurt, milk etc...all before counting points. In other words, you can fill up, you don't have to be hungry, but you have to eat within a certain range of foods and only at meal times (fruit between meals). Then all the other stuff, such as the more luxurious and oily foods in NT, could count towards the extra points you are allotted.


I have lost weight on WW but gee is can be hard. I am eating more NT lately and I do enjoy butter, cream, bacon :), but in moderation, and I don't seem to be putting on weight. (Not losing it either but I am not overweight, but not skinny. ) I did go from wanting to lose a small amount and joining up to WW online recently, over to NT. Kind of two extremes, really, aren't they? But NT makes me feel satiated on smaller quantities of food, which I find harder with WW.


In the end, anything which is a big change from your normal eating patterns is doomed to failure. The best bet is to change your normal eating patterns slowly and form new habits. I find just thinking about my worst offenders helps- whether its nuts, which it sometimes is, or sweet things, which it sometimes is. Then I allow myself smaller amounts of them and overall cut back.


Anything which deprives or restricts me can't work for long, and WW is the worse for that, even though I have lost weight on it.

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  • 4 years later...
Guest April.flowers
This is so funny!!! I haven't read any of the other response but I could of wrote your post TODAY!! lol I'm rolling here, can you tell??


I just started back to Weight Watchers. I do Nourishing Traditions also and really struggled with how to do WW AND NT! lol It's taken ALOT of thought on my part on HOW to do this right. I do NOT want any junk food as in processed junk. I shop mostly organic and I use all whole grains, etc. just as NT suggests. At WW they do push their processed JUNK. That's what it is. I refuse to give in to that junk. I won't buy it at all. I do need the accountability of WW so I need to do WW without the junk. I found sprouted tortillas for 1 pt today along with sprouted buns for 2 pts each. I am thrilled! I didn't think I could find low point stuff without resorting to the junk they sell at Walmart, if you know what I mean. I won't be using sugar, artificial sweeteners, frozen meals, white flour or any of their bars, etc. I am hoping I can pull this off. I have got to lose my weight again. I can't do it without accountability so I'm hoping this works.


Please email me if you want to chit chat about it. I'm so excited someone else it attempting the same thing as me AND on the same day as I did. lol Too funny!



I would LOVE to know the brands of the sprouted products you buy for low points, and where you get them from. I don't have any good stores that carry good food near me, so I am trying to source via the internet for some of the things I can't get close by, and those would definately make the list of things to find.

I am going to be attempting WW with NT likely starting next week. Also, have you tried the new program, or are you using the old plan? I would love to know. I used the old plan in the past, but was thinking maybe the new plan might work better with NT(because it doesn't count calories), but since I haven't tried it, I'm not sure. What do you think about it? Is it all pretty much the same, or do you see one plan working better with NT than the other??

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What is the cost of eating this way overall would you say?


We don't eat this way, although I have tried to do some whole foods eating for a while.


I want us to eat better, but my issue (besides cost) is time spent in the kitchen. I do not want to spend hours and hours per day preparing and cleaning in the kitchen.



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