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Exercise Thread ~ April 26 - May 2


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Decided that now that the race is over I was going back to 2 miles when I run until my hip muscles ease up, but increase my pace a little.  So today I actually shaved a minute off of my time per mile.  I'm shocked!  And right now I feel super good at only 2 miles per run even with the extra pace.   I think my slower pace pre-race was me playing it extra safe.  I guess I"m capable of more. :)


I also did a full round of hip strengthening exercises, foam rolling and stretches.  Feeeelin great!


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I was so tired after working concessions on Saturday that I took sunday off...and monday...and tuesday, lol.


But today I got in a 30 mins Tracy Anderson workout and am happy to say that I hadn't lost any ground from taking a few days off. That is unusual for me with Tracy Anderson.

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Tried out at least three (probably more) Exercise TV routines from You Tube. Did each of them for at least 10-20 minutes. Didn't like any of them that much, but still got a workout, especially for the core (my weakest area).

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Mobilization, stretch, roll, MA (couched), sprints



I've been going to PT.   It's not what I thought it was going to be.  I thought it was going to be more isolation exercises but maybe that comes later?   Whatever he's doing, I feel pretty beat up for a day or two after.

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Well, I felt a bit blah myself yesterday, likely hormonal. I did a 20ish min brisk walk but no MUTU, first I've skipped it in a good while. Yoga class in the evening, wasn't feeling it when I got there but so glad I went. Today is another yoga class and a walk sometime this afternoon/evening. Planning on Mutu this am. Still haven't done the KB swings.

Nothing so far today. I just felt " off" last night during weights and yoga. This morning I'm headachey and my hip hurts for some reason. Soo maybe this evening something.

I hear ya, hopefully it passes soon, better to listen to your body!


Decided that now that the race is over I was going back to 2 miles when I run until my hip muscles ease up, but increase my pace a little.  So today I actually shaved a minute off of my time per mile.  I'm shocked!  And right now I feel super good at only 2 miles per run even with the extra pace.   I think my slower pace pre-race was me playing it extra safe.  I guess I"m capable of more. :)


I also did a full round of hip strengthening exercises, foam rolling and stretches.  Feeeelin great!


I'm glad you cut back on your distance, I hope that you can move on without pain if you work at this level a while- Huzzah on being faster!

Dh and I played singles tennis this afternoon. It was a great match, and he was supposed to let me win as it's my birthday. I just kept hitting crazy-bad balls, though, and ended up losing in a tie-breaker. What a weirdo I am! ;)

:biggrinjester:  :biggrinjester:  :biggrinjester: Happy Birthday!


I went to the gym and did the second workout of C25k week 5. Then I ran into a friend and talked with her as we walked on the treadmill for an hour. Then my oldest DS came home from school and wanted to go to the gym. He had two major hip reconstruction surgeries in the last year, so I want to encourage him to continue working toward complete recovery, so I went with him and walked for another 30 minutes while he tried running for the first time - success (yay!).

It's not even 4 pm where I live and I'm almost at 18,000 steps for today.

Sounds like a great day!


I know that you're not supposed to, but I use blocks.  It helps a lot.  You can also to a "3 part" jump through.  There was a tutorial on YogaGlo, and the last part really work your abs.  


It is a lot of chatarangas.  I start losing form.  I need to be good and drop to my knees when that happens, because you can injure your shoulders. 

I'll look up the 3 part jump through, I just did too many mostly and lost my form as I'm not that strong. I did ok on the chatarangas, I only go until I can keep my form, after that I just skipped them totally as I knew my shoulders were totally taxed. I had rested them for 2 days prior so they were nice and fresh and able to do more. I just keep adding a bit more and a bit more but I try to stay conscious of my form.


It's been another crazy week.  It has to ease up, right??


Sunday --went to church then came home and slept for 2.5 hrs.  I had wanted to do yoga, but I was too wiped out.


Monday-couldn't get out of bed to run. Did manage to back into someone's parked car after dropping my kids off at violin.  Bad day.  




Wednesday--I'm planning on a 4m run after I drop my son off for baseball.  I spent the morning getting my gallbladder tested.  This test took 90.  I had to lay there for 60 minutes, then drink something that was not pleasant and lay for another 30 minutes.  Fun times.



I hope you get to feeling better very soon :(

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I bought a smoothie recipe book a long time ago. Never cracked it open. So I've decided to try a new smoothie every day or at least a new one every week. Today was honeydew, cucumber, pear with plain kefir and water. I added stevia to sweeten as the melon is not very ripe. Boo for not picking a good melon. 


The recipe actually says to juice the fruits and drink that way. But I don't juice so I will turn all juicing recipes into smoothie ones by adding kefir/water/milk of some kind/etc. 

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Kim~I hope it eases up for you.  This time of year can be crazy and gross tests with unpleasant drinks does not help  :grouphug:


I did manage a gentle 4 mile walk with dh yesterday.  I felt better this morning so a little yoga and a gentle run.


Fitbit people~~do I want one? if I'm in fairly good shape what knowledge will I gain? I'm interested but I'm also trying to simplify. Do I  really want another gizmo?

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Today is strength training.



About my Jawbone (Fitbit alternative). I got my Jawbone in December. Mine is not bleutooth because I didn't want that, but I wish it had a heart rate monitor because I think it would more accurately measure calories burned. Many people get them and get rid of them a month later. I was already making healthier lifestyle choices and this has aided me in the process so I like it, but if that's not what you want then don't bother. Negin posted an article saying that people only use them for 6 months. I totally buy that. In 6 months you've either implemented the changes or you're not going to. Here's what I've learned since I got mine:


I still sleepwalk. A LOT.

If I have caffeine after 8AM I sleep incorrectly.

I spend 4 hours a night laying in bed awake (my Jawbone has helped me change that to 45 minutes and my life has drastically improved).

Yogurt puts me in a bad mood and discourages me from working out.  :huh:

If I don't work out on Monday I won't work out more than 2 days that week.

If I go 3 days in a row without working out I don't sleep correctly.

My diet was much worse than I thought. But not anymore. ;)



Impressive, huh? My favorite feature is that it will wake me up within a 40 minute period when I'm in the right stage of my sleep cycle. My alarm is set for 5:30 so my alarm goes off between 5:10 and 5:50 when I'm the most rested. My husband got one too and now he wakes up to a vibration instead of a sound and he wakes me up much less frequently. I'm glad I got mine and I would recommend one to anyone who thinks they'd actually use it.

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Mobilization, stretch, roll, MA (couched), sprints



I've been going to PT.   It's not what I thought it was going to be.  I thought it was going to be more isolation exercises but maybe that comes later?   Whatever he's doing, I feel pretty beat up for a day or two after.


Sorry about the couched part.  I hope you are able to really watch and learn anyway.  


My sprained elbow is doing much better.  I start light strength building tomorrow... 


Wednesday- walked 6 miles with dh.


Thursday- martial arts tonight, maybe kettle bell if I'm awake enough.

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Went to yoga class and wasn't feeling all that spunky and when I got to class and I seen mostly new people I was happy thinking it would be an easy one. I was wrong, evidently at least one of the ladies is from the advanced class and she decided to go through the standing part of the primary series with us. I was really, really nervous when we started, hoping I could keep up and my arms wouldn't give out as we did chatarangas with 1 leg up last night and my shoulders were already a bit sore. BUT... I did just fine.... I was hot and sweaty but I was able to keep up and didn't have any difficulty with any of the postures, a couple I wish I could have done a bit more advanced but pretty well overall, especially on the stuff that I've not practiced very much.

Kim~I hope it eases up for you.  This time of year can be crazy and gross tests with unpleasant drinks does not help  :grouphug:


I did manage a gentle 4 mile walk with dh yesterday.  I felt better this morning so a little yoga and a gentle run.


Fitbit people~~do I want one? if I'm in fairly good shape what knowledge will I gain? I'm interested but I'm also trying to simplify. Do I  really want another gizmo?


I had a Fitbit one for awhile last year, I ended up sending it back because it kept on messing up and freezing and I wasn't terribly impressed anyway. It only counted stairs if they were done in a certain way, if I did them too fast it didn't register. On my sleep knowing that I was awake/awoken 14 times in a night just really didn't make me feel any better and it just wasn't super accurate anyway. I think about it off/on again- can't decide if I'd like to get one that just does steps or a fancier one that does heartrate, as of now I'm thinking I don't want anything else to keep track of right now.

Mobilization, stretch, roll, MA (couched), sprints



I've been going to PT.   It's not what I thought it was going to be.  I thought it was going to be more isolation exercises but maybe that comes later?   Whatever he's doing, I feel pretty beat up for a day or two after.

Well, I guess at least it is doing something, right? 

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Things I like about my Fitbit:


- as I walk rather than running, it makes me push myself to good heart rates

- it reminds me to do the bare minimum on busy days

- it helps me to remember not to go to bed too late, and reminds me that I have slept badly before I snap at the kids

- silent alarm

- I like seeing achievements laid out

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I haven't checked in for awhile, so here's my week so far:


Sunday - planned rest day


Monday - very mild migraine, so I was able to go on my usual little 2 mile run


Tuesday - weights (Stronglifts 5x5 workout A)


Wednesday - bad migraine, so the most I was able to accomplish was a little 1 mile walk in the evening when I was feeling a little better


Thursday - still had the migraine, but much milder, so went for a run


Hoping to do one more run, and Stronglifts workout B tomorrow and Saturday.

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Lower body didn't go as heavy on the dead lifts as my tush is still a little tired from a few days ago. 



I made peanut butter cookies last night for our guests today. Of course I had to taste a few. I mean I won't want to serve disgusting cookies. So, I am practicing self control by not eating any more today. Yet, my brain keeps telling me that peanut butter is a healthy fat. Yes, brown sugar is an ingredient, but that's the only bad part. The ingredients are just peanut butter, egg, and brown sugar. They are practically just little protein pellets! Healthy junk food! Right? 

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April was a good month for me. I hope May will be, as well!


Gym this morning with dh. I rode the bike (upped my resistance level and average speed, yay me) while he did weights.


My shoulder/bicep issue is frustrating me. I think I need to see a PT. I can't start for another two weeks, until dd is past her AP exam and her Arabic finals and English class is finished---just no time for that now.


Mom-ninja, I could go for a pb cookie right about now :D

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 Finished the evening with a very brisk 10 min walk and Mutu. I've been really working on increasing the speed and intensity of my walking this week, since my 3 older ones are all on bikes now- no training wheels- it makes a bit easier to keep a faster pace, well as long as I can get the 2yo to stay in the stroller. 


Slept horribly last night- pms hormones- tons to do today, will be leaving tonight for a 2 night camping trip that I have to plan for our scout group. Have to finish the details today and a bunch of other stuff. Hoping to get in mutu, walk and some yoga skills practice today. I'll probably not be doing any workout except hiking and games with the girls while I'm gone, will start in next Monday hitting it hard again, it will be good to give my muscles a bit of a break anyway and I'll have enough to worry about.

April was a good month for me. I hope May will be, as well!

Gym this morning with dh. I rode the bike (upped my resistance level and average speed, yay me) while he did weights.

My shoulder/bicep issue is frustrating me. I think I need to see a PT. I can't start for another two weeks, until dd is past her AP exam and her Arabic finals and English class is finished---just no time for that now.

Mom-ninja, I could go for a pb cookie right about now :D

I know, I haven't even had PB in ages but it sounds so good, doesn't help I'm PMSing today ......


Well, April wasn't great for me, started good and ended good, the middle was meh. I'm hoping May is fabulous, or I at least I plan for it to be.


I hear you on the busyness, I'm very much looking forward to a slower summer schedule and I'm thinking long and hard about anything I agree to do!! I hope you can take it easy on your shoulder/bicep until you can see a PT. 

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Everybody's contribution to this thread is so helpful and encouraging!


May goals:

- continue to run two miles, three times a week at a very gradual increase in pace.  

-keep strengthening my hip muscles and keep my legs and hips nice and stretched and relaxed.


Doesn't sound like much, but keeping my muscles happy has been a bigger challenge than beginning to run again, a race, etc.  Takes about twice as long as my runs too. lol


I *might* add light strength training at some point since DS12 wants to start this with some ab work and upper body.  I may do it with him.

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I'm working on goals 6 wks at a time, I'm in the middle of one right now, it ends half way through May.


Current goals-

-Strength-Conquer and own the chataranga - I want to be able to do all of the on my 60 min tape and not worry about how many are thrown at me in a class- doing great here but my performance on the 1 legged variety shows me there is still plenty to improve; 100 kb swings in 5 min (haven't been good about my practice on these), start Turkish Get Ups- have done the shoe practice- want to make my form smoother before adding weight


-Flexibility- front splits, getting close here, hoping to conquer it on one side by the end of this one, Standing bound half lotus- can do one side but not both


-Endurance-make it through full 90 min primary series- I think I do this now- I didn't finish it last time just because the boredom- the dvd I bought just happens to be like the most challenging version- which I will have to work up to- some could take years, really, years


-Balance- standing leg extension, front, side, no hands without break or leg falling- changing position while on one foot is especially challenging- especially without getting all shaky or wobbly- tree and eagle for 2 minutes(need to time where I'm at on these!)


- Yoga 5-6 days a week

-Walking 4-7 days a week

-Kettlebells 2 days a week

-Activity at least average 1hr day


After that-- 


Get some confidence in my free-standing headstand and move onto training handstands

Move up to more challenging arm balance poses- 8 angle pose, clean up side crow, peacock, firefly

backbends with 1 leg

King Pigeon one legged---> king pigeon

work on my yogic breathing- it is not deep enough- I notice the ladies in the advance class do this well - I've not really had this training or obviously not as well as them- I need improvement here



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I got in a 5km run this afternoon, as well as a 25min walk with the lab. I threw the tennis ball for the poodle to chase, but he was too hot to bother with it.  :laugh:  That dog is smart! I should consult him before exercising to make sure the temp is just right! ;)

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Went on a early morning breakfast date with dh then hiking a couple miles in a state park.   Very fun.  Then walked 3 miles before dinner.


Planning on stretching and mat work after boys are settled for the night.

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I don't know what my deal is. I always feel pretty darn good but my hip, knee and ankle are taking turns twinging and there is a giant muscle knot in my shoulder? It's probably from the giant de-cluttering I am still in the middle of. Progress is being made though! I did yoga and took a walk with dh after dinner for an hour or so. I tried to mostly keep my phone on me today ( I usually leave it sit in my bedroom. Not a phone person) and the pedometer said 13,000 steps so I guess I was active even if I didn't run.

Red squirrel- how much ginger? Inquiring minds want to know.

Winter mom- do not say bad things about the warmth or it will go away

Laura- your step count shames me

Candm-take care of that hip

All of you goal setters- good luck! I always play it by ear but I appreciate those who have a plan.


I hope you all have a great weekend. I'm booked solid through next Saturday so am going to fit in more nook and cranny clearing as I can.

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Goals for May:


  • Work out 5 days a week (strength>cardio>yoga>strength>cardio)
  • Hike Monday through Saturday
  • No cookies, candy or soda


What are yours?


I don't drink soda and very little candy. However, do NOT try to take my cookies. I likes my cookies. 



Speaking of cookies, they disappear quickly in the presence of children. They were faster than me and there were more of them and only one me. 

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I made peanut butter cookies last night for our guests today. Of course I had to taste a few. I mean I won't want to serve disgusting cookies. So, I am practicing self control by not eating any more today. Yet, my brain keeps telling me that peanut butter is a healthy fat. Yes, brown sugar is an ingredient, but that's the only bad part. The ingredients are just peanut butter, egg, and brown sugar. They are practically just little protein pellets! Healthy junk food! Right?

Just wanted to mention for anyone else who avoids sugar or limits carbs that you can make these with Splenda or stevia instead of the sugar, and they are so good! (I realize not everyone wants to use non-caloric sweeteners, just throwing it out there for those who do.)


1 cup peanut butter

1-1/3 cup Splenda

2 eggs

1 tsp vanilla


Mix until smooth. Drop onto greased baking sheet and flatten slightly. Bake for 30 minutes at 350.

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Thanks! I was wondering if I could make it with stevia.

I have a form of stevia that's equal measure to sugar (you know what I mean? They've added a bit of starch or something to bulk it up) and the recipe works just fine with that. You might consider adding just a bit of blackstrap molasses to get back that brown-sugar flavor. It wouldn't add many carbs.

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I'm a little concerned that I feel beat up all the time. I am sleeping good and eating good too. I think I need to reduce sprints to only once a week.


Today I'm going to rest. lol

Sprints are rough. Hope you feel better after a rest day! (Or two?)

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Don't forget: walking is most of what I do. Many of the rest of the people on this board are working out in ways I can't even imagine that don't involve thousands of steps.

Still, your step count does seem really high to me, which is great! Do you do a lot of "practical" walking in addition to your deliberate/exercise walking? I mean, where you live, do you walk a lot just to function, do errands, etc.? I live in a (typical American) VERY car-oriented city. I've told my husband many times that my dream is to move to a place where I can walk everywhere! :)

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Still, your step count does seem really high to me, which is great! Do you do a lot of "practical" walking in addition to your deliberate/exercise walking? I mean, where you live, do you walk a lot just to function, do errands, etc.? I live in a (typical American) VERY car-oriented city. I've told my husband many times that my dream is to move to a place where I can walk everywhere! :)


Not much practical walking - I live in the countryside and there's nowhere practical to go from my house.  I do do things like parking at the far end of car parks, but that's about it.   However, at the moment I am mulching the garden, so I spend a lot of time walking back and forth to the compost pile.  In addition, the Fitbit counts each shovelful as a step - I think that is legitimate (it's certainly exercise!) but it's not ground covered.


A more normal step count is something over 10,000, which would be a fifteen minute walk if I arrive early for work (unpredictable traffic), a half-hour walk at lunch time and a 40 minute walk with the dog after supper, plus normal activity.


Remember: I'm no longer home educating and I only have one teenager at home, so I don't have nearly the responsibilities that some people have.


22,000 steps/shovels today

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